IRC log of html-a11y on 2011-02-09
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 22:01:10 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y
- 22:01:10 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 22:01:15 [janina]
- rrsagent, make log public
- 22:01:21 [janina]
- Meeting: HTML-A11Y telecon
- 22:01:21 [janina]
- Chair: John_Foliot
- 22:01:21 [janina]
- agenda: this
- 22:01:21 [janina]
- agenda+ Identify Scribe
- 22:01:21 [janina]
- agenda+ Actions Review
- 22:01:22 [janina]
- agenda+ Issue-152 Multitrack API
- 22:01:24 [janina]
- agenda+ Time Tracks Feedback from Google
- 22:01:27 [janina]
- agenda+ Are we done with Time Tracks?
- 22:01:29 [janina]
- agenda+ Poster Issue
- 22:01:31 [janina]
- agenda+ Media Queries on Track
- 22:01:33 [janina]
- agenda+ Other Business?
- 22:01:35 [janina]
- agenda+ be done
- 22:01:58 [janina]
- zakim, this will be 2119
- 22:01:58 [Zakim]
- ok, janina; I see WAI_PFWG(A11Y)5:00PM scheduled to start now
- 22:02:05 [janina]
- zakim, code?
- 22:02:05 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 2119 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), janina
- 22:02:36 [janina]
- zakim, take up item 1
- 22:02:36 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Identify Scribe" taken up [from janina]
- 22:02:43 [janina]
- scribe: janina
- 22:02:51 [janina]
- zakim, close item 1
- 22:02:51 [Zakim]
- agendum 1, Identify Scribe, closed
- 22:02:52 [Zakim]
- I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 22:02:54 [janina]
- zakim, next item
- 22:02:54 [Zakim]
- 2. Actions Review [from janina]
- 22:02:55 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "Actions Review" taken up [from janina]
- 22:03:40 [silvia]
- zakim, mute me
- 22:03:40 [Zakim]
- sorry, silvia, I don't know what conference this is
- 22:04:24 [janina]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 22:04:24 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate janina
- 22:04:54 [janina]
- zakim, who's here?
- 22:04:54 [Zakim]
- WAI_PFWG(A11Y)5:00PM has not yet started, janina
- 22:04:55 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, silvia, JF, janina, MikeSmith, trackbot, [tm]
- 22:05:15 [janina]
- zakim, this will be WAI_PFWG(A11Y)
- 22:05:15 [Zakim]
- ok, janina, I see WAI_PFWG(A11Y)5:00PM already started
- 22:05:49 [silvia]
- zakim, mute me
- 22:05:49 [Zakim]
- sorry, silvia, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
- 22:06:07 [janina]
- zakim, who's here?
- 22:06:07 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see +1.650.862.aaaa, ??P1, +1.408.823.aabb, +61.2.937.4.aacc
- 22:06:09 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, silvia, JF, janina, MikeSmith, trackbot, [tm]
- 22:06:30 [janina]
- zakim, aacc is Silvia
- 22:06:30 [Zakim]
- +Silvia; got it
- 22:06:43 [silvia]
- zakim, mute me
- 22:06:43 [Zakim]
- Silvia should now be muted
- 22:06:47 [JF]
- zakim, aaaa is JF
- 22:06:47 [Zakim]
- +JF; got it
- 22:06:50 [janina]
- zakim, ??P1 is janina
- 22:06:50 [Zakim]
- +janina; got it
- 22:07:07 [janina]
- zakim, aabb is Eric
- 22:07:07 [Zakim]
- +Eric; got it
- 22:07:24 [janina]
- regrets: Geoff
- 22:08:11 [silvia]
- regrets: Sean
- 22:08:35 [silvia]
- action-88?
- 22:08:35 [trackbot]
- ACTION-88 -- Sean Hayes to review Media Fragment URI 1.0 -- due 2010-11-24 -- OPEN
- 22:08:35 [trackbot]
- 22:10:24 [janina]
- rrsagent, close action-88
- 22:10:24 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'close action-88', janina. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 22:10:29 [JF]
- action-96
- 22:10:31 [janina]
- zakim, close action-88
- 22:10:31 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'close action-88', janina
- 22:10:32 [silvia]
- clost action-88
- 22:10:40 [silvia]
- close action-88
- 22:10:40 [trackbot]
- ACTION-88 Review Media Fragment URI 1.0 closed
- 22:11:02 [silvia]
- action-96?
- 22:11:02 [trackbot]
- ACTION-96 -- Eric Carlson to media Sub Team to revisit bug 11395 (Use media queries to select appropriate <track> elements) -- due 2011-01-06 -- OPEN
- 22:11:02 [trackbot]
- 22:11:52 [janina]
- close action-96
- 22:11:52 [trackbot]
- ACTION-96 Media Sub Team to revisit bug 11395 (Use media queries to select appropriate <track> elements) closed
- 22:12:06 [silvia]
- Dave and Eric decided it would be too complex to extend media queries for this purpose
- 22:12:19 [silvia]
- action-99?
- 22:12:19 [trackbot]
- ACTION-99 -- Janina Sajka to annotate 9452 with clear audio discovery and selection, as well as independent control of multiple playback tracks -- due 2011-01-19 -- OPEN
- 22:12:19 [trackbot]
- 22:12:46 [janina]
- zakim, next item
- 22:12:46 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "Issue-152 Multitrack API" taken up [from janina]
- 22:13:06 [silvia]
- zakim, unmute me
- 22:13:06 [Zakim]
- Silvia should no longer be muted
- 22:13:27 [Zakim]
- +Judy
- 22:14:55 [janina]
- Silvia: WG wants change proposals by Feb 21
- 22:15:08 [janina]
- Silvia: Has a proposal, asking for feedback
- 22:15:23 [silvia]
- 22:15:44 [janina]
- Silvia: I prefer solution #1
- 22:16:03 [janina]
- Silvia: People should read the wiki and indicate their preferences
- 22:16:51 [janina]
- Silvia: Also a proposal that defines a position on screen for the element (which can be changed with CSS)
- 22:17:50 [janina]
- Silvia: Microsoft had been for option #2
- 22:18:09 [janina]
- Silvia: We need continued discussion, as different people prefer different solutions
- 22:18:28 [janina]
- Eric: Will do so later today
- 22:18:52 [janina]
- Eric: Favoring option #2 with mod of having src element inside track to accomodate different encodings
- 22:19:32 [janina]
- Eric: I've pinged Frank, but not heard back yet
- 22:19:45 [janina]
- John: Asking about #7
- 22:20:11 [janina]
- John: is it correct that sign video track would be positioned using css?
- 22:20:29 [janina]
- John: PIP might be too smal on handhel, no?
- 22:20:46 [janina]
- John: Wereas, if independent, could do better sizing
- 22:20:52 [janina]
- Silvia: Yes, that's an advantage of #7
- 22:21:31 [janina]
- Silvia: These are some of the points it would be good to see on list
- 22:21:57 [janina]
- Eric: Why can't that also via track element?
- 22:22:21 [janina]
- Silvia: Would imply too fundamental changes, currently track only renders on viewport and nowhere else on page
- 22:22:43 [janina]
- Silvia: Track currently can't have children
- 22:22:57 [janina]
- Silvia: Don't know if that's open to mod in the WG?
- 22:23:18 [janina]
- Eric: Suspect we'll discuss any of these in the WG, even though it's late in the timeline, it's just been postponed
- 22:23:55 [janina]
- John: Didn't we identify a user req to position anywhere?
- 22:24:07 [janina]
- Eric: Yes, but not possible with spec as it is now
- 22:24:12 [janina]
- Silvia: Would be through js
- 22:24:30 [janina]
- Silvia: So, possible but not simple
- 22:26:22 [janina]
- Silvia: Proposing to widden the discussion
- 22:26:36 [janina]
- Judy: Proposing it should be on the W3C list
- 22:27:16 [janina]
- Judy: It's a critical piece of getting a11y addressed in W3C, so wouldn't make sense to not have it on W3C
- 22:27:24 [janina]
- Silvia: Problem is I've had no response on the W3C list
- 22:27:44 [janina]
- Judy: So, we should figure how to get the discussion going
- 22:28:02 [janina]
- Silvia: No reason to take it off, but should not be a problem widdening the discussion
- 22:28:39 [janina]
- Silvia: Just wonder if it makes sense to post to the WG list
- 22:28:47 [janina]
- Judy: Maybe that's why there's no response yet.
- 22:29:22 [janina]
- John: My concern is to avoid multiple discussions, too many gotchya possibilities.
- 22:29:55 [janina]
- Silvia: I'll keep track and report, but I want more opinions.
- 22:30:02 [janina]
- Eric: Agree, this topic is too important
- 22:30:21 [janina]
- Eric: We had this discussion sometime ago, and it's not progressing.
- 22:30:40 [janina]
- Judy: Thought the reason it's been silent is that more work was anticipated? Not so?
- 22:30:57 [janina]
- Silvia: The "More work part" is more discussion.
- 22:31:06 [janina]
- Silvia: Don't want a solution that's had too little vetting.
- 22:31:44 [janina]
- Silvia: I don't mean anything official--just to communicate what we're considering.
- 22:33:14 [janina]
- Judy: Important point is that we need to move forward and have a wider discussion
- 22:33:40 [janina]
- John: Do we revisit this next week? With the sense of a decision from the TF?
- 22:33:44 [janina]
- Silvia: Makes sense.
- 22:34:40 [janina]
- John: OK, any more on this?
- 22:35:28 [janina]
- Judy: One question: Given discussion is being raised in the broader group, has there been any feedback that we should chase down?
- 22:36:25 [janina]
- Janina: Yes, we should solicit feedback from a11y people with experience on this, NCAM, DAISY, etc
- 22:38:14 [janina]
- John: More on this?
- 22:38:19 [janina]
- zakim, next item
- 22:38:19 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "Time Tracks Feedback from Google" taken up [from janina]
- 22:38:44 [janina]
- John: An executive overview?
- 22:39:31 [janina]
- Silvia: So, I'm currently contracted to Google and have been working on this ...
- 22:40:09 [janina]
- Silvia: Teams from Chrome, YouTube, a11y, looking at WebSRT, track element
- 22:40:33 [janina]
- Silvia: Checked out 608 and 708 (used in U.S.)
- 22:41:20 [janina]
- Silvia: We're happy about a name change from WebSRT to WebVTT, in good part because SRT has negative reputation around copyright infringement
- 22:41:44 [janina]
- Judy: Question: When looking at U.S. reqs, were you looking at the FCC reqs?
- 22:41:50 [janina]
- Silvia: At Google's reqs
- 22:42:06 [janina]
- Silvia: The two existing standards for captions on TV
- 22:42:29 [janina]
- Silvia: These have limited set of features, insufficient for our reqs
- 22:42:47 [janina]
- Silvia: But, we want to replicate everything in 608 and 708
- 22:42:54 [janina]
- Judy: Yes, but my question is different ...
- 22:43:26 [janina]
- Judy: Since you're looking at U.S. reqs, did you consider the FCC VPAC reqs. You're aware of VPAC?
- 22:43:38 [janina]
- Silvia: Unaware they've produced a req doc?
- 22:43:55 [janina]
- Silvia: Understand only a general req
- 22:44:17 [janina]
- Eric: General req to carry captions in current broadcast video when broadcast over Internet
- 22:44:42 [janina]
- Eric: Sounds like they have basis to believe it will meet reqs from Vpac
- 22:45:08 [janina]
- Judy: There are also issues about emergency crawls, voicing of those, etc. including on the web
- 22:45:35 [janina]
- Judy: The reqs aren't mapped in the statute, but my impression is that there will be more reqs than previous practice
- 22:45:59 [janina]
- Silvia: So, I guess the answer is: "No, we didn't look at that."
- 22:46:13 [janina]
- Eric: Google is on the committee, yes?
- 22:46:15 [Zakim]
- -Eric
- 22:46:36 [Zakim]
- +Eric
- 22:46:37 [janina]
- Judy: Yes, but the committee's barely started. Only one meeting so far, and there's not yet been an opportunity to get a fuller understanding
- 22:47:12 [janina]
- Judy: Geoff did post his understanding that FCC would not identify a protocol for this
- 22:47:40 [Zakim]
- -Judy
- 22:47:45 [janina]
- Judy: There may be some clarification to that, as the charge for Vpac is to produce guidance
- 22:48:21 [janina]
- Silvia: So, the email summarizes our results ...
- 22:48:48 [janina]
- Silvia: Discusses gaps on WebVTT -- also what we want to see improved
- 22:49:17 [Zakim]
- +Judy
- 22:49:23 [janina]
- Silvia: I'm currently working on a js implementation for all this
- 22:49:54 [janina]
- Silvia: Think we're currently converging on changes needed to WebVTT, and they're not very large
- 22:50:46 [janina]
- John: Anything we need to consider?
- 22:51:07 [janina]
- Silvia: Don't think so--if any questions, happy to involve everyone in a discussion
- 22:51:25 [janina]
- John: Duplicate track? Not sure what the answer should be? Is there?
- 22:52:12 [janina]
- Silvia: Philip responded duplicate is same lang and same type format; answer just display both in the menu
- 22:52:42 [frankolivier]
- frankolivier has joined #html-a11y
- 22:53:01 [janina]
- Janina: Because independent alternate media authors may have produced a second version, same lang, same type
- 22:53:13 [janina]
- Eric: Correct, but spec says only one, and that's wrong
- 22:53:38 [silvia]
- s/wrong/guidance for authors/
- 22:53:49 [janina]
- Eric: Text is just guidance for authors, so from that perspective it's reasonable
- 22:54:11 [janina]
- John: Should we seek better spec?
- 22:54:50 [janina]
- John: To specifically say that both should be made available in the menu?
- 22:55:07 [janina]
- Silvia: Sounds like a reasonable bug, and makes it easier to conform across browsers
- 22:55:38 [janina]
- John: Just thinking of making things as robust as possible
- 22:56:02 [janina]
- John: Might as well get it into the spec, rather than by precedent, because there could be not so great precedent
- 22:56:10 [janina]
- Janina: Agree
- 22:56:14 [janina]
- John: I'll file
- 22:56:18 [Zakim]
- -Silvia
- 22:57:36 [JF]
- silvia, are you still on IRC?
- 22:58:24 [Zakim]
- +Silvia
- 22:58:58 [janina]
- John: Anything else?
- 22:59:24 [janina]
- Silvia: Would ask people to read through our results and respond with their thoughts.
- 22:59:27 [janina]
- zakim, next item
- 22:59:27 [Zakim]
- agendum 5. "Are we done with Time Tracks?" taken up [from janina]
- 23:00:21 [janina]
- John: Anything more we should say?
- 23:00:30 [janina]
- Judy: Let me try ... On the broader question
- 23:00:36 [silvia]
- zakim, mute me
- 23:00:36 [Zakim]
- Silvia should now be muted
- 23:01:11 [janina]
- Judy: The question remains a concern. There may be no other way, and considering the impace downstream is important ...
- 23:01:20 [janina]
- Judy: Is there a point for this group to comment?
- 23:01:29 [janina]
- John: That's the question.
- 23:02:42 [janina]
- John: Market forces will decide what each browser does ...
- 23:02:59 [janina]
- Judy: But, there's also continued discussion re our reqs
- 23:03:28 [janina]
- Eric: I have concerns with SYNMPTI, now that I've read the spec, from an a11y perspective, specifically with background image handling
- 23:03:38 [janina]
- Judy: Agree there are things to look at there
- 23:03:51 [silvia]
- 23:04:14 [janina]
- Judy: My understanding is that Vpac won't mandate, but will comment on appropriatness of various options
- 23:04:28 [silvia]
- zakim, unmute me
- 23:04:28 [Zakim]
- Silvia should no longer be muted
- 23:04:32 [silvia]
- +q
- 23:04:36 [janina]
- Judy: Understand there are strong leanings on the part of some stakeholders
- 23:04:58 [janina]
- Judy: We're also looking at this in W3C
- 23:05:25 [janina]
- Judy: Curious to learn more about the background image issue
- 23:05:51 [janina]
- Judy: W3C needs to be responsive to the entire field--all stakeholders
- 23:07:07 [janina]
- Eric: Not sure that background is necessarily harmful to a11y, but analgous to CSS background--and we should have a discussion
- 23:07:21 [silvia]
- s/background/background-image/
- 23:07:51 [janina]
- Judy: Agree we should understand it better. Let's do
- 23:07:55 [janina]
- Eric: Happy to do so
- 23:08:21 [janina]
- Silvia: Done a prelim on SYMPTI TT; agree with Eric, unclear what we get if we use it
- 23:09:06 [janina]
- Silvia: If I understand correctly, one key purpose is to get legacy content onto the web with captions, using Internet as a transport, not necessarily as web content
- 23:09:58 [janina]
- Silvia: It's an exchange format, so makes sense to use for encapsulating and transporting; But that doesn't necessarily imply presentation
- 23:10:24 [janina]
- Judy: Curious to explore something on this ...
- 23:10:42 [janina]
- Judy: Understand that's the basis of their approach, have heard this elsewhere as well
- 23:11:00 [janina]
- Judy: Not as convinced that some of the broadcast people aren't also looking at using it on the web
- 23:11:43 [janina]
- Judy: Are you certain that there aren't already entities forseeing use of TT for web delivery?
- 23:12:10 [janina]
- Judy: Don't think this answers what W3C should do, just trying to clarify our understanding of where people are coming from
- 23:12:29 [janina]
- Silvia: I was trying to understand how the SYMPTI standard came to be
- 23:13:00 [janina]
- Silvia: e.g. there aqre binary captions in legacy content
- 23:13:42 [janina]
- Silvia: Transformational and transport formats aren't necessarily the best choices for web presentation
- 23:14:42 [janina]
- Silvia: We have to deal with the converging world, and we have these two groups coming from different perspectives
- 23:15:05 [janina]
- Silvia: Don't know if we can consolidate the two
- 23:15:40 [janina]
- Silvia: May be delivered across the net, but not delivered via a browser
- 23:17:03 [janina]
- Judy: Very helpful, Silvia. I appreciate your perspective.
- 23:17:32 [janina]
- Janina: Suspect browser will emerge because there are also a11y reqs on the user interface now
- 23:17:43 [janina]
- John: Or plugins, which I expect
- 23:18:02 [janina]
- Judy: Several people are wondering about convergence possibilities
- 23:18:43 [janina]
- John: With a few minutes left, I want to recap ...
- 23:18:50 [silvia]
- zakim, mute me
- 23:18:50 [Zakim]
- Silvia should now be muted
- 23:19:04 [janina]
- John: Judy, you mentioned a two week timeline?
- 23:19:48 [janina]
- Judy: W3C is participating on the Vpac, we're there to be helpful and explain what we're working on, but we don't have a position
- 23:20:32 [janina]
- Judy: We'd like to bring info as up to date and as useful as possible, so very interested in our analysis of SYMPTI TT vs W3C TTML
- 23:20:54 [silvia]
- q+
- 23:20:56 [janina]
- Judy: Then the a11y relevance
- 23:22:00 [janina]
- Judy: So, the possibility of convergence before many years go by with people working in different formats, that's an important question.
- 23:22:12 [Judy]
- Judy has joined #html-a11y
- 23:22:43 [janina]
- John: Specifically we've a pressing timeline for multitrack api, just thinking in terms of time alltoment here
- 23:23:09 [janina]
- Judy: Don't have a good answer right now.
- 23:23:57 [janina]
- Judy: Perhaps 20 minutes on the SYMPTI next week? Three of us have looked at it already?
- 23:24:03 [silvia]
- zakim, ack me
- 23:24:03 [Zakim]
- unmuting Silvia
- 23:24:04 [Zakim]
- I see no one on the speaker queue
- 23:24:29 [Judy]
- 23:24:32 [janina]
- Silvia: Suggesting Eric and I look more closely at SYMPTI, and also Judy, so we should discuss it
- 23:25:02 [silvia]
- 23:25:03 [janina]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 23:25:03 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate janina
- 23:25:29 [janina]
- John: Just concerned we conclude on multitrack
- 23:27:21 [janina]
- akim, next item
- 23:27:26 [janina]
- zakim, next item
- 23:27:26 [Zakim]
- agendum 6. "Poster Issue" taken up [from janina]
- 23:27:33 [janina]
- John: Nothing to add ...
- 23:27:39 [silvia]
- zakim, mute me
- 23:27:39 [Zakim]
- Silvia should now be muted
- 23:27:52 [janina]
- Janina: Pf interested that we have screenshots to mark up for the two proposals, that we not leave this to a handwave
- 23:28:07 [silvia]
- zakim, unmute me
- 23:28:07 [Zakim]
- Silvia should no longer be muted
- 23:28:44 [Zakim]
- -Silvia
- 23:28:46 [Zakim]
- -Eric
- 23:29:01 [Zakim]
- -janina
- 23:29:03 [Zakim]
- -JF
- 23:29:19 [Zakim]
- -Judy
- 23:29:20 [Zakim]
- WAI_PFWG(A11Y)5:00PM has ended
- 23:29:22 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +1.650.862.aaaa, +1.408.823.aabb, +61.2.937.4.aacc, Silvia, JF, janina, Eric, Judy
- 23:29:32 [MikeSmith_]
- MikeSmith_ has joined #html-a11y
- 23:36:40 [Judy]
- 23:36:40 [Judy]
- s/FCC would not identify/FCC would not mandate/
- 23:36:40 [Judy]
- s/Vpac/VPAAC
- 23:36:40 [Judy]
- 23:57:59 [janina]
- zakim, bye
- 23:57:59 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #html-a11y
- 23:58:05 [janina]
- rrsagent make minutes
- 23:59:31 [janina]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 23:59:31 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate janina