Face to Face Meetings/2011 Future Face to Face Meetings
2011 F2F Options
Discussed at March 2011 F2F, when do we want to have F2F meetings and where? We are chartered 3 per year. More discussion at F2F #1 2011
- Jonathan offered to meet in Seoul
- Whenever : I'd like to offer three day WG meeting and one day event (AR/Web Workshop)
- previous W3C meetings in Seoul
- DAP WG meeting, March 2011 - http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/wiki/SeoulF2F2011
- MA WG meeting, February 2010 - http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/Logistics
- MWBP / DD / UWA WG joint meeting, March 2008 - http://www.w3c.or.kr/~hollobit/venue-200803/
- Before or after OGC meeting in Taichung, Taiwan in June:
- Per Carsten, this meeting will not have a strong emphasis on 3d, but Denver may
- Start: Sun, 2011-06-12
- End: Fri, 2011-06-17
- During or Before/after OMA meeting in Budapest, Hungary in June:
- Start: 2011-06-27
- End: 2011-07-01
- After ISUVR, in Jeju-Island, Korea (MartinL obligations, not end of July)
- ISUVR : July 1 ~ July 4
- Start : 2011-07-06
- End : 2011-07-08
- Before or after OGC meeting in Denver, perhaps during OSM meeting week in September, also FOSS4G is holding their conference the week before.
- Start: Mon, 2011-09-19
- End: Fri, 2011-09-23
- During TPAC 2011 in Santa Clara, California Oct/Nov, could have meetings with DAP WG, HTML5, etc
- Start: Mon, 2011-10-31
- End: Fri, 2011-11-04
- Hosting at MIT offices
- Perhaps in July -- no students (not beginning of July, overlaps with ISUVR and MartinL obligations, not end of July. Luca on holiday 25 June-3 July)
- 6-8th of July