ISSUE-3: Core POI spec should provide a way to indicate families of POI, such as commercial brands (eg. starbucks)


Core POI spec should provide a way to indicate families of POI, such as commercial brands (eg. starbucks)

Raised by:
Dan Brickley
Opened on:
The entities described as POIs often come in similarity families. A common case is that of a commercial brand such as 'starbucks' or 'costa coffee', where each occurance has a lot in common, such that users will learn a lot merely by knowing that it "is a starbucks".

(Let's use this and to think through how such a POI language feature would relate to various stakeholders, e.g. Javascript developers, iphone developers, social Web POI sites, professional GIS, ...).

For e.g. consider a 3rd party developer of KML feeds and Layar layers, who has catalogued Starbucks and other coffee brands for cities, via. scraping data from sites of those brands. Consider also Web developers who work for those brands, and who might be evaluating Web markups for their branches including Facebook Open Graph Protocol, ... or embedding their own maps. What would they expect from a W3C POI spec? What benefits for their work and their business?
Related Actions Items:
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Related emails:
  1. Minutes, 20 April 2011 Teleconference POIWG (from on 2011-04-27)
  2. Re: Regrets: Agenda 20 April 2011 POI WG teleconference (from on 2011-04-20)
  3. Regrets: Agenda 20 April 2011 POI WG teleconference (from on 2011-04-20)
  4. Agenda 20 April 2011 POI WG teleconference (from on 2011-04-19)
  5. Minutes from 2011 F2F #1 (from on 2011-04-08)
  6. ISSUE-3 (poi-brands): Core POI spec should provide a way to indicate families of POI, such as commercial brands (eg. starbucks) (from on 2011-03-29)

Related notes:

Within the 20 April minutes:

PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Points of Interests have a location in the physical world, they don't have to be entities, but they have a physical location.

ahill: It sounds like we have a consensus that we're not going to represent corporate relationships. That we might have metadata for that. And I would argue that we would restrict the relationship primitive to things like "the theater district".

Matt Womer, 14 Jul 2011, 13:44:56

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