See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 25 November 2009
<scribe> scribe: jackjansen
<scribe> ScribeNick: jackjansen
erik: accept minutes
<mhausenblas> +1
<erik> +1
all: yes
erik: accept minutes
<erik> +1
all: yes
erik: Michael, will you be able to go to Seoul?
Michael: no, other obligation
erik: will get back to the f2f
issue next week
... on action-92, postponed until spec is out
... philippe said publication would be ok today or tomorrow. We
erik: what do you all think of current state of the spec?
michael: comment on section 5 needs addressing
jack: wants to think about
forward compatibility.
... forward compatibility is tricky: should have a way whereby
newer implementations can retroactively
... tell older implementations to fail or ignore new
erik: michael, did Yves suggest we need an implementation?
michael: right
... let's address in the next draft
jack: +1
<erik> +1
conrad: yes, publish now
erik: how many implementations do
we have? Ours
... yves has one
jack: mine is rusty. Will brush up in coming few weeks.
erik: silvia? conrad? implementations?
conrad: have uri handling, not
full syntax yet. In the next few months.
... will work with silvia and ogg community
erik: we have server-side
... is up for testing, will post url.
<scribe> ACTION: erik to get URL for MF server, and post to group [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-120 - Get URL for MF server, and post to group [on Erik Mannens - due 2009-12-02].
erik: should we omit -spec?
michael: yes
<silvia> I have client side implementation with HTML5
jackjansen: so we use short name for spec, and add suffices for aux documents
all: yes.
ACTION on Raphael to fix document names
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - on
ACTION Raphaël to fix document names
<trackbot> Created ACTION-121 - Fix document names [on Raphaël Troncy - due 2009-12-02].
TOPIC 3.1 media fragment syntax
erik: lets keep for next week
erik: again, let's table
erik: COnrads proposal,
silvia: need to wait on section 5
to be done.
... may jump in myself.
... Raphaël was working on section 3, don't think on 5
... I will coordinate with him if I also start to edit.
erik: I will ping Raphaël.
silvia: we are missing all our
publishing windows.
... and section 5 really needs work before publishing, to
reflect changes to 3.
michael: should we really wait until 5 is complete?
silvia: yes, it contradicts 3 at
the moment, I will look over it.
... three sections in section 3 have no counterpart in section
... must be fixed.
... cannot publish now, action-112 needs to be fixed.
michael: silvia, can you take this offline with Raphaël?
erik: I will call Raphaël today,
tell that Silvia does not want to publish until action-112
... section 5 issues are resolved.
... I will send an email tonight on what the status is.
silvia: if it is needed I can put in time this weekend.
silvia: I wrote about this in my blog.
<erik> rssagent, draft minutes
jack: not sure if the blog post
doesn't need to be split into two: mechanism (roe, mpeg-21)
... application (semantics)
... thinks only mechanism is relevant to MF
... will try to write something up.
erik: will get back to it next
... Let's adjourn.
see you next week!
<mhausenblas> hm, seems Zakim didn't pick up the attendees