See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 24 September 2009
<paulc> PaulC just joined.
<scribe> scribe: anne
<mjs> hi all
<pimpbot> Title: Input for Agenda Planning for the HTML Weekly - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
<pimpbot> Title: Agenda for HTML WG telcon 2009-09-24 - CfCs, Accessibility TF, Testing TF, etc. from Paul Cotton on 2009-09-22 ( from July to September 2009) (at
<pimpbot> Title: FW: Agenda for HTML WG telcon 2009-09-24 - CfCs, Accessibility TF, Testing TF, etc. from Paul Cotton on 2009-09-22 ( from September 2009) (at
PC: comments on the agenda?
missed actions/items?
... lets assume this is ok
<paulc> Topic ISSUE-35/ACTION-138: Produce a matrix based on Henri's work [Steve Faulkner]
RS: I had one item about drag and
... I want to raise an issue on it
... can be put at the end
LC: I have a procedural question about summary=""; can be put in the end
PC: I will deal with those as
item 9 and move adjourn to 10
... anything else?
LC: about two weeks ago Steve did a pass on that, discussed it, and has since then not have time to work on it; it will be discussed again the week after next
PC: lets move the action to October 8
<paulc> change due date to oct 8
LC: sounds good
<MikeSmith> action-138 due 2009-10-08
<trackbot> ACTION-138 Produce a matrix based on Henri's work due date now 2009-10-08
<paulc> Topic ACTION-143: Get co-chairs to bring forward a concrete proposal for a testing task force (including scope) [Paul Cotton]
<trackbot> ACTION-143 -- Paul Cotton to get co-chairs to bring forward a concrete proposal for a testing task force (including scope) -- due 2009-09-17 -- OPEN
<pimpbot> Title: ACTION-143 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
<paulc> Proposal:
<pimpbot> Title: RE: HTML WG Testing Task Force from Paul Cotton on 2009-09-17 ( from September 2009) (at
PC: so far we have seen positive
items; it seems that creating a TF is acceptable to
... what we need now is a volunteer to get things going
... can I email to ask for volunteers?
<rubys> +1
MJS: sounds good
<adrianba> +1
<scribe> ACTION: paulc to ask for a volunteer to run the testing Task Force [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-146 - Ask for a volunteer to run the testing Task Force [on Paul Cotton - due 2009-10-01].
PC: we wanted a way to figure out a way to be a member of the testing TF without getting email from the HTML WG
MS: that is not possible because the subscription list of public-html is based on the HTML WG member database
PC: what if they explicitly unsubscribe?
MS: don't think that will work
PC: so the only recourse would be for the TF members to set up a filter
MS: most people use some kind of filtering already so this would just be another rule
PC: just wanted to make sure that
we dealt with item 2 under the proposal
... as AB from MS requested this feature
<paulc> The following point will NOT be possible:
<paulc> Note: We may want to figure out how to permit TF members to avoid receiving WG email.
PC: OASIS is ahead of the W3C here
<rubys> close action 143
MS: [censored o_O]
<paulc> Topic ISSUE-54/ACTION-103: Register about: URI scheme [Lachlan Hunt]
<masinter> there was mail on the about URI scheme this week
MJS: he emailed on this last week
<pimpbot> Title: [Uri-review] draft-holsten-about-uri-scheme-02 (at
MJS: we should probably roll over the action
PC: I will change the due date to next week
<paulc> See report in
<pimpbot> Title: ACTION-103 Follow up on the about: scheme Registration from Lachlan Hunt on 2009-09-17 ( from September 2009) (at
<paulc> Topic ISSUE-56/ACTION-137: Update IRI spec based on comments to Public-IRI [Larry Masinter]
<MikeSmith> action-103 due 2009-09-24
<trackbot> ACTION-103 Register about: URI scheme due date now 2009-09-24
MJS: I think LM emailed about this
<masinter> the author/editor of the about URI scheme needs to respond to comments
<masinter> yes, i'm in TAG meeting but we're about to break
<paulc> see report in
<pimpbot> Title: ACTION-137 on URI/IRI/URL from Larry Masinter on 2009-09-24 ( from September 2009) (at
PC: this one appears to be in progress
<masinter> i'm not on phone but i can respond to questions on IRC
<paulc> "Updating due date to 9/28"
<trackbot> ACTION-137 -- Larry Masinter to update IRI spec based on comments to Public-IRI (Including those from HTML-WG members), -- due 2009-09-28 -- PENDINGREVIEW
<pimpbot> Title: ACTION-137 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
<masinter> wait, should be OPEN not PENDINGREVIEW
<paulc> Topic CfC: declare WebSockets out of scope [Maciej Stachowiak]
<masinter> i will do yet another draft, think next monday, that's what i put in the tracker
<paulc> Resolved without objection.
PC: I believe the first one is
... comments?
<rubys> action-137?
<trackbot> ACTION-137 -- Larry Masinter to update IRI spec based on comments to Public-IRI (Including those from HTML-WG members), -- due 2009-09-28 -- OPEN
<pimpbot> Title: ACTION-137 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
<paulc> Topic CfC: Publish HTML+RDFa as First Public Working Draft [Maciej Stachowiak]
PC: we haven't seen anyone to
object to publication
... we have seen a lot of discussion on content
<paulc> Resolved without objection to publish the first public WGD
PC: resolved to publish without
objection as FPWD
... I will work with Manu to get the document in shape
Manu: that's be fantastic
<scribe> ACTION: paulc to work with Manu on making HTML+RDFa ready to publish [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-147 - Work with Manu on making HTML+RDFa ready to publish [on Paul Cotton - due 2009-10-01].
Manu: after speaking with Henri
and reading Maciej and Jonas' feedback it is clear that we need
to clarify the current specification.
... with respect to DOM Level 2 and the infoset
... we'll start to move the issues from the RDFa wiki to the
W3C issue tracker
PC: do you want an action on this
or is it obvious enough?
... the movement of the issues, in particular
Manu: I wanted to put them in the
RDFa TF tracker
... I can email it after the telcon
MJS: I'd recommend putting them in W3C Bugzilla, not the Tracker
<paulc> tx sam
Manu: that might lead to some duplication between the RDFa and HTML tracker
<pimpbot> Title: Re: Accessibility Task Force from Janina Sajka on 2009-09-23 ( from September 2009) (at
<pimpbot> Title: HTML Accessibility Task Force (at
PC: does anyone have any comments
regarding the description on this TF?
... we handle the patent obligation by requiring members of the
TF to be a member of the HTML WG
<paulc> Who are the Task Force Facilitators?
<scribe> ACTION: paulc to recruit a Task Force facilitator for the HTML WG [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-148 - Recruit a Task Force facilitator for the HTML WG [on Paul Cotton - due 2009-10-01].
MC: can we record a formal resolution?
MJS: if we want to record a resolution we should probably issue a CfC on the mailing list
<scribe> ACTION: maciej to issue a CfC to approve the accessibility Task Force and testing Task Force [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-149 - Issue a CfC to approve the accessibility Task Force and testing Task Force [on Maciej Stachowiak - due 2009-10-01].
<paulc> Done above under the action items.
RS: the problem we have with the current specification is that it is mouse specific
AvK: actually, the specification
is already written in a way that it is keyboard
... as a copy and paste operation
MJS: the current specification dispatches the same events for copy and paste and drag and drop
RS: we need to create an issue
MJS: I would prefer to start with a bug in the bug tracker
RS: who creates the bug?
MJS: I would recommend you do it since you understand the issue
You want:
<pimpbot> Title: Log in to Bugzilla (at
<paulc> ack
richardschwerdtfe, ^^
MK: drag and drop has been under fire recently
<pimpbot> Title: QuirksBlog: The HTML5 drag and drop disaster (at
MK: I think people have asked to remove it from the HTML5 specification, rewrite it, and handle it as a separate draft
PC: so what you're saying is that this issue might be subsumed by drag and drop might be done in a different way
<masinter> +1 to removing drag and drop, brings in all kinds of stuff
MK: yes
MJS: lets keep this as a separate issue
PC: agreed
MJS: Firefox, Safari, and
Internet Explorer all implement the current model and it is
therefore unlikely to go away
... but we can discuss this offline
LC: [scribe missed]
MJS: the bug tracker should not affect your action on creating an alternative draft
<julian> one of the bugs related to summary is
LC, PC: thanks MJS
<pimpbot> 117633:, P2, REOPENED, 13The use of @summary should be encouraged when circumstances warrant
PC: volunteer to scribe next week?
<paulc> Topic Scribe for next meeting
PC: no volunteers
... adjourned
<cardona507> thanks
<mjs> well done
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Topic Joint/Topic: Joint/ Succeeded: s/7. Topic/Topic: 7./ Succeeded: s/Topic for/Topic:/ Succeeded: s/Topic/Topic:/ Found Scribe: anne Inferring ScribeNick: anne Default Present: Eliot_Graff, carlos, Cynthia_Shelly, Sam, Matt, jerryEzrol, [Microsoft], Radhika_Roy, kliehm, +1.503.712.aaaa, julian, laura, msporny, Cooper, anne, Rich, [Apple], Mike, adrianba Present: Eliot_Graff carlos Cynthia_Shelly Sam Matt jerryEzrol [Microsoft] Radhika_Roy kliehm +1.503.712.aaaa julian laura msporny Cooper anne Rich [Apple] Mike adrianba Agenda: Found Date: 24 Sep 2009 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: maciej paulc WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]