ACTION-137: Update IRI spec based on comments to Public-IRI (Including those from HTML-WG members),

Update IRI spec based on comments to Public-IRI (Including those from HTML-WG members),

Larry Masinter
Due on:
October 21, 2009
Created on:
August 21, 2009
Associated Issue:
Related emails:
  1. Minutes HTML WG 11 February 2010 (from on 2010-02-11)
  2. RE: HTML CHANGE PROPOSAL; change definition of URL to normative reference to IRIBIS (from on 2009-12-11)
  3. Re: HTML CHANGE PROPOSAL; change definition of URL to normative reference to IRIBIS (from on 2009-12-08)
  4. RE: HTML CHANGE PROPOSAL; change definition of URL to normative reference to IRIBIS (from on 2009-12-01)
  5. Re: HTML CHANGE PROPOSAL; change definition of URL to normative reference to IRIBIS (from on 2009-11-28)
  6. RE: HTML CHANGE PROPOSAL; change definition of URL to normative reference to IRIBIS (from on 2009-11-28)
  7. [minutes] HTML WG call 20091119 (from on 2009-11-19)
  8. Re: {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-11-19: issues, action items, calls for consensus/proposals, task force reports (from on 2009-11-19)
  9. Re: {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-11-19: issues, action items, calls for consensus/proposals, task force reports (from on 2009-11-19)
  10. {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-11-19: issues, action items, calls for consensus/proposals, task force reports (from on 2009-11-18)
  11. {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-11-19: issues, action items, calls for consensus/proposals, task force reports (from on 2009-11-18)
  12. minutes Re: {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-10-29: issues, action items, calls for consensus/proposals, task forces, F2F... (from on 2009-10-29)
  13. Re: {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-10-29: issues, action items, calls for consensus/proposals, task forces, F2F... (from on 2009-10-29)
  14. {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-10-29: issues, action items, calls for consensus/proposals, task forces, F2F... (from on 2009-10-28)
  15. {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-10-22: AIs, Task Forces, F2F meeting plans (from on 2009-10-21)
  16. minutes for 2009-10-15 HTML WG telcon (from on 2009-10-16)
  17. [VER 2] {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-10-15: AIs, Task Forces, F2F meeting plans (from on 2009-10-15)
  18. Re: {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-10-15: AIs, Task Forces, F2F meeting plans (from on 2009-10-14)
  19. {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-10-15: AIs, Task Forces, F2F meeting plans (from on 2009-10-14)
  20. [minutes] 20091008 HTML Working Group call (from on 2009-10-08)
  21. {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-10-08: AIs, Task Forces, TPAC/ECMA, Decision Policy (from on 2009-10-07)
  22. Re: ACTION-137 on URI/IRI/URL (from on 2009-09-24)
  23. Re: ACTION-137 on URI/IRI/URL (from on 2009-09-24)
  24. Minutes 2009-09-24 (from on 2009-09-24)
  25. ACTION-137 on URI/IRI/URL (from on 2009-09-24)
  26. Agenda for HTML WG telcon 2009-09-24 - CfCs, Accessibility TF, Testing TF, etc. (from on 2009-09-22)
  27. FW: Agenda for HTML WG telcon 2009-09-24 - CfCs, Accessibility TF, Testing TF, etc. (from on 2009-09-22)
  28. minutes for 2009-09-17 telcon (from on 2009-09-20)
  29. {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-09-17 (from on 2009-09-16)
  30. Re: ISSUE-56: urls-webarch - suggest closing on 2009-09-03 (from on 2009-08-21)
  31. RE: ISSUE-56: urls-webarch - suggest closing on 2009-09-03 (from on 2009-08-21)

Related notes:

Making good progress on editing the IRI document, and, more importantly, working with Martin and Roy. Tack is to change IRI to match common processing model (parse before doing any encoding). Trying to talk Roy into updating URI document such that one spec would cover URI, IRI.

"URL" becomes common vocabulary that might mean URI, IRI, or even IRI reference.
LEIRI and HTML processing become "additional heuristic algorithms liberal consumer specs may normatively reference".

Changes are pretty dramatic, though, so need more time.

Larry Masinter, 1 Sep 2009, 07:20:45

I have a specification that isn't ready for public review yet but is being circulated to a smaller group. The work so far has focused on making global changes to the IRI document to make integration of the "Web Address" specification reasonable (pushing some changes into the normative IRI processing rules.)

The motivation is to actually address the issue that WebAddress in HTML and W3C specs shouldn't be different from IRIs and URIs in IETF-specified applications such as email, instant messaging, telephony, directories, etc.

Leaving "Web Address" or "HREF" as an appendix in the IRI specification wouldn't address the issue.

The next action depends on the response from reviewers.

Larry Masinter, 3 Sep 2009, 19:11:02

[MikeSmith]: Larry announced an update to the IRIbis draft: see and

24 Sep 2009, 09:04:36

I did create another draft which I posted

However, this didn't address all HTML WG comments as promised, although I'd made some good progress. The main "issue" (which led to splitting this out in the first place) is to come up with a way of resolving conflicts between IETF and W3C specs and what browsers actually do (see section 12 of above document.)

Subsequently (and after some discussions with Maciej and Hixie on IRC chat and discussions at TAG meeting now ongoing), I expect to be able to produce another document in the next few days. (Updating due date to 9/28).

In the meanwhile, I'm trying to schedule IETF work to get IETF approval of this approach to URI/IRI/etc. An IETF working group may be necessary to get other IETF working groups (IDNA, HTTP, mailto URI) to pay attention.

Larry Masinter, 24 Sep 2009, 13:25:32

We are proposing updating IETF documents on IRIs in such a way that they are both acceptable to the communities that participate in IETF (DNS implementors, domain administrators, web security experts, implementors of systems that use IRIs in directory services, email systems, instant messaging, etc.) as well as the communities that participate in W3C HTML and WhatWG (implementors of browsers, search engines, HTML validators).

This work will happen in IETF, in a (proposed) IRI working group.

Larry Masinter, 16 Oct 2009, 08:36:43

[MikeSmith]: Larry is working on setting up a lunch meeting during TPAC week

22 Oct 2009, 16:05:19

points to

Larry Masinter, 31 Oct 2009, 00:02:19

This "action" is complete. The IRI spec has been updated based on comments.
Other actions are required.

Larry Masinter, 31 Oct 2009, 00:04:39

This action is complete.

Maciej Stachowiak, 2 Dec 2009, 09:16:45

Display change log.

Maciej Stachowiak <>, Sam Ruby <>, Chairs, Michael[tm] Smith <>, Staff Contact
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