See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 12 August 2009
aacc is silvia
* Roll call
regrets from Guillaume and Conrad
* PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 15 & 22 July 2009 telecon:
<mhausenblas> +1
<davy> +1
<raphael> +1
<erik> +1
<Yves> +1
* ACTION-92: Erik and Raphael to coordinate the writing of papers (ongoing ? re-raise around 15/09/09)
* ACTION-68: Raphael to ask the Media Annotations WG to review our document
there are actions on the MA WG chair - Raphael will follow up
* To be discussed: Live Streaming UC (see Mail Silvia ?
<raphael> I will also ask this Friday at the HCG telecon
there are actually two questions:
* procedural question - how to extend the use cases document
* technical discussion
raphael: likes the extension, but
we need to clarify
... difference between query and hash
... need to have a complete specification
... procedure: just write the specification and commit
<scribe> ACTION: silvia to write specification for streaming use case [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-94 - Write specification for streaming use case [on Silvia Pfeiffer - due 2009-08-19].
general agreement to the use case
mhausenblas: did you have a
mobile use case to it?
... there may be additional requirements around requirements on
resources for media addressing
... mobile area is a good selling point for media fragment
... I will keep this in mind an highlight it if we need more
requirements around this
3.1 Syntax: (Yves)
* ACTION-49: Yves to Draft the HTTP-Range syntax for different units
(completing all the syntax for the two way handshake) (ongoing ? re-raise around 15/08/09, after IETF Meeting)
<raphael> ACTION: michael to review the new UC written by Silvia and check whether it will cover a mobile usage [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-95 - Review the new UC written by Silvia and check whether it will cover a mobile usage [on Michael Hausenblas - due 2009-08-19].
Yves: reports on IETF meeting and extension of HTTP-Range syntax
<raphael> Scribe: Silvia
Yves: progress is made and once it's agreed, it should be ratified by IANA
<raphael> scribenick: silvia
Yves: have more info by the end of the month
(re-raise around 30/08/09)
* ACTION-93: Michael to revisit the TC and see which are affected by the temporal-optional-comma-decision
mhausenblas: was discussion on temporal-optional-comma-decision finalised?
Franck made a counter-proposal
Yves: the trailing comma is not
giving us anything useful
... I am fine with this proposal
<raphael> we are discussion Frank's proposal: remove case 2 and 4 which are redondant
silvia: happy with this proposal - it removes the option to specify the same case in two different ways
<raphael> +1 with this proposal
Yves is happy to change the grammar in the specification
<mhausenblas> +1
<scribe> ACTION: Yves to make change to temporal-optional-comma specification [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-96 - Make change to temporal-optional-comma specification [on Yves Lafon - due 2009-08-19].
<erik> +1
we now have working group agreement on this specification
Yves will reply to Franck
RESOLUTION: the working group agrees to the temporal-optional-comma specification proposed by Franck
3.2 UA Server HTTP Communication (Conrad/Raphael)
* ACTION-69: Conrad to draw a representation of the general structure of
a media resource, for streamable formats (ongoing ? re-raise around 01/09/09, when having had full discussion)
<scribe> ongoing
raphael will follow up on this thread
4. TEST CASES: (Michael)
* See:
TC0002: empty time segment - npt
empty time segment
e.g. #t=0,0
416, would yield an empty resource, hence client must have erred
<raphael> +1
<davy> +1
<erik> +1
RESOLUTION: TC0002 is approved
TC0003: empty space segment
empty space segment
e.g. #xywh=0,0,0,0
416, would yield an empty resource, hence client must have erred
<raphael> +1
<davy> +1
<erik> +1
RESOLUTION: TC0003 is approved
TC0004: empty space segment - aspect
empty space segment - aspect
416, would yield an empty resource, hence client must have erred
<raphael> Yves; no restriction on the values except they must be integers
<raphael> ... many ratio out there already, and more can be proposed later on
<raphael> +1 for current proposal
Yves: capturing all the restrictions in the syntax itself is not necessary
<davy> +1
<erik> +1
RESOLUTION: TC0004 is approved
TC0005: empty track segment
empty track segment
e.g. #track="" (I think)
416, would yield an empty resource, hence client must have erred
Yves: should it not rather mean the whole resource?
<raphael> I agree TC0005 is similar to TC0001
Yves: selection is based on nothing defined, so it is similar to TC0001 and should be all
mhausenblas: is there an implementation yet?
<raphael> Michael: search for implementation in the real world of the track thing. Does that exist at all?
yves: don't think so
... it's more a theoretical experiment right now
mhausenblas: if there are none, we are free to specify
<raphael> For consistency, I would prefer to have the same behavior than TC0001
<raphael> postpone ?
mhausenblas: I hesitate to propose to resolve it without more empirical experience
<raphael> We can look at what DVD players do ... when a command parameter ask to play a dvd with an empty track name
<raphael> ... my guess is that the default language is used ... and not err
silvia: let's look at it from a programmer pov - if I composed it through a tick list and no tracks were ticked, I'd probably expect all tracks to be delivered
<raphael> Correction, re TC0005
<raphael> Proposal: 200, the entire representation is returned
<mhausenblas> +1
<raphael> +1
<erik> +1
<davy> +1
TC0006: empty named segment
e.g. #id="" (I think)
currently: 416, would yield an empty resource, hence client must have erred
Yves: we should apply the same logic as with TC0005
general agreement
<raphael> Proposal: 200, the entire representation is returned
<erik> +1
<raphael> +1
<mhausenblas> +1
<davy> +1
<raphael> Raphael notes that Silvia abstain and does not +1 on TC005
<raphael> Raphael notes that Silvia abstain and does not +1 on TC0006 (oups)
<Yves> we should probably revisit 07
<Yves> as the definition of "empty" is different depending on the axis
<mhausenblas> Yves, TC0007? Really?
<raphael> Should we add more Test Cases when there is an ID (or a Track) ... but not defined in the video
silvia: is considering the
comparison between empty id and and id that doesn't exist
... but they are different
yves: we should add a test case
for non-existing ID
... but when no ID is specified, it should refer to the full
revisit TC0007
Yves: since #t=, now refers to the full resource, we should revisit TC0007
<raphael> What about if you replace your input by: "#xywh=0,0,0,0&t=,"
<raphael> ?
scribe: should now refer to the named fragment ID0
<raphael> For now, can we change the status of TC0007 from approved to un-reviewed ?
Proposal: 200, return representation for named fragment ID0
<raphael> ... but keep the previous agreement in the record
silvia: can we add the new proposal then?
<mhausenblas> +1
<davy> +1
<raphael> +1
<mhausenblas> adding TC10mwith #t=0,0&id='ID0'
Michael: add a new test case 10, which captures the former intention of TC0007
<mhausenblas> and return 416 for TC10
this new test case will read #t=0,0&id='ID0'
<erik> +1
<raphael> +1 for michael proposal to add TC0010 ... I have also used before the example with an empty space segment
<raphael> same for non existing track name ... non existing id
<raphael> so we need TC0011 and TC0012
adding a new test case TC0011 for non-existing id
e.g. #id="none"
<raphael> RESOLUTION: TC0005 is approved
<raphael> RESOLUTION: TC0006 is approved
reply: 416, would yield an empty resource, hence client must have erred
is approved
... TC0006 is approved
... TC0007 to be changed as discussed
... TC010, TC011, TC012 to be added as discussed
erik: we have run out of
... thanks everyone
<mhausenblas> great job, silvia!
<mhausenblas> +1 to Yves proposal!!!!
<mhausenblas> ;)
<yves> bye, zakim
<raphael> :-)
<raphael> none
<raphael> meeting adjourned