See also: IRC log
<scribe> scribe: Harper_Simon
<scribe> ScribeNick: sharper
draft week of 15 December
Discussion of Jan's rewording
Jeanne requested 'accordingly' to be removed
All fine with both changes
AllanJ: Only problem is with 'AA' what do we mean by cascade?
<AllanJ> ACTION: Jeanne update draft for 3.2.2 (new 3.1.2) Level A 3.2.2 Rendering Alternatives (Minimum): Provide the user with the global option to set which type of alternative to render by default. If the alternative content has a different height and/or width, then the user agent will reflow the viewport. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-92 - Update draft for 3.2.2 (new 3.1.2) Level A 3.2.2 Rendering Alternatives (Minimum): Provide the user with the global option to set which type of alternative to render by default. If the alternative content has a different height and/or width, then the user agent will reflow the viewport. [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2008-12-11].
<AllanJ> ACTION: Jeanne update draft to include new item 3.2.x (new 3.1.x) Level AA 3.2.x Rendering Alternative (Enhanced): Provide the user with the global option to configure a cascade of types of alternatives to render by default, in case a prefered type is unavailable. If the alternative content has a different height and/or width, then the user agent will reflow the viewport. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-93 - Update draft to include new item 3.2.x (new 3.1.x) Level AA 3.2.x Rendering Alternative (Enhanced): Provide the user with the global option to configure a cascade of types of alternatives to render by default, in case a prefered type is unavailable. If the alternative content has a different height and/or width, then the user agent will reflow the viewport. [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2008-12-11].
AllanJ: from - 2.1.6 Properties:
If any of the following properties are supported by the
accessibility platform architecture, they must be made
available via the architecture:
... to - If any of the following properties are supported by
the accessibility platform architecture, make the properties
available via [or "to"??] the accessibility platform
... Discussion of change from to or via
<AllanJ> Issue: resolve "to" and
<trackbot> Created ISSUE-25 - Resolve \"to\" and ; please complete additional details at .
JR: Happy to take 'to' although 'via' implys a correct outcome from the API
sharper: is it not up to the AT? how can the user agent enforce this?
All: Agreed to resolve to 'to'.
<AllanJ> ACTION: Jeanne to update 2.1.6 to be 2.1.6 Properties: If any of the following properties are supported by the accessibility platform architecture, make the properties available to the accessibility platform architecture: [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-94 - Update 2.1.6 to be 2.1.6 Properties: If any of the following properties are supported by the accessibility platform architecture, make the properties available to the accessibility platform architecture: [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2008-12-11].
<AllanJ> (a) the bounding dimensions and coordinates of rendered graphical objects
<AllanJ> (b) font family of text
<AllanJ> (c) font size of text
<AllanJ> (d) foreground color of text
<AllanJ> (e) background color of text
<AllanJ> (f) change state/value notifications
old - 2.1.7 Timely Communication: For APIs implemented to satisfy the requirements of this document, programmatic exchanges proceed in a timely manner (Level AA).
<scribe> new - Timely Communication: For APIs implemented to satisfy the requirements of this document, ensure that programmatic exchanges proceed in a timely manner (Level AA)
results: 2 accepts, Questions: why AA, Timely is not testable.
Ford_Kelly: Maybe say ' is consistent with other applications which support the application architecture' ? But still not testable.
JR: Timely is common sense - would a regular human notice?
AllanJ: Is that anymore testable than timely.
Ford_Kelly: would change vote to accept (for now) if we gave examples of what we wanted to happen.
<JR> JR: programmatic exchanges proceed at a rate such that typical users do not perceive a lag
<JR> JR: programmatic exchanges proceed at a rate such that users do not perceive a delay
All: Discussion around this phrasing
<AllanJ> Timely Communication: For APIs implemented to satisfy the requirements of this document, ensure that programmatic exchanges proceed at a rate such that users do not perceive a delay
All: Looks good seems cleaner
Ford_Kelly: Let's put it in and await responses.
All: Agreed
<AllanJ> ACTION: Jeanne update 2.1.7 to Timely Communication: For APIs implemented to satisfy the requirements of this document, ensure that programmatic exchanges proceed at a rate such that users do not perceive a delay [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-95 - Update 2.1.7 to Timely Communication: For APIs implemented to satisfy the requirements of this document, ensure that programmatic exchanges proceed at a rate such that users do not perceive a delay [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2008-12-11].
Kelly_Ford: extra Item
<AllanJ> Original:
<AllanJ> 2.1.3 Accessible Alternative: If any functionality is not supported by the implemented accessibility platform architecture(s), then a separate accessible
<AllanJ> alternative for that functionality that is supported by the implemented accessibility platform architecture(s) is provided and a description of the inaccessible
<AllanJ> functionality appears in the conformance claim.
<AllanJ> Proposed:
<AllanJ> 2.1.3 Accessible Alternative: If functionality exists that is not supported by the accessibility architecture(s) used by the user agent, alternative functionality that does support the accessibility architecture and provides equivalent functionality must be implemented. Such alternatives must be documented in the user agent conformance claim.
<AllanJ> JR: need to define accessibility architecture
<AllanJ> ..."such arlternatives" should be changed to 'the situations'
<AllanJ> SH: won't this lead to many alternatives
<AllanJ> KF: User Agent says I support MSAA or UIA. but, the browser comes up with some new feature that is not supported in the platform architecture
<AllanJ> ...developer needs to rewrite or create some work around and document it
<AllanJ> SH: this is more understandable than 2.1.3
<AllanJ> KF: 2.1.3 says basically if all else fails provide an accessible alternative.
<AllanJ> SH: current language seems too complex for concept we are aming for
All: Discussion around this phrasing and Wordsmithing
<JR> If a feature is not supported by the accessibility architecture(s) used by the user agent, provide an equivalent feature does support the accessibility architecture.
<JR> If a feature is not supported by the accessibility architecture(s) used by the user agent, provide an equivalent feature that does support the accessibility architecture(s).
<JR> accessibility architecture(s).
<JR> If a feature is not supported by the accessibility architecture(s), provide an equivalent feature that does support the accessibility architecture(s).
<JR> If a feature is not supported by the accessibility architecture(s), provide an equivalent feature that does support the accessibility architecture(s) and document the equivalence in the conformance claim.
<JR> If a feature is not supported by the accessibility architecture(s), provide an equivalent feature that does support the accessibility architecture(s). Document the equivalent feature in the conformance claim.
AllanJ: lets try to break
... How do we call attention to the equivalence in the
<AllanJ> how does the user know to use this equivalent feature
<JR> JA: 5.3.2...documenting success criteria
<JR> SH: Yes can go there
<AllanJ> ACTION: Jeanne to update 2.1.3 to If a feature is not supported by the accessibility architecture(s), provide an equivalent feature that does support the accessibility architecture(s). Document the equivalent feature in the conformance claim. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-96 - Update 2.1.3 to If a feature is not supported by the accessibility architecture(s), provide an equivalent feature that does support the accessibility architecture(s). Document the equivalent feature in the conformance claim. [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2008-12-11].
<AllanJ> all, agree to new wording
All: General discussion as to who could be approached regarding feedback.
<JR> +1
<judy> ACTION: JS & JB starting building push list for review of UAAG (and ATAG) drafts [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-97 - & JB starting building push list for review of UAAG (and ATAG) drafts [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2008-12-11].
<judy> ACTION: ALL -- send JS contact info if you have people you think would want to be on such a review list [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - ALL
AlanJ: Intended Publication date is W/C 15th Dec
<AllanJ> ACTION: Jim to send list of status updates to Jeanne [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-98 - Send list of status updates to Jeanne [on Jim Allan - due 2008-12-11].
All: clarification of Freeze date - today minus anything to update today.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Harper_Simon Found ScribeNick: sharper Default Present: +1.425.894.aaaa, allanj, Jan, sharper, jeanne, Judy, Ford_Kelly Present: Allan_James Harper_Simon Ford_Kelly Richards_Jan jeanne Judy Regrets: alan_cantor Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 04 Dec 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: -- 2.1.7 all contact draft have if info jeanne jim js people send think update want would you WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]