W3C Open Source Software - News for 2008

This is an archive of the W3C Open Source Software release news for the year 2008. Please read the Latest News for up-to-date information.

Markup Validator 0.8.4

20 November 2008: The latest version of the Markup Validator (a.k.a HTML Validator) adds support for the validation of HTML5, along with a few bug fixes. See the changelog and announcement for details. (News Archive)

LogValidator 1.4

20 November 2008: The W3C Log Validator, our tool for easy, step-by-step quality improvements of a whole web site, gets a number of bug fixes and a new feature to exclude some traffic from the logs it analyses. See the changelog for details. (News Archive)

HcalProxy 1.3

17 October 2008: Hcalproxy can now also be run under inetd(8). (News Archive)

xmptool 0.7

15 October 2008: Mostly bug fixes: xmptool now matches language codes case-insensitively (“en-US” and “en-us” are the same language) and the -d option now deletes all values of a property in case there is more than one. ( News Archive)

HcalProxy 1.1

15 October 2008: Hcalproxy now supports the HEAD method and adds DTSTAMP properties to events when it can. ( News Archive)

Markup Validator 0.8.3

08 August 2008: The latest maintenance release of the W3C Markup Validator not only sees a number of bug fixes and added supports for new and updated document types, it is also easier for developers to use in their web applications. Read the release notes and post on the W3C Q&A weblog. (News Archive)

Log Validator 1.3.1

28 May 2008: The Log Validator, W3C's step-by-step log analysis and quality checking tool for web sites gets an update, with an easier installation and fewer dependencies. Read the announcement for details. (News Archive)

CSS Validator Update

12 March 2008: The free W3C CSS Validation Service gets updated to the latest CSS Validator code base.
This release fixes a large number of bugs in CSS checking, making validation of style sheets more reliable and friendlier. The User interface also received an update.
See the release announcement for more details.

Amaya 10.0

29 February 2008: Amaya 10.0 released.
This release proposes a new user interface, two editing modes and a number of bug fixes.
See the list of new features/bug fixes and the User Manual for more details.
Download Amaya.

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Last modified $Date: 2008/12/04 00:29:41 $ by $Author $

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