W3C Video on the Web Workshop 12-13 December 2007, San Jose, California and Brussels, Belgium

Workshop Agenda

12 December 2007 13 December 2007

Please, schedule to arrive 15 minutes early in order to properly register on site and be accompanied to the meeting room. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will not be asked to access the meeting room but workshop participants will not be allowed to wonder freely outside the meeting area. We will start the meeting on time on both days.

Time are given in Pacific Standard Time and [Central European Time].

December 12

8:00 PST [ 17:00 CET ]
Breakfast (San Jose) and Coffee (Brussels)
8:45 PST [ 17:45 CET ]
Logistics and Introduction
9:00-10:15 PST [ 18:00-19:15 CET ] Ubiquitous Video
10:30 PST [ 19:30 CET ]
10:45-12:00 PST [ 19:45-21:00 CET ] Challenges of Publishing and Formats: HTML5, Codecs
12:00 PST [ 21:00 CET ]
Lunch (San Jose) and Dinner (Brussels)
13:00-15:00 PST [ 22:00-00:00+1 CET ] The User Experience with Video

Discussion [30 minutes]

15:00 PST [ 00:00+1 CET ]
15:30-16:30 PST [ 00:00+1-1:30 CET ] Linking into Video: Spatial and Temporal URI

Discussion [15 minutes]

16:30-17:00 PST [ 1:30+1-2:00 CET ] Summary of the day and next steps


17:00pm PST [ 2:00+1 CET ]
Meeting adjourned

December 13

8:00 PST [ 17:00 CET ]
Breakfast (San Jose) and Coffee (Brussels)
9:00-10:15 PST [ 18:00-19:15 CET ] Sharing Video: P2P and other protocols

Discussion [15 minutes]

10:15 PST [ 19:15 CET ]
10:30-12:00 PST [ 19:30-21:00 CET ] Applications: watermarking, syndication, etc.

Discussion [15 minutes]

12:00 PST [ 21:00 CET ]
Lunch (San Jose) and Dinner (Brussels)
13:00-14:30 PST [ 22:00-23:30 CET ] Semantics/Metadata

Discussion [15 minutes]

14:30 PST [ 23:30 CET ]
15:00-17:00 PST [ 00:00+1-2:00 CET ] Future of Video and Next Steps Panel

The goal of the panel is to discuss the impact of Video on the Web itself [past, present and future], reacting over the past two days of presentation, and discuss the potential next steps to be accomplished after the workshop. Participants are not meant necessarily to represent the audience but rather help and promote the discussion.

Panel participants:

  • Paul Bosco, Cisco Systems (moderator)
  • Ian Blaine, thePlatform
  • Steve Bratt, W3C
  • Jason Gaedtke, CableLabs
  • Kevin Lynch, Adobe Systems
  • Matthew Patulski, Capgemini
  • Silvia Pfeiffer, Annodex Association
17:00pm PST [ 2:00+1 CET ]
Meeting adjourned