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W3C 講演者一覧

W3C10 Asia 講演者、モデレータ、パネリスト一覧


Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-Lee has served as Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since its inception. A graduate of Oxford University, England, Tim is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL). With a background of system design in real-time communications and text processing software development, in 1989 he invented the World Wide Web, an Internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing. While working at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory, he wrote the first Web client (browser-editor), first Web server, and first version of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) in 1990.

Steve BrattSteve Bratt joined the World Wide Web Consortium in January 2002, serving first as COO and now CEO. He has primary responsibility for worldwide operations and outreach, including overall management of Member relations, the W3C Process, the Team, strategic planning, budget, legal matters, external liaisons and major events. Prior to joining the W3C, Steve held leadership and research positions within industry and government, and served on scientific and arms control delegations. Steve received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his B.S. from the Pennsylvania State University.

出水 法俊出水 法俊: W3C アジアホストの設立に貢献。

Martin J. DürstMartin J. Dürst is Associate Professor at the Department of Integrated Information Technology at Aoyama Gakuin University, doing research on Web architecture, Web technology, and software internationalization. He chairs the W3C Internationalization Interest Group and co-chairs the IETF LTRU Working Group. From 1998 to 2005, based at Keio University (Japan), Martin led the W3C Internationalization Activity. From 2002 to 2004, he was a Visiting Scientist at LCS/CSAIL at MIT (USA). Martin has contributed to a large number of Web and Internet standards, starting with HTML Internationalization. Martin earned a masters degree from the University of Zürich and a Dr. sc. from the University of Tokyo.

Ivan HermanIvan Herman graduated as a mathematician from the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, Hungary, in 1979. After a brief scholarship at the Université Paris VI he joined the Hungarian research institute in computer science (SZTAKI) where he worked for 6 years. He left Hungary in 1986 and, after a few years in industry, he joined the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Sciences (CWI) in Amsterdam where he has held a tenure position since 1988. He received a PhD degree in Computer Science in 1990 at the Leiden University, in the Netherlands. Ivan joined the W3C team as Head of Offices in January 2001 while maintaining his position at CWI. He served as Head of Offices until June 2006, when he was asked to take the Semantic Web Activity Lead position.

石川 雅康石川 雅康 joined the W3C at Keio-SFC in June 1997. Masayasu is a Team Contact for the Compound Document Formats Working Group.

Keith JefferyKeith Jeffery, ERCIM President, is currently Director, IT of CCLRC (Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils), based at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. Keith holds a BSc in Geology, a Ph.D. in Geology and is a Fellow of both the Geological Society of London and the British Computer Society. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Irish Computer Society and a trustee emeritus (past secretary and vice-president) of the Endowment Board of the VLDB (Very Large Database) Conference, and is a member of the boards controlling the EDBT (Extending Database Technology) conference, CAiSE (Conference on Advanced Systems Engineering) and OOIS (Object-Oriented Information Systems) conference.

木達 一仁木達 一仁: インフォメーション・インテグレータの株式会社ミツエーリンクスにおいて執行役員と Web 開発チームのフロントエンド・エンジニアを務める。業務を通じて Web 標準に準拠したコンテンツ実装を手がけるほか、その普及啓蒙活動に従事。Web Standards Project (WaSP) の一員として、翻訳などを通じ日本と海外の橋渡し的役割も担う。主な監修書に「Designing with Web Standards − XHTML+CSS を中心とした「Web 標準」によるデザインの実践」、「CSS Zen Garden Book − Web デザインのベストプラクティスに学ぶ、CSS クリエイティブ・テクニック」など。

国領 二郎国領 二郎 is a Professor at Keio University's Faculty of Public Management as well as its Graduate School of Media and Governance. He also serves as the Executive Director of Keio Research Institute at SFC (Shonan Fujisawa Campus). His research and teaching interests center on the development of business and social models that maximize the benefits of information technologies. He is particularly active in studying effective uses of open systems. He received many awards for his academic work including awards from the Japan Society for Management Information (annual best paper award) and the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (Telecommunications Social Science Award).

松居 真一松居 真一: 松下電器産業株式会社コーポレート R&D 戦略室に所属。1998 年以来、W3C HTML ワーキンググループのメンバー。XHTML Basic (1.0) 規格の co-editor であり、その他モバイル関連などいくつかの W3C ドキュメントの共著者。Web 技術をデジタル家電製品に応用することに興味を持ち、携帯電話、デジタル TV などに加え、電子レンジでの製品化にも関与。1998 年から 1999 年まで、W3C/慶應 SFC で客員エンジニア (現フェロー) 。

村井 純村井 純: 学校法人慶應義塾常任理事 兼 慶應義塾大学環境情報学部教授。1999-2005 年、慶應義塾大学 SFC 研究所所長。1984 年 JUNET を設立。1988 年 WIDE プロジェクトを設立し、今日までその代表として指導にあたる。2005 年 Internet Society より Jonathan B.Postel Service Award 受賞、社団法人情報処理学会 フェロー、日本学術会議 第20期 会員。

村田 真村田 真: W3C の XML ワーキンググループに参加し、XML 1.0 勧告を生み出すプロセスに貢献。主な業績に,スキーマ言語 RELAX NG,XML 日本語プロファイル、IETF RFC 3023 XML Media Types などである。編著書に、「XML 入門」(日本経済新聞社)。インターネットコンファレンス 98 論文賞。情報処理学会業績賞。

中根 雅文中根 雅文 was a member of the W3C Team from 1997 to April 2001. Prior to joining W3C, he was already participating in some of the activities of the Web Accessibility Initiative as a researcher in the area of information accessibility. He continues to take part in WAI activities and devotes time and effort to raising awareness about Web accessibility and WAI activities in Japan.

夏野 剛夏野 剛: 株式会社 NTT ドコモ 執行役員 マルチメディアサービス部長。ドコモのマルチメディア戦略の総責任者として、iモードからおサイフケータイ、クレジットサービス iD、DCMX まで様々なサービスを世に送り出している。ベンチャー企業副社長から 1997 年に iモードの立ち上げのためにドコモに転身し、i モードの育ての親として世界的に知られている。2001 年ビジネスウィーク誌にて世界の e ビジネスリーダー 25 人の一人に選ばれる。著書「iモードストラテジー」他。

박기식박기식 is the manager of the Korea Office. He currently works as Vice President of ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) for IT Services Research Division and serves as the Chairman of SG3 of ITU-T after the 8 year Vice-Chairmanship of ITU-T TSAG (Telecommunications Standardization Advisory Group) together with its WP3 Chairmanship since 1996. He is also a member of advisory board of APT Standardization Program (ASTAP) regionally, and chairman of strategic planning of committee of TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association of Korea) domestically.

斎藤 信男斎藤 信男 is directing the W3C team at Keio University, where he established the third Consortium host in September 1996. And he also serves at the Consortium's Associate Chair for Asia. As Emeritus Professor of Keio University and Dean of Faculty of Global Media Studies, Komazawa University, Nobuo's areas of expertise are in Operating Systems, Parallel Processing, Distributed Processing Environments, Document Processing, Software Engineering, Software Development and Digital Media Environments. Nobuo received his PhD in Engineering from the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo. Before becoming a Vice President of Keio University, he was Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Information.

高田 敏弘高田 敏弘: 日本電信電話株式会社 コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 主任研究員。W3C アジアホストの設立に貢献。

高木 悟高木 悟は、YRP ユビキタスネットワーキング研究所の研究開発者です。彼の研究分野は WebGIS と Web Mapping システムです。1996 年、彼は Web 上で公開されたグラフィックスレイヤーを重ね合わせる機能による分散型 GIS を発明しました。そして、その技術は SVG1.1 として標準化され、オープン化されました。彼は現在、セマンティック Web アーキテクチャを導入することで、人間可読でありつつ機械可読な、進化した Web GIS, Web Mapping システムの開発を行っています。そして、その標準化のために、Invite Expert としての W3C geospatial incubator group への参加や、JIS Place XML、ISO TC211 標準化活動への参加を行っています。

Eva Tam譚綺華 received her Master degree in International Business Management at the City University of Hong Kong in 1998. She has been working in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of HKUST since 1994. In April 2004, Eva took additional responsibility as Administrator for the W3C Office in Hong Kong. She handles all membership related matters and coordinates the office's activities.

山上 俊彦山上 俊彦: (株) ACCESS 技術戦略企画本部 Senior Specialist。アプリケーションレイヤ標準化に 20 年間従事。1999 年に ACCESS に入社するまでまでは NTT で応用層通信プロトコルの研究開発及び国際標準化を担当。ISO SC18/WG4 国内主査、情報処理学会グループウェア研究会幹事、 W3C XHTML Basic の Co-editor や WAP Forum WML 2.0 の Editor を務めた。東京農工大客員教授。

杜宗霞 achieved her Doctor's degree of Computer Science and technology in 2005 at Beihang, which she now works for as a teacher. She specialises in network midware and Web Service. Until now, she has more than 10 acdemic papers published by various core journals as well as conference of worldwide influence. She is in charge of operation of the Chinese Office work with supports from W3C Office.