RDFa in XHTML 1.1 Disposition of CR Comments

27 August 2008

This version:
Ben Adida, Creative Commons.


This document outlines the way in which the Semantic Web Deployment and XHTML 2 Working Groups addressed the comments submitted during the RDFa in XHTML 1.1CR period.

Status of this document

During the CR period of RDFa in XHTML 1.1, a number of comments were received from both inside and outside of the W3C. This document summarizes those comments and describes the ways in which the comments were addressed by the Semantic Web Deployment and XHTML 2 Working Groups.

Note that the majority of this document is automatically generated from the Working Group's database of comments. As such, it may contain typographical or stylistic errors. If so, these are contained in the original submissions, and the SWD and XHTML2 Working Groups elected to not change these submissions.

This document is a product of the W3C's SWD and XHTML 2 Working Group. This document may be updated, replaced or rendered obsolete by other W3C documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use this document as reference material or to cite it as other than "work in progress". This document is work in progress and does not imply endorsement by the W3C membership.

This document has been produced by the W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group and the W3C XHTML 2 Working Group as part of the Semantic Web Activity. The goals of the Semantic Web Deployment Working Group are discussed in the Semantic Web Deployment Working Group. The goals of the XHTML 2 Working Group are discussed in the XHTML 2 Working Group charter.

Please send detailed comments on this document to public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org. We cannot guarantee a personal response, but we will try when it is appropriate. Public discussion on HTML features takes place on the mailing list public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org.

A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR.

Table of Contents

IssueActionCommenter FeedbackChange TypeNotes
104: Provide complete datatype definitions Accept would prefer more editorial details Editorial Copy the CURIE datatype definition from WD-curie-20080402/#s_schema
121: clarification of default namespace Accept Accept editorial clarify using Mark's wording "the mapping to use with the default prefix is the current default prefix mapping".
122: Comments on Syntax from Alan Ruttenberg Partial Accept Editorial some small edits performed for clarification, other comments rejected because not problematic or entirely relevant to RDFa processing (discussions of vocabulary specifics.)
124: reservations about use of RDFa attributes in head Reject Accept None reject as this does not seem to be related to RDFa specifically, it is a general issue with metadata.
125: comment on section 2.1 @name Accept Accept Editorial Thank you for catching this. You are absolutely correct, @name has not meaning for RDFa. We will remove that attribute from the list in section 2.1. That text was likely left-over from an earlier draft of the document.
126: conformance for markup, a processor, or both? Postponed Accept. "Thank you for your careful attention to my concerns. I provide some detailed responses below, but to get immediately to the question that tends to be of greatest interest to working groups that are trying to move forward: yes, the responses and proposals you give below are acceptable to me should you wish to move forward without further changes. Thus, the additional suggestions I make below are just for your consideration: if you find them helpful, feel free to adapt some or all, and if not that's OK too. Either way, feel free to proceed without further coordination with me.
127: [Noah Mendelsohn] Comments on RDFa in XHTML: Syntax and processing Accept Accept, with additional suggested text "Specifications for such other languages MAY normatively reference this Recommendation and thus may provide for use of RDFa markup, with the caveat that there is currently no W3C working group chartered to maintain this specification for such broader use." Editorial add a number of clarifying statements and small editorial tweaks.


Issue #104: Provide complete datatype definitions [tracker]

Issue #121: clarification of default namespace [tracker]

Issue #122: Comments on Syntax from Alan Ruttenberg [tracker]

Issue #124: reservations about use of RDFa attributes in head [tracker]

Issue #125: comment on section 2.1 @name [tracker]

Issue #126: conformance for markup, a processor, or both? [tracker]

Issue #127: [Noah Mendelsohn] Comments on RDFa in XHTML: Syntax and processing [tracker]