Edit comment LC-926 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-926
Commenter: Andi Snow-Weaver <andisnow@us.ibm.com> on behalf of IBM

Resolution status:

Definition of "programmatically determined" is confusing.

Proposed Change:

Proposal for definition of ""programmatically determined"":

""available through content markup (element name, attributes, or properties) or style sheet properties in the case of markup languages or through accessibility APIs in the case of GUI applications.

Note: User agents can extract this information from content markup and style sheet properties and make it available to an assistive technology through programmatic means such as through the DOM or accessibility API. Accessibility APIs may be defined by the technology owner or in a publicly documented alternative recognized as explicitly supporting accessibility.
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 926.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:42:00 dom Exp $
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