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Comment LC-1413
Commenter: David Keech <david.keech@bsi-global.com> on behalf of British Standards Instution, London, UK

Resolution status:

9 Comments on Appendix A - Glossary (Normative). This section should be re-written (preferably by a standards editor). Almost every definition is inaccurate, inappropriate or unnecessary. Several are simply incorrect. Starting just with those beginning with

Definition of acronym is incorrect (relates to definition of abbreviation and initialism). An acronym is "A word formed from the initial letters or parts of other words" (SOED). An initialism is a subset of this, being formed from initials. Missing out the words 'parts of other words' is both incorrect and makes initialism and acronym identical.

Definition of "activity where timing is essential". 'Timing' should be defined for clarification (or better described in the definition).

Definition of "analog, time-dependent input" - This is 'analog, time-dependent movement', presumably as opposed to "digital, time dependent movement". Whilst not being very clear, adding a definition which constrains this to a very specific meaning in the context of a pointing device may not be useful. The wording should stand on its own as English text, and is not proper to a definition section.

Definition of ASCII art. It is assumed that an image rendered from many small images would classify as ASCII art (examples exist). The spatial arrangement is therefore of glyphs (or similar small sized graphical objects), not characters - their rendition is what provides the pseudo-photographic output.

Definition of "authored unit" (and implicitly "authored component"). See comments above about confusion between authored unit, component and web unit)

Other errors include: Re-definition of text (SOED: the wording of something written or printed). Unicode is defined by the Unicode Consortium (www.unicode.org) and no longer aligns with ISOIEC 10646-1 (or 106464, whatever that is supposed to be!)

Some definitions (eg Luminosity contrast ratio) are in the vein of defining pi as 22/7 - input from the relevant standards body (eg CIE) could have avoided these basic errors. In several places, values are referred to as RGB without any reference to colour spaces. Many definition would be much improved by using the same word definitions as are used in other Standards, where similar terms are correctly defined, and then simply referred to the appropriate Standard in the definition (or worst case by repeating verbatim the wording used in the Standard).
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 1413.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:41:30 dom Exp $
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