See also: IRC log
Previous: 2004-07-11
Phil: Jeff Pan sends regrets
<scribe> Scribe: Chris
PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 11 July telecon:
-> 2005-07-11 meeting record
RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the 11 July telecon:
<danbri> [Next Telecon
<danbri> Guus: in 2 weeks next, July 25th I'm on holiday]
<Chris_scribe> daveW: need to establish by end of summer targets for f2f
PROPOSED next meeting 22 August
<Chris_scribe> ...f2f gets us near end of charter
RESOLVED next meeting 22 August
<Chris_scribe> ralph: notes 2 requests for reviews of other docs
<Chris_scribe> ...web acces. initiative and sparql
<Chris_scribe> added to agenda at end of liasons
<scribe> ACTION: Ralph, DavidW, and DavidB to an initial draft of TAG httpRange-14 resolution impact on semweb application developers [recorded in]
<Chris_scribe> agendum: 2. LIAISON
<Chris_scribe> 2.1 Proposed resolution httpRange-14
-> DBooth's thing-defined-by proposal
<Chris_scribe> dbooth: would like proposal to be considered
<Chris_scribe> ...propose we do NOT take action until so
<danbri> url for proposal, dbooth?
<Chris_scribe> danbri, see above
<danbri> ah sorry :)
-> DBooth expands on thing-described-by
<Chris_scribe> davidW: how to respond?
<Chris_scribe> dbooth: would like more input
[I intend to consider DBooth's thing-defined-by idea but not let that me stop drafting words on the httpRange-14 TAG resolution]
<Chris_scribe> jjc: inclination to stay quiet, some people seem to be able to live with it
<danbri> -- http-range resolution - should we ask to make 303 redirects possible? (DC, RSS1, ...) Dan Brickley
<Chris_scribe> dbooth: my proposal is a follow-on to tags proposal
<Zakim> danbri, you wanted to suggest david's proposal is orthogonal; but that choice of HTTP code needs further discussion
<Chris_scribe> danbri: people are exhausted w/ topic, lots of email and proposals. Dbooth's proposal looks like a value-add, but no need for it to come from a w3c group
<Chris_scribe> have a service that would require re-tooling to be compliant (Danbri check I'm getting this)
<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to say [I intend to consider DBooth's thing-defined-by idea but not let that me stop drafting words on the httpRange-14 TAG resolution]
<danbri> [[Many pre-HTTP/1.1 user agents do not understand the 303
<danbri> status. When interoperability with such clients is a concern, the
<danbri> 302 status code may be used instead, since most user agents react
<danbri> to a 302 response as described here for 303.]]
<Chris_scribe> ralph: not carefully considered dbooth's proposal, but don't intend to hold up considering action item
<Chris_scribe> ...still drafting language in response to tag proposal.
[reminder to re-read the actual text of the TAG's resolution too]
<Chris_scribe> davidw: agree with ralph
<Chris_scribe> ...move forward with action as stands and dbooth's proposal as sep. issues
<Zakim> danbri, you wanted to be more concrete, we accept, conditional on TAG noting that a 302 HTTP response is also acceptable (since use that, and HTTP/1.1 allows the
[searching for a pointer to the resolution, doesn't see one obvious]
Jeremy: DBooth's t-b-d proposal
is more like things that IETF does
... hence an Internet Draft may be more appropriate than a BP
... I think Best Practice notes should only be written about
established practices
<danbri> +1 re new practice
<Chris_scribe> jjc: don't think best practice should be a proposal for a new practice
<Chris_scribe> agendum: 2.2 XML Schema Last Call
<DavidW> XSCD doc:
<jjc> I volunteer - I've read earlier docs.
<jjc> when's the deadline?
<Chris_scribe> ACTION: jjc to review XML Schema last call [recorded in]
<Chris_scribe> agendum 2.3 OMG: ODM review
<scribe> ACTION: Guus to comment on ODM [recorded in]
-- continues
-> ODM update [Elisa]
-> Last Call for comments on "SPARQL Query Language for RDF"
<dbooth> Ralph: SPARQL went to Last Call last week.
<Chris_scribe> ralph: some swbp input to DAWL/Sparql, feedback solicited
<dbooth> ... We were asked last year to give input on subject and something else. We were requested by the DAWG chair to give final feedback on how our ealier feedback was recorded.
<Chris_scribe> davidw: looks like it has grown considerably
<Chris_scribe> davidw: important stuff - we need to get a review from swbp
[?do we _need_ to do a review?]
<DavidW> Ralph, no, but it would be a shame if we didn't care...
<Zakim> danbri, you wanted to ask about testing
<Chris_scribe> danbri: rdf test cases were a huge part of the rdf spec - doesn't seem to have the same emphasis in sparql
<Chris_scribe> ...might be worth some comment
<danbri> (& _deployment_, ralph?)
<Chris_scribe> jjc: notes that test cases in webont prceeded differently
<Chris_scribe> davidw: agrees that test cases are important for encouraging interoperability
<jjc> fixed!
<jjc> (in response to danbri's rdf syntax test case)
-> EARL 1.0 [WD 2002-12-06]
<Chris_scribe> ralph: from web access. initiative
<Chris_scribe> ...earl is a way to record the evaluations of accessibility of web pages
<Chris_scribe> ...seems like a natural RDF app (metadata)
<aliman> See also 2005-07-11
-> Requirements for the Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0 [WD 2005-07-11]
<jjc> This is a W3C Working Draft produced by the Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
<aliman> See also editor's draft 11 july 2005
<Chris_scribe> ralph: seems appropriate for swbp to review
<jjc> it's very short
<Chris_scribe> formal request to review, but it is possible
<jjc> i'll do it - it'll only take thirty mins
<jjc> key line:
<jjc> EARL 1.0 will be an RDF Schema as defined by the RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0
Ralph: EARL was an RDF application at one time, I assume it might still be
Topic 3.1 PORT
<Chris_scribe> agendum: 3. TF UPDATES
<Chris_scribe> 3.1 PORT (Alistair)
<scribe> ACTION: Guus ask Mark if he can review next SKOS edits [recorded in] [WITHDRAWN]
<jjc> ACTION: jjc review EARL requirements [recorded in]
Alistair: I've contacted Mark myself
-> [PORT] review process [Alistair]
-> RE: [PORT] review process [Alistair]
<Chris_scribe> alistair: will inform guus of dropped action
<Chris_scribe> alistair: seeking feedback on the policies for reviews described above
<Chris_scribe> davidw: seems ok, note ralph's comments
<Chris_scribe> alistair: mainly concerned that reviewers have the ability to "veto" changes
<DavidW> Ralph, humbly pleased?
<Chris_scribe> ralph: seemed liek proposal was asking reviewers to do the job of the TF
<Chris_scribe> ...see now that getting outside comments was considered reviewing
<Chris_scribe> ...which is fine. Main job of reviewers in SWBP is to approve next WD (or notes)
<danbri> [yup. tf lead should report substantive dissagreements to the wg, but can advise wg to move ahead anyway...]
Chris: everyone's been on vacation
<scribe> ACTION: Guus review new n-ary relations editor's draft [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Ralph review new n-ary relations editor's draft [recorded in]
-- continues
Chris: the latest editor's draft is on the OEP page and has been ready for review
-> OEP Update from Deb
<scribe> ACTION: Aldo to propose an update the Wordnet TF description [recorded in]
-- continues
DanBri: I think we should consider closing this TF
-> Re: XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL [Dave Reynolds]
-> comment: "XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL" [Frank Manola]
Jeremy: with an implementor's
hat, I was part of the Jena team that decided the xpath
solution hard to implement
... as an editor, I took the users' perspective that the xpath
solution was the better one
<Chris_scribe> jeffp to draft a response to dave reynolds
-> [VM] Telecon report - 2005-07-19 [Tom]
<jjc> ACTION: jeffp to draft a response to dave reynolds [recorded in]
<Chris_scribe> davidw: do you anticipate TF taking a stand on IRIs?
<Chris_scribe> ralph: expect there to be practical issues TF can't propose solutions for
<Zakim> Jeremy, you wanted to talk about iri
<jjc> iri spec if rfc ???? see in a min
Jeremy: [the intent of the RDF Core WG was that] IRIs are usable in the Semantic Web
<jjc> RFC 3987
<Chris_scribe> (from IETF)
-> IRIs
<Chris_scribe> agendum3.6 RDF-in-HTML (Ben)
<scribe> ACTION: Gavin find out from his community and contacts if they have use cases for GRDDL [recorded in]
<Chris_scribe> agendum 3.6 RDF-in-HTML (Ralph)
<scribe> ACTION: Ralph suggest to XHTML TF that Jeremy's WWW2005 Talk be turned into a document [recorded in] [DONE]
-> Report on 19 July telecon
-> Interest in GRDDL from IPTC [Tom]
<danbri> The International Press Telecommunications Council --
<Chris_scribe> ralph: IPRC has interest in GRDDL and embedding RDF-in-HTML,
<Chris_scribe> ... seems to be little interest in GRDDL in SWBP
<Chris_scribe> davidW: grddl exists as a solution.
<Zakim> Jeremy, you wanted to iptc
Jeremy: IPTC seems to be
concerned about bandwidth
... so the GRDDL stylesheet might be too long for them
<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to reply
<Chris_scribe> ralph: so rdf/a may not be a solution because of bandwidth and thus grddl
Ralph: yes, compactness of encoding is an issue for IPTC but rather than that being an issue for GRDDL it is a potential advantage for GRDDL over an RDF/A solution
<Chris_scribe> agendum: 3.7 ADTF (Libby)
-> Semantic Web Applications and Demos [Libby]
<jjc> yes to ralph, ...
<scribe> ACTION: Libby gives DanBri html fragment for wg homepage [recorded in] [DONE]
<scribe> ACTION: DanBri update wg homepage w/ pointer to doap registry from Libby [recorded in] [DONE]
<Chris_scribe> davidw: tagging apps/demos with RDF/OWL applicability issue?
<jrvosse> libby, i've been asking jeen broekstra to make a doap profile for, he responded he was already working on one...
<Chris_scribe> libby: some technical challenges to do with Grddl/blog interoperation
<scribe> ACTION: Guus send email to Steve Pepper re status of new rdftm draft [recorded in]
-- continues
Ralph: Benjamin sent regrets for today's meeting
<Chris_scribe> jeffp will ping benjamin
<scribe> ACTION: Chris and Benjamin to review SETF note [recorded in]
-- continues
-> Multimedia Annotation Task Force Proposal [Giorgos]
<Chris_scribe> giorgos: Two work items, survey of work and best practices for annotating multimedia documents for SW
<Chris_scribe> ...have something to start with, can deliver by end of sept.
<Chris_scribe> ...for video, we have one more year (???), perhaps do something about transformation (of what???)
<Chris_scribe> giorgio: will start with covering abstract levels of information in MM docs
<Chris_scribe> ...try to classify standards into these levels (e.g. syntactic, semantic, ...)
<Chris_scribe> ralph: exciting work, share concern with chair that need to find realistic short-term deliverables
<Zakim> Jeremy, you wanted to talk about HP situation
<jjc> Possible HP concern over overlap between TF and XG (incubator group) - still being discussed inside HP
DavidW: I'd like to delay formal
approval of the TF until next meeting
... as Guus was instrumental
Jeremy: I've not heard any objections to this task force
<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to comment on participation
<mike> How much actual best practice exists for multi-media annotation?
Ralph: a new TF does add to the
WG's work load and the WG is under-represented at today's
... I'm concerned that there be critical mass of WG
participants who agree to work with this TF
Mike: are there existing practices to evaluate?
Giorgos: yes, there are practices to look at
David: hearing a lot of discussion, I judge that we need to defer a formal decision to next telecon
Ralph: meanwhile, feel free to use the WG mailing list to discuss the content
<aliman> thanks folks :)
<libby> thanks all
<FabGandon> Bye.
Giorgos: please take this up earlier on the agenda next time
David: yes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.126 of Date: 2005/05/16 16:49:48 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/perl/purl/ Succeeded: s/use cases/use cases for GRDDL/ No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: Ralph Found Scribe: Chris Default Present: Phil_Tetlow, Ralph, David_Wood, ph, Fabien, DBooth, ChrisW, Alistair_Miles, +31.20.465.aaaa, Mike, Jacco, DanBri, Libby, Giorgos_Stamou, Jeremy, +1.441.316.aabb, Jeff, +44.131.667.aacc Present: Phil_Tetlow Ralph David_Wood ph Fabien DBooth ChrisW Alistair_Miles +31.20.465.aaaa Mike Jacco DanBri Libby Giorgos_Stamou Jeremy +1.441.316.aabb Jeff +44.131.667.aacc Regrets: Guus_Schreiber Tom_Baker Natasha_Noy Benjamin_Nguyen Deb_McGuinness Elisa_Kendall Evan_Wallace Jeff_Pan Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 25 Jul 2005 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: aldo benjamin chris davidb davidw email gavin guus jeffp jjc ralph send[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]