W3C | TAG | Previous: 5 Jan teleconf | Next: 19 Jan
Agenda of 12 January 2004 TAG teleconference
Nearby: Teleconference details · issues list (handling new
issues)· www-tag
1. Administrative (15min)
- Roll call
- Proposed to accept minutes of the 5 Jan
- Accept this agenda?
- Proposed next meeting: 19 Jan 2004 with I18N WG
1.1 Video meeting in Feb 2003
- Action SW/PC 2003/11/10: Explore possibility of TAG videolink TAG
distributed meeting in February.
1.2 Technical Plenary
- Continued action SW 2003/11/15: Take to tech plenary committee the
TAG's proposal.
- TAG 2 Mar 2004 ftf
meeting page
1.3 TAG meeting schedule in 2004
- Action PC 2004/01/05: Propose meeting schedule for next 4 (or so) TAG
ftf meetings. Due: 12 Jan 2004.
1.4 Completed action items
- Action IJ 2004/01/05: Add public-webarch-comments to list of mailing
lists on TAG home page.
2. Technical (75min)
See also
2.1 Issue qnameAsId-18
Issue qnameAsId-18
6 Jan 2004 draft finding by Norm Walsh "Using Qualified
Names (QNames) as Identifiers in Content"
2.2 Issue siteData-36
Issue siteData-36
Tim Bray writing
on siteData-36
2.3 Issues
Issues that are open and that we expect to close by the end of last
The TAG does not intend to discuss topics below this line at this
2.3 Status report on these findings
See also TAG findings
2.5 Other action items
- Action RF 2003/10/08: Explain "identifies" in RFC 2396.
- Action DC 2003/11/15: Follow up on KeepPOSTRecords with Janet Daly on
how to raise awareness of this point (which is in CUAP).
- Action CL 2003/10/27: Draft XML mime type thingy with Murata-san
Ian Jacobs for Stuart Williams and TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2004/01/19 08:26:56 $