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Minutes of 5 January 2004 TAG teleconference
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1. Administrative (15min)
- Roll call: SW (Chair), TBL, DC, NW, TB, DO, PC, IJ
(Scribe). Regrets: RF. Absent:
TB noted that he has changed affiliation.
- Accepted minutes of the 15
Dec teleconf.
- Accepted this agenda.
- Next meeting: 12 Jan 2004
- Upcoming meeting with I18N representatives: 19 Jan 2004.
- DC reminded the TAG that the next W3C/IETF joint meeting is scheduled
for 6 February.
1.1 Video meeting in Feb 2003
- Action SW/PC 2003/11/10: Explore possibility of TAG videolink TAG
distributed meeting in February.
SW: Not much to report.
1.2 Technical Plenary
- Continued action SW 2003/11/15: Take to tech plenary committee the
TAG's proposal.
- SW: The idea of debate around web arch got some favorable response. I
need to continue to work on setting up liaisons with other groups.
- IJ: I need to work on ftf meeting page; with liaisons.
- TBL: I cannot attend ftf meeting in Cannes.
- [DanCon]
- is isight a possibility?
- [Ian]
- TBL: I will be working, however. Could attend by video.
- [DanCon]
- (Stuart, yes, let's do talk about TP liaison foo; I'm interested to
help; perhaps right after this call)
1.3 New Year Planning
- Reflection on 2003; goals for 2004.
- Face-to-face meeting schedule
- [Ian]
- [Support for long-term planning from PC, DC, NW]
- Action PC: Propose meeting schedule for
next 4 (or so) TAG ftf meetings. Due: 12 Jan 2004.
- [Goals]
SW: Arch Doc to Rec, close more issues.
DC: We occasionally bump up against QA boundary. We had some
gratifying impact within the W3C community (e.g., SOAP, Voice). My goal
for 2004 is to see some Web sites changed. Once in a while, people talk
about w3c-certified engineers. The advogado model (open source
developers) of peer review is interesting to me. I'd like to reproduce
that phenomenon around people who build arch-happy Web sites.
- TBray: One idea came up at town hall in Philadelphia. I am troubled
by the fact that we don't have a conformance section in the Arch Doc.
We could produce a Web arch conformance statement template.
- [IJ: Check out what UAAG 1.0 does on this front: http://www.w3.org/TR/UAAG10/conformance.html#Conformance
- TBray: I'd also like to make progress on RDDL and formalizing the
notion of a Web site.
- PC: I think that my first priority is to get arch doc to Rec. We need
to scope out what our next technical work will be beyond that. I'd like
to have the current arch doc to Rec and a sketch of next version for
Nov 2004 AC meeting.
- [DanCon]
- (path from http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/ to http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webarch-comments/
is longer than I'd like)
- [Ian]
- Action IJ: Add public-webarch-comments to
list of mailing lists on TAG home page.
1.4 Process questions
The TAG discussed some proposed changes to the W3C Process Document
regarding TAG participation.
2. Technical (75min)
2.1 How close are we to accepting these findings?
See also TAG findings.
2.2 Status report on these findings
- [Ian]
- DO: No change from where we were 2-3 weeks ago. WSDL WG had taken our
suggestions to heart. Remaining question about syntax (of frag ids):
where to specify this. Question of where the frag id syntax dfns would
- TBL: Spec should define the frag id sem/syn normatively.
- DO: The thought was that since this was raised during RDF review,
that it be related to that material. I pushed back on that approach
since I think the issue is larger.
DC: Is WSDL planning to register a media type?
DO: I think so
IJ: Did my previous comments make it into a draft?
DO: Yes.
[There was some confusion about the latest draft of this
finding, which is dated 30 Oct. DO and IJ to sort this out.]
- [Ian]
- IJ: It has been my understanding that Martin has the ball on revising
this guidebook
resource on registering media types.
- DC: Yes, he does. Next W3C/IETF meeting scheduled for 6 Feb.
2.3 Issues
Issues list
Issues that are open and that we expect to close by the end of last
2.4 Other action items
Ian Jacobs for Stuart Williams and TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2004/01/19 08:26:56 $