W3CTAG Issues List

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  1. DC (3 open actions)
  2. HT (3 open actions)
  3. NM (4 open actions)
  4. RL (1 open action)
  5. TBL (1 open action)
  6. TVR (1 open action)
  7. NW (1 open action)
  8. SW (1 open action)

DC (3 open actions)

namespaceDocument-8: What should a "namespace document" look like?
RDFinXHTML-35: Syntax and semantics for embedding RDF in XHTML
XMLVersioning-41: What are good practices for designing extensible XML languages and for handling versioning?

HT (3 open actions)

namespaceDocument-8: What should a "namespace document" look like?
xmlFunctions-34: XML Transformation and composability (e.g., XSLT, XInclude, Encryption)
URNsAndRegistries-50: URIs, URNs, "location independent" naming systems and associated registries for naming on the Web

NM (4 open actions)

XMLVersioning-41: What are good practices for designing extensible XML languages and for handling versioning?
XMLVersioning-41: What are good practices for designing extensible XML languages and for handling versioning?
ultimateQuestion-42: What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
ultimateQuestion-42: What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

RL (1 open action)

httpRange-14: What is the range of the HTTP dereference function?

TBL (1 open action)

IRIEverywhere-27: Should W3C specifications start promoting IRIs?

TVR (1 open action)

xmlFunctions-34: XML Transformation and composability (e.g., XSLT, XInclude, Encryption)

NW (1 open action)

namespaceDocument-8: What should a "namespace document" look like?

SW (1 open action)

abbreviatedURIs-56: Abbreviating URIs in Web Languages

Last update: $Date: 2008/10/10 09:52:43 $

This page was generated as part of the Extensible Issue Tracking System (ExIT)