W3C | TAG | Previous: 2nd July 2007. | Next: 16th July 2007
Agenda of 9th July 2007 TAG teleconference
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- Convene
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: DanC
- Roll call -- Regrets: Noah
and TimBL
- Agenda Review
- Next Telcon: Propose: 16th July -- scribe: Raman
-- regrets: David,
Rhys, Henry
- Approve Minutes
from 25th June 2007:
- (Post) Summer 'Recess'
- At the end of last weeks meeting we resolved to
cancel meetings on 23rd, 30th July and 6th Aug.
We need a volunteer to prepare the Agenda (and Chair?) on 13th Aug
- Issue XMLVersioning-41
- Issue httpRange-14
- Any other business?
Stuart Williams for TAG
$Revision: 1.3 $ of $Date: 2007/07/12 14:37:30 $