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W3C Glossaries

Showing results 41 - 60 of 1725


From Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification (2000-11-13)

An ancestor node of any node A is any node above A in a tree model of a document, where "above" means "toward the root."

From Web Characterization Terminology & Definitions Sheet (1999-05-24)

An area within a resource that can be the source or destination of zero, one or more links. An anchor may refer to the whole resource, particular parts of the resource, or to particular manifestations of the resource.


From Hypertext Terms (1995-04-15)

An area within a the content of a node which is the source or destination of a link . The anchor may be the whole of the node content. Typically, clicking a mouse on an anchor area causes the link to be followed, leaving the anchor at the opposite end of the link displayed. Anchors tend to be highlighted in a special way (always, or when the mouse is over them), or represented by a special symbol. An anchor may, and often does, correspond to the whole node. (also sometimes known as "span", "region", "button", or "extent").
ancillary chunk

From Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition) (2003-11-10)

class of chunk that provides additional information. A PNG decoder , without processing an ancillary chunk, can still produce a meaningful image, though not necessarily the best possible image.

From User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (2002-12-17)

In this document, an "animation" refers to content that, when rendered, creates a visual movement effect automatically (i.e., without explicit user interaction). This definition of animation includes video and animated images. Animation techniques include: graphically displaying a sequence of snapshots within the same region (e.g., as is done for video and animated images). The series of snapshots may be provided by a single resource (e.g., an animated GIF image) or from distinct resources (e.g., a series of images downloaded continuously by the user agent).scrolling text (e.g., achieved through markup or style sheets).displacing graphical objects around the viewport (e.g., a picture of a ball that is moved around the viewport giving the impression that it is bouncing off of the viewport edges). For instance, the SMIL 2.0 [SMIL20] animation modules explain how to create such animation effects in a declarative manner (i.e., not by composition of successive snapshots).
This content type label refers to all of the requirements related to animations (including video and animated images) for the following checkpoints: 3.2, 4.4, and 4.5. When this label is part of a conformance profile, the user agent must implement at least one animation format. Furthermore, when this label is part of a profile, the user agent must satisfy the requirements of checkpoint 3.2 for all implemented animation formats, not just those identified in a conformance profile. The animation requirements apply to animation content that is recognized as distinct and that, according to the encoding format, may be rendered as a coherent unit.

From Hypertext Terms (1995-04-15)

The linking of a new commentary node to an existing node. If readers can annotate nodes, then they can immediately provide feedback if the information is misleading, out of date or plain wrong. Thus the quality of the information in the web can be improved. (More...)

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

The quality or state of being anonymous, which is the condition of having a name or identity that is unknown or concealed. [RFC 2828]

anonymous type name

From XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM) (2007-01-23)

An anonymous type name is an implementation dependent, unique type name provided by the processor for every anonymous type declared in the schemas available.

From RDF Semantics (2004-02-10)

(n.) In an inference , the expression(s) from which the conclusion is derived. In an entailment relation, the entailer. Also assumption .

From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" (1999-07-23)

An open source Web server originally formed by taking all the "patches" (fixes) to the NCSA Web server and making a new server out of it.

From User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (2002-12-17)

An applet is a program (generally written in the Java programming language) that is part of content, and that the user agent executes.

From Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (1999-05-05)

A program inserted into a Web page.

From Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (2004-02-04)

It is assumed that an XML processor is doing its work on behalf of another module, called the application.

From Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) Version 2.0 (2004-03-16)

A collection of VoiceXML documents that are tagged with the same application name attribute.

From XPointer Framework (2003-03-25)

A software component that incorporates or uses an XPointer processor because it needs to access XML subresources. The occurrence and usage of XPointers, and the behavior to be applied to resources and subresources obtained by processing those XPointers, are governed by the definition of each application's corresponding data format (which could be XML-based or non-XML-based). For example, HTML Web browsers and XInclude processors are applications that might use XPointer processors.

From Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (2000-10-06)

It is assumed that an XML processor is doing its work on behalf of another module, called the application.
application personalization

From Glossary of Terms for Device Independence (2005-01-18)

A set of factors, specified by a user or other aspects of the delivery context , that may affect the functionality of an application, independently of its adaptation and delivery, and so change the resultant user experience ."
application programming interface (API), conventional input/output/device API),

From User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (2002-12-17)

An application programming interface (API) defines how communication may take place between applications. Implementing APIs that are independent of a particular operating environment (as are the W3C DOM Level 2 specifications) may reduce implementation costs for multi-platform user agents and promote the development of multi-platform assistive technologies. Implementing conventional APIs for a particular operating environment may reduce implementation costs for assistive technology developers who wish to interoperate with more than one piece of software running on that operating environment.A "device API" defines how communication may take place with an input or output device such as a keyboard, mouse, or video card.In this document, an "input/output API" defines how applications or devices communicate with a user agent. As used in this document, input and output APIs include, but are not limited to, device APIs. Input and output APIs also include more abstract communication interfaces than those specified by device APIs. A "conventional input/output API" is one that is expected to be implemented by software running on a particular operating environment. For example, the conventional input APIs of the target user agent are for the mouse and keyboard. For touch screen devices or mobile devices, conventional input APIs may include stylus, buttons, and voice. The graphical display and sound card are considered conventional output devices for a graphical desktop computer environment, and each has an associated API.

From Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification (1999-02-22)

A representation of a property in a graph form; specifically the edges in a directed labeled graph.

From XML Linking Language (XLink) (2001-06-27)

Information about how to traverse a pair of resources, including the direction of traversal and possibly application behavior information as well, is called an arc

The Glossary System has been built by Pierre Candela during an internship in W3C; it's now maintained by Dominique Hazael-Massieux

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