Results of Questionnaire AGWG approval for publishing ACT Rules

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email addresses: team-wcag-act-surveys@w3.org,maryjom@us.ibm.com,wilco.fiers@deque.com

This questionnaire was open from 2020-02-25 to 2020-03-03.

11 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Instructions
  2. Request to publish ACT Rule "Image button has accessible name"
  3. Request to publish ACT Rule "HTML page LANG is valid"
  4. Request to publish ACT Rule "HTML lang and XML lang match"
  5. Request to publish ACT Rule "ID attribute value is unique"
  6. Request to publish ACT Rule "HTML page has LANG attribute"

1. Instructions

The rule ACT Task Force has completed its review of five new ACT Rules and is seeking review and approval from the AG WG to publish them. Please answer individual questions corresponding to each rule with your approval and/or comments.


ChoiceAll responders


Responder Instructions
Wilco Fiers
Kathy Eng
Laura Carlson
John Foliot
Charles Adams
Andrew Kirkpatrick
Nicaise Dogbo
Rachael Bradley Montgomery
Bruce Bailey
Alastair Campbell
David MacDonald

2. Request to publish ACT Rule "Image button has accessible name"

Do you agree with the proposal to publish the rule Image button has accessible name?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule as is 7
Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule 4
No, the "Image button has accessible name" rule should not be published for the following reasons


Responder Request to publish ACT Rule "Image button has accessible name"Comments
Wilco Fiers Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule as is
Kathy Eng Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule as is
Laura Carlson Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule as is
John Foliot Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule as is
Charles Adams Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule I support "yes", and my comments here do not represent a strict requirement that my suggestions be taken up. Given that under "Expectation" the rule has the following Note: Testing that the accessible name is descriptive is not part of this rule and must be tested separately... This rule is not really testing that the "Image button has an accessible name". This rule is really testing that "Image button has text representing an accessible name". I would prefer to see the rule name changed so that there is more clarity that this test only confirms the existence of text, not the quality of text. Again I stress this is not a "hard" requirement on my part, just a suggestion.
Andrew Kirkpatrick Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule Why is further testing needed if G94 is passed? Seems like the technique covers that, even if the rule doesn't require it...

Same comment applies to other proposed rules here.
Nicaise Dogbo Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule as is
Rachael Bradley Montgomery Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule Please consider referring to or adding the note about the title tag failure in at lease one AT/browser combination to the pass example section so that it is clear that while it passes there is a known issue.
Bruce Bailey Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule as is
Alastair Campbell Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule Just one typo, I think:
Note: Testing that the accessible name is descriptive @@and@@ is not part of this rule and must be tested separately.

Question: Is there a trigger for updating the accessibility support info? E.g. if a popular browser "that exists" changes it's behaviour?

@Andrew - I think for all of these rules they are more granular than the techniques / SCs. For example, the rule checks for the existance of alt-text, but not that it is suitable. G95 includes "Check for the presence of a short text alternative that" (like this rule) but also: "...that provides a brief description of the non-text content."

Question: Is the glossary share content or unique per rule? It seems like a lot (and not all relevant to this rule?). Just wondering if there is a place for shared content that could be separated off. (Not a blocking suggestion)
David MacDonald Yes, publish the "Image button has accessible name" rule as is

3. Request to publish ACT Rule "HTML page LANG is valid"

Do you agree with the proposal to publish the rule HTML page LANG is valid?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule as is 8
Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule 3
No, the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule should not be published for the following reasons


Responder Request to publish ACT Rule "HTML page LANG is valid"Comments
Wilco Fiers Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule as is
Kathy Eng Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule add more implementations
Laura Carlson Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule as is
John Foliot Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule as is
Charles Adams Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule As above, my changes are recommendations, and I other wise lean "yes". This is a suggestion and I still support this rule even if my suggestion is rejected. I would like to see this rule name changed to "HTML page LANG contains valid language subtag". The reason for this is that the current name infers that the test is validating that a valid subtag is being tested for AS WELL as the testing for if the subtag is appropriate for the actual language on the page. Renaming this rule more clearly indicates that we are testing for a valid subtag, NOT it's accuracy.
Andrew Kirkpatrick Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule Should this rule have a note like the previous one which clarifies that this is testing the validity of the attribute value, not the accuracy of it:

Note: Testing that the lang attribute value is accurately reflecting the language of the page is not part of this rule and must be tested separately.
Nicaise Dogbo Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule as is
Rachael Bradley Montgomery Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule as is
Bruce Bailey Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule as is
Alastair Campbell Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule as is
David MacDonald Yes, publish the "HTML page LANG is valid" rule as is

4. Request to publish ACT Rule "HTML lang and XML lang match"

Do you agree with the proposal to publish the rule HTML lang and XML lang match?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is 9
Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule 1
No, the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule should not be published for the following reasons 1


Responder Request to publish ACT Rule "HTML lang and XML lang match"Comments
Wilco Fiers Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is
Kathy Eng Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is
Laura Carlson Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is
John Foliot Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is
Charles Adams Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is
Andrew Kirkpatrick Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule "Only when there are inconsistencies between assistive technologies, as to which attribute is used to determine the language, does this lead to a violation of SC 3.1.1." - can remove all commas.
Nicaise Dogbo Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is
Rachael Bradley Montgomery Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is
Bruce Bailey Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is
Alastair Campbell Yes, publish the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule as is I'm assuming it is understood that passing this rule does not necessarily pass 3.1.1, as the output would need to match.
(This comment was triggered by the text on Cantonese (zh-yue) and Mandarin (zh-cmn), where ultimately the language of the page would need to be assessed in order to pass.
David MacDonald No, the "HTML lang and XML lang match" rule should not be published for the following reasons Is there any active browsers that use the XML lang? It seems not necessary?

5. Request to publish ACT Rule "ID attribute value is unique"

Do you agree with the proposal to publish the rule ID attribute value is unique?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule as is 7
Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule 1
No, the "ID attribute value is unique" rule should not be published for the following reasons 3


Responder Request to publish ACT Rule "ID attribute value is unique"Comments
Wilco Fiers Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule as is
Kathy Eng Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule as is
Laura Carlson Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule as is
John Foliot Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule as is
Charles Adams No, the "ID attribute value is unique" rule should not be published for the following reasons Duplicate ID's do not necessarily cause failures with assistive technologies or do not necessarily have negative ramifications on accessibility, and should not automatically be deemed a failure.
Andrew Kirkpatrick No, the "ID attribute value is unique" rule should not be published for the following reasons As the WG has not decided yet on removal of 4.1.1 and duplicate ID's doesn't necessarily cause issues for users, we should hold off on this one.
Nicaise Dogbo Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule as is
Rachael Bradley Montgomery Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule as is
Bruce Bailey Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule as is
Alastair Campbell Yes, publish the "ID attribute value is unique" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule I've noticed that testing tools often bring up empty-string IDs as an issue, assuming that blank is a value and there are multiple instances of that value.
Could the rule be specific about how empty strings are dealt with, i.e. are the a fail or not? (Or does it require mutliple empty IDs to fail?)
David MacDonald No, the "ID attribute value is unique" rule should not be published for the following reasons I'm hoping we can actually drop duplicate ids when not associated with an aria attribute or labels etc...

6. Request to publish ACT Rule "HTML page has LANG attribute"

Do you agree with the proposal to publish the rule HTML page has LANG attribute?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is 11
Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule, provided the following comments are addressed during the next update to this rule
No, the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule should not be published for the following reasons


Responder Request to publish ACT Rule "HTML page has LANG attribute"Comments
Wilco Fiers Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
Kathy Eng Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
Laura Carlson Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
John Foliot Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
Charles Adams Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
Andrew Kirkpatrick Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
Nicaise Dogbo Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
Rachael Bradley Montgomery Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
Bruce Bailey Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
Alastair Campbell Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is
David MacDonald Yes, publish the "HTML page has LANG attribute" rule as is

More details on responses

  • Alastair Campbell: last responded on 3, March 2020 at 13:49 (UTC)
  • David MacDonald: last responded on 3, March 2020 at 16:23 (UTC)


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Katie Haritos-Shea
  2. Romain Deltour
  3. Mary Jo Mueller
  4. Detlev Fischer
  5. Chris Loiselle
  6. Jonathan Avila
  7. Daniel Montalvo
  8. Helen Burge
  9. Todd Libby
  10. Thomas Brunet
  11. Catherine Droege
  12. Suji Sreerama
  13. Shane Dittmar
  14. Nayan Padrai
  15. Sage Keriazes
  16. Shunguo Yan

Send an email to all the non-responders.

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