Results of Questionnaire WCAG2ICT - Review of proposed responses to public comments

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email address: maryjom@us.ibm.com

This questionnaire was open from 2023-12-15 to 2024-01-10.

5 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Public Comment: Issue 5 - Difference of Mobile OS usage(iOS, Android)
  2. Public Comment: Issue 6 - Does dragging blur platform and author considerations?
  3. Public Comment: Issue 77 - adding COGA resource reference
  4. Public Comment: Issue 229 - 2.3 Document
  5. Public Comment: Issue 261 - "Sets of software" replacement for "Sets of web pages"
  6. AG WG Comment: Issue 268 - Notes for all SC that "interprets pointer actions"

1. Public Comment: Issue 5 - Difference of Mobile OS usage(iOS, Android)

Read and understand the old public comment in Issue 5: Difference of Mobile OS usage(iOS, Android) - 4.1.2: Name, Role, Value

NOTE: The reference to 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value in the title and initial question is a red herring, as the issue is not really about that SC, but is about 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures, as the comment thread reveals.

Review the draft answer for issue 5.

Indicate whether the proposed answer is sufficient and note any potential edits or alternate proposals.


ChoiceAll responders
Draft answer is sufficient, as-is. 5
Draft answer is sufficient, with the following edits.
The answer is not ready. To expedite the process, please provide your alternate proposal.


Responder Public Comment: Issue 5 - Difference of Mobile OS usage(iOS, Android)Comments
Phil Day Draft answer is sufficient, as-is.
Thorsten Katzmann Draft answer is sufficient, as-is.
Loïc Martínez Normand Draft answer is sufficient, as-is.
Mike Pluke Draft answer is sufficient, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Draft answer is sufficient, as-is.

2. Public Comment: Issue 6 - Does dragging blur platform and author considerations?

Read and understand the public comment in Issue 6 - Does dragging blur platform and author considerations?. This issue is closely related to the recent AG WG review comment for 2.5.7 Dragging Movements. The proposed WCAG2ICT change to address both issues is found in Issue 284 and the changes would apply to the 3 SC where the content "interprets pointer actions".

Once the above text is approved by the TF, I propose that the following answer is added to Issue 6 with a link to the guidance for the 3 SC where these notes apply. This would have to be done after we merge the notes into the WCAG2ICT editor's draft.

Proposed answer to Issue 6

Mike, you raise a good point regarding the need for a separation of responsibilities between the author, user agent, and platform software. WCAG2ICT has developed guidance for non-web contexts in the notes to address the concern. This same guidance is provided for other success criteria that also interpret pointer actions, namely 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures and 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation. The notes read:

NOTE: This requirement applies to [user agents and other software applications that interpret] pointer actions (i.e. this does not apply to actions that are required to operate the [underlying platform software] or assistive technology).

NOTE: This requirement also applies to [platform software] that interprets pointer actions. This does not apply to actions that are required to operate the assistive technology.

Indicate whether the proposed content change and draft issue answer are sufficient and note any potential edits or alternate proposals.


ChoiceAll responders
Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is. 5
Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, with the following edits.
This is not ready. To expedite the process, please provide your alternate proposal.


Responder Public Comment: Issue 6 - Does dragging blur platform and author considerations?Comments
Phil Day Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Thorsten Katzmann Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Loïc Martínez Normand Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Mike Pluke Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.

3. Public Comment: Issue 77 - adding COGA resource reference

Read and understand the public comment in Issue 77: including WCAG supplements and Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities and the draft answer for issue 77. The exact text changes are found in Pull Request 287 which you can read in-context in the 2nd paragraph of the Document Overview section.

Indicate whether the proposed content change and issue answer are sufficient and note any potential edits or alternate proposals.


ChoiceAll responders
Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is. 5
Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, with the following edits.
This is not ready. To expedite the process, please provide your alternate proposal.


Responder Public Comment: Issue 77 - adding COGA resource referenceComments
Phil Day Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Thorsten Katzmann Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Loïc Martínez Normand Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Mike Pluke Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is. At this point, should links to quickref should be 2.2 and not 2.1?

4. Public Comment: Issue 229 - 2.3 Document

Read and understand the public comment in Issue 229 - 2.3 Document and the draft answer for issue 229 which proposes an edit to Note 4 in the WCAG2ICT definition of the key term "document".

Indicate whether the proposed content change and issue answer are sufficient and note any potential edits or alternate proposals.


ChoiceAll responders
Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is. 5
Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, with the following edits.
This is not ready. To expedite the process, please provide your alternate proposal.


Responder Public Comment: Issue 229 - 2.3 DocumentComments
Phil Day Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Thorsten Katzmann Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Loïc Martínez Normand Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Mike Pluke Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Draft change and issue answer is sufficient, as-is.

5. Public Comment: Issue 261 - "Sets of software" replacement for "Sets of web pages"

Read and understand the public comment in Issue 261 - "Sets of software" replacement for "Sets of web pages" and the draft answer for issue 261 which proposes to make no change to WCAG2ICT.

Indicate whether the proposed answer is sufficient and note any potential edits or alternate proposals.


ChoiceAll responders
Draft issue answer is sufficient, as-is. 5
Draft issue answer is sufficient, with the following edits.
This is not ready. To expedite the process, please provide your alternate proposal.


Responder Public Comment: Issue 261 - "Sets of software" replacement for "Sets of web pages"Comments
Phil Day Draft issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Thorsten Katzmann Draft issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Loïc Martínez Normand Draft issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Mike Pluke Draft issue answer is sufficient, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Draft issue answer is sufficient, as-is.

6. AG WG Comment: Issue 268 - Notes for all SC that "interprets pointer actions"

Read and understand the AG WG comment thread on Issue 268 - AG WG Review: 2.5.7 Dragging Movements WCAG2ICT guidance and the proposed changes in Issue 284 that would apply to all of the SC that "interpret pointer actions" (2.5.7 Dragging Movements, 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures, and 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation.)

Indicate whether the changes proposed are sufficient and note any potential edits or alternate proposals.


ChoiceAll responders
Draft notes are sufficient, as-is. 5
Draft notes are sufficient, with the following edits.
This is not ready. To expedite the process, please provide your alternate proposal.


Responder AG WG Comment: Issue 268 - Notes for all SC that "interprets pointer actions"Comments
Phil Day Draft notes are sufficient, as-is.
Thorsten Katzmann Draft notes are sufficient, as-is.
Loïc Martínez Normand Draft notes are sufficient, as-is.
Mike Pluke Draft notes are sufficient, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Draft notes are sufficient, as-is.

More details on responses

  • Phil Day: last responded on 8, January 2024 at 15:21 (UTC)
  • Thorsten Katzmann: last responded on 10, January 2024 at 10:45 (UTC)
  • Loïc Martínez Normand: last responded on 10, January 2024 at 23:07 (UTC)
  • Mike Pluke: last responded on 10, January 2024 at 23:16 (UTC)
  • Bruce Bailey: last responded on 11, January 2024 at 01:03 (UTC)


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Gregg Vanderheiden
  2. Shadi Abou-Zahra
  3. Mary Jo Mueller
  4. Chris Loiselle
  5. Sam Ogami
  6. Mitchell Evan
  7. Charles Adams
  8. Daniel Montalvo
  9. Fernanda Bonnin
  10. Shawn Thompson
  11. Olivia Hogan-Stark
  12. Laura Miller
  13. Anastasia Lanz
  14. Devanshu Chandra
  15. Bryan Trogdon
  16. Tony Holland
  17. Kent Boucher

Send an email to all the non-responders.

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