Results of Questionnaire EOWG Survey on Tips Icons

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email addresses: shawn@w3.org, shadi@w3.org, kevin@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2015-06-11 to 2015-06-24.

7 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Icons: General and positioning
  2. Designing Icon
  3. Writing Icon
  4. Developing Icon
  5. Evaluating Icon
  6. Managing Icon
  7. Advocating Icon

1. Icons: General and positioning

There are now draft icons in the Tips pages.

UPDATE: Some ideas are in Github Issue 12. Please add any other ideas that you have in Github or in this survey.

What general feedback do you have on the icons?
What about their positioning on the overview page and the Tips pages?

(Questions on specific icons follow.)


Responder Icons: General and positioning
Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo Very good election. Theire position is good too.
Brent Bakken I think the addition of the iconography to the Tips pages has a large impact on ease of navigation and intuitiveness of the site. I like the location of the icons on each individual tip page and in the right side box navigation menu.

On the overview page, I think the icons would be better either centered over the title or to the left of each title. I don't like the look of it above and to the left.
Vicki Menezes Miller Excellent. I really like the approach with the icons.
I really like the way the icons are placed in the side navigation.
I like the icon placed before the heading of the page
Shadi Abou-Zahra I like the tips very much.
Melody Ma
Eric Eggert I like them as they are, very consistent, good to read, nice eye catchers. The eval one can be changed, but I don’t think it is a must.
Shawn Lawton Henry I like having them!

On the overview page, I think they should be centered above the rest of the centered text.

2. Designing Icon

summary | by responder | by choice

What do you think of current draft icon? What ideas do you have for a different icon?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes - Use this icon! 3
It's OK - although another one might be better. 3
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one. 1
No - I object to this icon.

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Designing Icon
Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
I like it in theire context. But maybe there are another more expressive.
Brent Bakken
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
Is there a protractor/ruler combination icon that could be used?
Vicki Menezes Miller
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
I like Brent's idea of a ruler and protractor in addition to the paintbrush.
Melody Ma
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Eric Eggert
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
The paintbrush conveys visual design, whereas I think a lot of the tips are for user interface design.
UPDATE 18 June: I do like a paintbrush over a computer monitor. I'd check "Yes - Use this icon!" for that.

View by choice

Yes - Use this icon!
  • Vicki Menezes Miller
  • Melody Ma
  • Eric Eggert
It's OK - although another one might be better.
  • Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Brent Bakken
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
No - I object to this icon.

3. Writing Icon

summary | by responder | by choice

What do you think of current draft icon? What ideas do you have for a different icon?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes - Use this icon! 7
It's OK - although another one might be better.
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
No - I object to this icon.

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Writing Icon
Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Is perfect!.
Brent Bakken
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Vicki Menezes Miller
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Melody Ma
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Eric Eggert
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • Yes - Use this icon!

View by choice

Yes - Use this icon!
  • Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Brent Bakken
  • Vicki Menezes Miller
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Melody Ma
  • Eric Eggert
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
It's OK - although another one might be better.
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
No - I object to this icon.

4. Developing Icon

summary | by responder | by choice

What do you think of current draft icon? What ideas do you have for a different icon?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes - Use this icon! 7
It's OK - although another one might be better.
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
No - I object to this icon.

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Developing Icon
Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Is perfect!.
Brent Bakken
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Vicki Menezes Miller
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Yes - Use this icon!
It doesn't look like a bug to me. I think it's great.
Melody Ma
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Eric Eggert
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • Yes - Use this icon!
I like it! (... Although in the heading of the Developing Tips page, it looks like an error.)

View by choice

Yes - Use this icon!
  • Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Brent Bakken
  • Vicki Menezes Miller
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Melody Ma
  • Eric Eggert
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
It's OK - although another one might be better.
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
No - I object to this icon.

5. Evaluating Icon

summary | by responder | by choice

What do you think of current draft icon? What ideas do you have for a different icon?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes - Use this icon! 2
It's OK - although another one might be better. 3
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas. 1
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one. 1
No - I object to this icon.

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Evaluating Icon
Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Is perfect!
Brent Bakken
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
I like it. A little beetle crawling through all of the site pages doing an evaluation of what is there.

But at the same time, I understand Shawn's concern with it being a bug as well.
Vicki Menezes Miller
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Evaluation *should* be bug-checking because all developers and authors implemented accessibility. A checkbox sends out the wrong message IMO.
Melody Ma
  • Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
Evaluating could be a check mark in a check box for a more positive connotation. Bugs are only relevant to QA.
Eric Eggert
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
I am not married to the bug ;-) I think one of the alternatives we discussed last week could work as well.

From the choice here in http://w3c.github.io/wai-quick-start/sample.html I like the first one and the last one as also working very well.
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
I think most people don't think of evaluating for accessibility as looking for bugs. (maybe would be good if they did, but I don't think they do.)
UPDATE 18 June: I appreciate the concerns with a checkbox, and so I agree we shouldn't use that. I do not object to the bug. I do think many people won't get it (even most EOWG folks didn't) and so it's worth a little effort to try to find something else.

View by choice

Yes - Use this icon!
  • Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
It's OK - although another one might be better.
  • Brent Bakken
  • Vicki Menezes Miller
  • Eric Eggert
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
  • Melody Ma
No - I object to this icon.

6. Managing Icon

summary | by responder | by choice

What do you think of current draft icon? What ideas do you have for a different icon?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes - Use this icon! 2
It's OK - although another one might be better. 5
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
No - I object to this icon.

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Managing Icon
Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
Probably is the best, but... maybe there another one more adequate.
Brent Bakken
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
Vicki Menezes Miller
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Melody Ma
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
This can be a half person icon as in a "manager".
Eric Eggert
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • It's OK - although another one might be better.
I'm fine with it. I don't think we need to spend time working on another one. (however, if someone had other ideas, it's be good to consider them.)

View by choice

Yes - Use this icon!
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Eric Eggert
It's OK - although another one might be better.
  • Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Brent Bakken
  • Vicki Menezes Miller
  • Melody Ma
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
No - I object to this icon.

7. Advocating Icon

summary | by responder | by choice

What do you think of current draft icon? What ideas do you have for a different icon?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes - Use this icon! 6
It's OK - although another one might be better.
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one. 1
No - I object to this icon.

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Advocating Icon
Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Is perfect!
Brent Bakken
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Vicki Menezes Miller
  • Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Not sure what the negative connotations are with this?
Melody Ma
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Eric Eggert
  • Yes - Use this icon!
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • Yes - Use this icon!
previous comment: I'm a bit concerned that a megaphone would have negative connotations for some people.
UPDATE 18 June: I really like the "analog" megaphone. And it seems to represent even better the positive aspects EOWG discussed on 12 June. So I changed my answer to Yes for an analog (but not the electric one).

View by choice

Yes - Use this icon!
  • Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
  • Brent Bakken
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Melody Ma
  • Eric Eggert
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
It's OK - although another one might be better.
So-so - I'd like to explore other ideas.
Not really - I think we can come up with a better one.
  • Vicki Menezes Miller
No - I object to this icon.

More details on responses

  • Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo: last responded on 11, June 2015 at 17:35 (UTC)
  • Brent Bakken: last responded on 11, June 2015 at 17:45 (UTC)
  • Vicki Menezes Miller: last responded on 11, June 2015 at 20:12 (UTC)
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra: last responded on 12, June 2015 at 05:57 (UTC)
  • Melody Ma: last responded on 18, June 2015 at 04:46 (UTC)
  • Eric Eggert: last responded on 18, June 2015 at 14:24 (UTC)
  • Shawn Lawton Henry: last responded on 18, June 2015 at 21:10 (UTC)


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Eric Velleman
  2. Andrew Arch
  3. Sylvie Duchateau
  4. Kazuhito Kidachi
  5. Sharron Rush
  6. Jedi Lin
  7. David Sloan
  8. Mary Jo Mueller
  9. Reinaldo Ferraz
  10. Bill Kasdorf
  11. Cristina Mussinelli
  12. Kevin White
  13. Kevin Rydberg
  14. Ahmath Bamba MBACKE
  15. Laura Keen
  16. Sarah Pulis
  17. Bill Tyler
  18. Gregorio Pellegrino
  19. Ruoxi Ran
  20. Sean Kelly
  21. Muhammad Saleem
  22. Sarah Lewthwaite
  23. Daniel Montalvo
  24. Jade Matos Carew
  25. Sonsoles López Pernas
  26. Greta Krafsig
  27. Jayne Schurick
  28. Michele Williams
  29. Shikha Nikhil Dwivedi
  30. Brian Elton
  31. Julianna Rowsell
  32. Tabitha Mahoney
  33. Fred Edora
  34. Rabab Gomaa
  35. Eloisa Guerrero
  36. Leonard Beasley
  37. Supriya Makude
  38. Aleksandar Cindrikj
  39. Angela Young

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