Results of Questionnaire Web & Virtual Reality Workshop Registration

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email address: team-vr-submission@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2016-06-22 to 2016-09-30.

98 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Bio
  2. Your goals
  3. Workshop Goals
  4. Your interests
  5. Other Thoughts

1. Bio

Please tell us your background, especially your connection to Virtual Reality technologies. List whichever identities you prefer (e.g nicknames or social media handles), your affiliations, and include links to your personal or professional web resources.


Responder Bio
Megan Lindsay Product Manager in Google Chrome org on VR
Charles LaPierre Charles LaPierre, Technical Lead, DIAGRAM and Born Accessible.
Charles has a Bachelors and Masters degree in Electrical Engineering / Computer Systems from Carleton University, Ottawa Canada.
Charles currently co-chairs the accessibility Task Force for the W3C’s Digital Publishing Interest Group, as well as co-chairs the accessibility Task Force for the IDPF’s EPUB 3.1 update.
Charles is also the technical lead for the DIAGRAM Center (www.diagramcenter.org), and has set up the Standards and Developers working groups which advise the Technical Advisory Committee, on what we need to be looking at in order to make significant difference in the accessibility of educational materials for a wide range of disabilities. Virtual Reality is an emerging technology which most certainly will end up in the education space and must be designed with accessibility in mind to allow students with disabilities access to this exciting new way of learning.
David Dorwin I work at Google on VR in Chrome with a focus on media.
I have have worked on browser media for six years and have previous standards experience as W3C editor for EME.
Smus Boris Build Cardboard V1 magnet input
Implemented webvr-boilerplate and webvr-polyfill
Many more WebVR related projects, like http://smus.com/wikipedia-vr/ and http://smus.com/spatial-audio-web-vr/
Interest in spatial audio, 3D audio, etc
Josh Carpenter WebVR @ Google. Previously Lead of MozVR, A-Frame, Firefox OS UX.
Don Brutzman I am Web3D Consortium's representative on the W3C Advisory Committee, am cochair of the Extensible 3D (X3D) Working Group, participate in ISO/IEC Standards Committee 24 for Computer Graphics, contribute to the ISO-draft Mixed and Augmented Reality (MAR) Reference Model, and have been involved since the 1994 beginning of the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), predecessor standard to X3D which is still compatibly supported. I am a contributor to the W3C Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Working Group.
Warren McQuinn Hi, my name is Warren McQuinn. I studied Computer Science and Linguistics at UC Berkeley, and graduated in 2014. I designed web applications and did freelance web design to put myself through school. Then I joined VRecover, and found my niche in VR. We develop physical therapy & rehabilitation tools in Virtual Reality. Doctors and specialists provide the best possible care to patients when using the right technology, and Virtual Reality is an incredible step forward. By presenting real-time data and analyses with smart, simple UI design, we can improve healthcare in our local communities and around the world -- all thanks to the web!

I'm not active on Twitter, but our last VR technology display was presented at Microsoft's HoloHack SF in June. We received an Honorable Mention award. The presentation is available here: https://twitter.com/donasarkar/status/744689438140178432

I'm on facebook @warren.mcquinn, and I love to post cool VR tech stories. I have 1500 dedicated followers and would love to share what I learn at W3C's Web & VR Workshop!
Paul Higgs I am current involved with the development of products that form the "mid-section" of the VR glass-to-glasses pipeline, primarily stitching and synchronization, but also looking into optimizations in the delivery area.
Jeffrey Sonstein on program committee for this event, helped with VRML in the 90s, & I am a mostly-retired RIT prof. also worked on W3C Mobile Web Initiative

resume: http://www.well.com/~jeffs/resume.html
RIT site: https://igm.rit.edu/~jxs/
personal site: http://www.well.com/~jeffs/
Ningxin Hu Ningxin Hu is a software engineer, working at Intel in Shanghai, specialized in web technology. Ningxin helps close the gaps between web and native apps, including exposing device capability to web platform and exploiting hardware performance for JavaScript execution. Ningxin worked on web browser and runtime projects for various OSes including Moblin, MeeGo, Tizen, Windows, Android and IoT Linux. Today, Ningxin is working on Crosswalk open source project, a web-based application runtime based on V8, Blink and Chromium, targeting Android, Windows and Linux. On the standardization side, Ningxin is co-editing the Media Capture Depth Stream Extension specification of W3C Device APIs Working Group and contributing to SIMD extension of ECMAScript specification.

For VR technology, Ningxin has been working on experimental ReaSense Web API for Crosswalk. It brings the Hand Tracking/Gesture Recognition and 3D Scene Perception capabilities to Web. These technologies are essential to improve Web VR experience on devices like Intel Alloy Project.

Experimental Hand Tracking API spec: http://crosswalk-project.github.io/realsense-extensions-crosswalk/spec/hand-tracking.html

Experimental Scene Perception API spec: http://crosswalk-project.github.io/realsense-extensions-crosswalk/spec/scene-perception.html

Ningxin's github: https://github.com/huningxin/
Diego Marcos I'm part of the Mozilla VR team that started the first design and implementation of the WebVR APIs. I'm currently participating in the spec conversations and developing tools for VR content creation in the Web like aframe.io
Alban Denoyel Co-founder and CEO of sketchfab.com, the world's largest library of user generated VR content.

Timothy Duncan I am an educator with a background primarily in audio. I started a VR/AR certificate program at our college (Cogswell Polytechnical College of San Jose) and we have are employing VR/AR professionals to teach the classes.
Amber Roy WebVR software engineer at Oculus, previously AltspaceVR.
Twitter: @amberroyVR
Hongchan Choi I am:
- Chrome's Web Audio API owner.
- W3C Audio Working Group Member, Google Representative.
- Web Audio API core contributor (https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/)
- The author of Omnitone, the first ambisonic audio renderer for the web browser. (https://googlechrome.github.io/omnitone/#home)
- Twitter: hochsays@
FENGZHI PAN I'm responsible for the overall technical roadmap for web technologies on ARM architectures.
Ashish Agrawal I lead all VR related initiatives at Matterport including the Product Management and Business Development of our VR offerings.
Neil Trevett Neil works at NVIDIA where he helps to drive the developer ecosystem that enables applications to take advantage of advanced silicon acceleration, with a particular focus on Augmented and Virtual Reality. Neil is also the elected President of the Khronos Group standards consortium where he initiated OpenGL ES API, now used on billions of mobile phones every day, helped catalyze the WebGL project to bring interactive 3D graphics to the Web. Neil also chairs the OpenCL working group defining the open standard for heterogeneous parallel computation and has helped establish and launch the OpenVX vision API and the new generation Vulkan GPU API. Neil also chairs the glTF working group defining a transmission format for 3D assets. Neil is very active in the standards community for AR - and is a regular presenter at vision and AR conferences.
Simon Gunkel I am a Scientist Innovator at the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). Currently at TNO we are looking into applied research in multimedia and shared experiences in VR. Particular this means we want to bring people together in VR, looking as real as possible. One focus is to look into what is possible to do with common of the shelf hardware. Overall we believe that the web can be an enabler of wide access to VR content, as it makes it easy for the end user to join VR experiences, without the need to install special software. Personally, I am involved in building prototypes, based on web technologies, that allows people to interact and communicate in interactive experiences.
Rebecca Gregory-Clarke I am a Development Producer in the BBC Research and Development department, having previously worked as a Research Technologist in Immersive Technologies (in the same department). In the last year I have produced four VR prototypes for different platforms, including one using Web VR to produce an experience for Google Cardboard. I am likely to be leading on more VR projects to investigate the editorial possibilities for VR and the BBC, as well as the technologies we can use to deliver them.

My LinkedIn profile is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebecca-gregory-clarke-04642188
My Twitter handle is @BecGC
Nola Donato I am a graphics architect working on the GearVR Framework - an open source 3D VR framework sponsored by Samsung. Although I worked for Intel as a hardware architect on the Xeon PHI, my primary focus has been real-time 3D graphics software. I have developed game engines for consoles as well as a scene manager that distributes a real-time workload across a parallel cluster. My current work is in high performance graphics for mobile VR.

GearVR Framework www.gearvrf.org
Weidner Klaus I'm working on the WebVR implementation for Chrome.
Olivier Thereaux I am an executive producer at BBC Research and Development and the BBC's AC rep to the W3C. VR, as well as a number of related web technologies (e.g spatial audio), are of significant importance to my organisation.
Brandon Jones I'm one of the original creators of WebVR and the primary developer of Chrome's WebVR implementation at Google. I'm easiest to find as @tojiro on Twitter.
Tom Kim I am doing technology strategy and partnership for samsung mobile BU and main focus is VR/AR. I believe Web will be the most crucial content delivery platform in AR/VR and wonder how w3c members evolve website standard to meet market needs.
Jensen Paul You can find my profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/pgjpgj. I belong to ACM, IEEE, and SMPTE professional organizations. I am investigating VR on behalf of the Movie Studios funding my employer. I just returned from several days of VR-related activities at the IBC conference.
Rafael Cintron I am a software developer on the Microsoft Edge browser. I own the WebVR, WebGL and image rendering features. I am a member of the Khronos WebGL Working Group.

Previous to that, I worked on Microsoft Flight Simulator for 9 years, doing gameplay, audio, terrain and graphics programming.
Diogo Cortiz I am researcher at Web Technology Study Center (Ceweb.br) and W3C Brazil Office hosted by Nic.br (Brazilian Network Information Center). I am also profesor at Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). I hold PhD degree in Techollogies of Intelligence and Digital Design by PUC-SP and a PhD Fellow by Universite Paris I - Sorbonne. I have also coducted a pos-doc research regarding Virtual Reality at the laboratory of creative Technologies and artificial intelligence of Salamanca University, Spain. I have developed a multiplayer prototype environment for Virtual Reality to be used in education in Spain and Brazil. I am currently working in the field of Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality, exploring Technologies such as WebVR, HTCVive and Google Cardboard and development tools such as Unity3d, JavaScript and Vuforia Framework.
David Price Over the past 6 months we have been in the process of forming a VR Interest Group that may morph into a VR Industry Forum. We are working with the major studios and a number of technology and CPE providers in this regard. By October we should have matured and we can provide some greater detail on our VR Guidelines and Best Practices and on our membership.
Mike Schmit I've worked on video codec for 20 years including the startup of DVD and Blu-ray. I'm currently working on AMD's Project Loom a real-time open source 360 video stitching framework. One use case is previewing VR while shooting cinematic quality VR videos
Philipp Slusallek Philipp Slusallek: We have been developing XML3D (http://xml3d.org) as a minimal declarative extension to HTML5 for embedding interactive 3D graphics as part of the same HTML5 document. XML3D consists of an entire ecosystem, including real-time synchronization through FiVES, portable material descriptions via shade.js, efficient transport through Blast, and other technologies.

My current jobs are: Scientific Director at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Director for Research at the "Intel Visual Computing Institute”, Professor for Computer Graphics at Saarland University.

You find me at http://graphics.cg.uni-saarland.de/slusallek/
Brendan Long I'm a Senior Software Engineer at CableLabs, an industry consortium doing research and development for the cable industry. We made an experimental real-time VR communication app using Unity.

I've participated in W3C and WHATWG regarding HTML5 audio, video and subtitles. I'm a WebKit committer (from working on the same things). I've also made some minor commits in Firefox. I was an MPEG member for a while, working on MPEG-DASH (accessibility and low latency).

My commits to WebKit and Firefox are under self@brendanlong.com or b.long@cablelabs.com

I'm brendanlong on W3C and GitHub.

My website is: https://www.brendanlong.com/
Nell Waliczek Developer on Microsoft's Windows Holographic team working on WebVR and Edge support.
Mike Assenti I'm a Senior Technologist within Dolby's Consumer Entertainment group. I'm particularly interested in the consumption of object based audio streamed over the web
Laszlo Gombos Laszlo Gombos, Head of VR and Mobile Web at Samsung Research Americas, WebVR implementor, VR HW vendor, host
lulin chen
Michael Blix Web/VR Engineer @ Samsung Research working on our VR browser (Samsung Internet for GearVR), WebVR; @mkeblx everywhere
Nat Brown I work primarily on VR system software technology at Valve. I work with software and hardware partners using OpenVR, including browsers implementing WebVR support over OpenVR. Previously worked on COM/OLE/ActiveX, .NET, and xBox at Microsoft, and at various web and mobile startups.
Xiaosong Zhou
Dean Jackson I work on WebKit and participate in various W3C groups. I have no connection to Virtual Reality technologies, but if WebKit/Safari decides to implement WebVR, I'll probably be the one to do it.
Wendy Seltzer W3C Strategy Lead
Brian Chirls I have a software development background going back over twenty years, beginning with building web pages for Netscape 1.0 and even some experiments with VRML. After earning degrees in Computer Science and Entrepreneurial Management from the University of Pennsylvania, and a few years in construction and finance, I began working in online media for independent film. I pioneered projects launching the first film projects on social media, YouTube and Second Life. And I participated in a number of open source projects, including Popcorn.js and Seriously.js.

I have been working full time in WebVR for over two years with a focus on data visualization, accessibility and responsive design, first as Knight Technology Fellow at POV Digital and now as Chief Technology Officer at Datavized. At POV, I designed a WebVR experience visualizing US census data within full-scale cities of 3D building models from Open Street Maps. I also developed the WebVR Starter Kit, the first framework for rapid development of web-based virtual reality requiring limited resources. At Datavized, I continue to build experiments, tools and client projects in VR, and regularly contribute to VR components in three.js and the WebVR Polyfill.

I've presented my work and advocated for WebVR at a range of venues, including MIT Virtually There, SXSW, IDFA DocLab, Tribeca Film Festival and the Computer Assisted Reporting Conference.

- https://twitter.com/bchirls
- https://github.com/brianchirls
- http://chirls.com/about
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianchirls

- http://datavized.com/
- http://www.pbs.org/pov/blog/author/bchirls/
Christopher Baron As a solution specialist at FMAV (a full service audio visual supplier to the meetings and conventions industry) I am responsible for developing and bringing to market leading edge products for the meeting industry related to audio visual services. Our team is developing for Vive, Hololens, and portable HMD's. We have brought to market a few simple apps for the vive, and are regularly producing on demand and live streaming 360 video.

Due to the nature of our business, I can only share what is available on our website.
Louay Bassbouss Scientist and project manager R&D at the Business Unit Future Application and Media (FAME) of Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) in Berlin. His working areas are:
- Future Web Applications
- Multiscreen Technologies
- Web of Things
- 360° Video Technologies
- Standardisation: W3C and HbbTV
FAME already offers a 360° Video Solution (https://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/go/360) with focus on enabling high quality 360° video experience on low capability devices, such as Hybrid TVs (HbbTV) and streaming devices (Chromecast), or in cases of constrained network connectivity e.g. on mobile devices.
Jaakko Manninen I am CTO of Vizor.io, a platform for creating, publishing and exploring VR on the web. Vizor has a 3D editor and a visual programming language for easily creating WebVR content. Previously I co-founded Rocket Pack, an HTML5 game engine (acquired by Disney).
Matthew Szatmart I develop the vide processing pipeline, and web based video player at twitch.tv
Jeff Koehler Vice President of Solutions Engineering at Harmonic. In this role I define architectures, architecture specifications and technology guidelines, as well as lead technical system integration with key technology partners to establish pre-integrated GTM solutions for Harmonic customers. The focus of my team is architectural design as it relates to methods, techniques and technologies delivered through Harmonic products in the form of specific solutions enabling customers to achieve their business goals, including deployment of live media processing applications to virtualized and cloud-based infrastructures.
Scott Singer 20+ years in high end computer graphics in VFX, feature animation, and scientific visualization, including Dreamworks Animation, Tippett Studio, and UC Riverside. I am currently the Director of Technology and co-founder of an early stage virtual worlds startup that will bring virtualizations of real-world places to the web.
Kevin Ngo I work on the Mozilla VR team, helping grow the WebVR platform. I am a core developer on A-Frame, a web framework for building VR experiences. I am @andgokevin on Twitter and ngokevin on GitHub.
Philip Rosedale Philip Rosedale is CEO and co-founder of High Fidelity, Inc., a company devoted to exploring the future of next-generation shared virtual reality. Prior to High Fidelity, Rosedale created the virtual civilization Second Life, populated by one million active users generating US$700M in annual transaction volumes. In addition to numerous technology inventions (including the video conferencing product called FreeVue, acquired by RealNetworks in 1996 where Rosedale later served as CTO), Rosedale has also worked on experiments in distributed work and computing.
Dan Sun I work at Verizon on VR/AR with a focus on networking and streaming.
Roshan Vidyashankar I’m a recent graduate from Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, primarily interested in HCI, music and education. I’ve previously interned at Mozilla where I helped prototype a bunch of WebAPIs (https://air.mozilla.org/prerender-that/). Also prototyped multiplayer VR games for Oculus Rift in Unreal Engine (http://teamvrtex.tumblr.com/). I am interested in building creative/educative tools in VR and for the web.
Adalberto Foresti Microsoft employee, and formerly of Microsoft Open Tech, Inc., where I lead efforts to better integrate OSS graphics technologies such as OpenCV, ANGLE, and several gaming frameworks with Windows 8 and 8.1.
Currently I work on the Microsoft Edge Platform team, where I am still involved with OSS related projects (e.g. just a couple of months ago we open sourced part of our WebGL stack).
Stoyan Nikolov I'm the Chief Software Architect of Coherent Labs (coherent-labs.com).
We build game UI middleware based on web technologies for AAA game studios.
We have the fastest HTML renderers in the industry & VR features on all major game engines.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stoyannikolov
Twitter: @stoyannk
George Petrov I'm working in the games industry for 10+ years and generally developing software for more than 20. I'm passionate about technology and pushing the limits of UI, graphics, gaming and virtual worlds. The technology we are creating at Coherent Labs is powering the web experience of several VR/AR products and hundreds of games. We want to push the limits of what is possible for web in VR. More information on our website at http://coherent-labs.com
Sue-Ann Ma I work a tech non-profit, primarily with products that enable accessible online education. The DIAGRAM Center is an initiative under Benetech that works with various stakeholders to determine best practice guidelines for accessible content creation. Virtual Reality is already proving to be a new medium that is of great interest to the digital education community, so I'm keen to learn more about this technology.
Olli Etuaho WebGL developer at NVIDIA for several years, with a lot of contributions to ANGLE and Chromium. I've also acted as a contact person between browser developers and NVIDIA. Familiarized myself with WebVR around the time the 1.0 API draft became available.

@oletus on twitter. http://www.oletus.fi is my personal website.
Chris Hebert Worked with graphics for 20 years including much real time web based 3d graphics (pre WebGL).
Joined NVIDIA in March 2015
Previously at Samsung Research UK and Remode Studios
Jim Bricker I am the founder of Order Mapper and Better Than. I created some of the very first ecommerce apps for the iPhone and was the first startup in Twilio fund. For VR, I have learned Unity and am currently building a new social VR app. I participated in the Hololens hackathon and am very passionate in the space.
Mahesh Kulkarni Works for Samsung Search America as product manager for Samsung browser team
Zohaib Ahmed My attachment to VR comes from my time at the University of Toronto where I completed a research project using an Oculus Rift, and WebVR (http://collavrate.zohaibahmed.com). At that point, I was hooked to the world of VR. Since then though, I have worked in other fields within Software Engineering, ranging from full-stack web development to NLP and AI - I introduced and lead the team at Hipmunk on our attempt to create an Artificial Travel Agent using in-house built NLP algorithms (http://www.hipmunk.com/hello).
Amal Prabhu I manage the mobile browser team at NVIDIA. My team works on adding features to Chrome browser for WebGL, GameController support and NV Path rendering. I have engineering experience in mobile, graphics, multimedia and middleware. My past work experience has been in companies like Sony, Samsun and Palm Inc.

Lately we have started investigation the role of Browser in VR environments. We are tracking WebVR and also starting to investigate ways to improve 360 photos and videos using WebVR.

pablo mendigochea Hi I am Pablo Mendigochea and I am tech evangelist for Epson's Moverio BT-300. The smart glasses allow for stereoscopic see through projection complete with powerful head tracking and other sensors. We are strongly interested in seeing native support for WebVR in our headset. In fact it already supports it but is not recognized by the javascript layer. our goal is to learn how to make the glasses compatible with WebVR so ti works out of the box (ie not requiring separate download of chromium browser)
Lisa Wadors Verne I received my PhD in special education from the University of California Berkeley. Since then I have been part of Benetech as the Program Manager: Research, Education and Partnerships. My work focuses on technology to support people with various disabilities. As the lead to our 3D printing work I have expanded my interest into emerging technologies and their potential applications for persons with disabilities.
Lewis Weaver I am a program manager on the Microsoft WebVR team enabling Edge support. Have relevant background as a lead developer on 3D rendering engine components (such as lighting, shadowing, streaming) and HTML5 web/mobile client application development.
satender saroha I am the architect on video team at Yahoo. Currently a bunch of us have been working on 360 live and VOD streaming workflow which involves camera capture to video stitching to playing the stereoscopic videos in web players on mobile and desktop using three.js api(s). we are actively working on implementing webvr spec to detect HMD(s).
Also we have been experimenting with viewport based adaptive streaming (where only the given viewport has highest resolution), to reduce amount of data needed for 4K stereoscopic experiences.
Casey Yee I work at Mozilla and work on WebVR. I help build prototypes, tools and come up with silly ideas. I can be found on twitter at @whoyee
Luc Courchesne I graduated crom MIT in 1984 and became involved imediaty in experience art and design as media artist and professor (University of Montreal). With my partner, we founded the Montreal based Society for arts and technology (SAT) in 1996. It is an independant Rtist center focussing on research Nd creation of exemplary forms or digital culture. We designed, built and operate a state of the art spherical theater (the Satosphere) and help steer the development of immersive art and design practice and acceptance through the IX symposium held every year since 2014. We now want to focus our artist residency program toward webVR. We believe the web is a space needed to be architected and populated. [http://sat.qc.ca] http://cour hel.net]
Thomas Balouet I am a French developer who has been working for over 3 years with WebGL and then WebVR, working on applications at the very start of it.
I've been leading the Virtual Reality development for the Beloola platform, a fully web-based immersive platform to connect like-minded people. During my work there I've been part of the Tribe6 at BoostVC VR incubator, staying 3 months in the Silicon Valley where I've been able to meet with the WebVR community there, and give a couple of presentations at Mozilla and Google.
Now I'm a VR and WebVR consultant and developer for my own company LucidWeb, also working on an immersive 3D platform to broadcast VR/360° experiments.
You can find me on twitter @thomasbalou
Scott Squires Over 35 years in Visual Effects. Visual Effects Society Fellow, 3 Acad. nominations, 1 Acad. Tech award, ILM 20 years. Have co-founded a VR company, Pixvana, with the intent of increasing quality of VR video and extend it's ability.
Fabien Benetou Fabien Benetou aka Utopiah, started to explore VR via webVR first about 2 years ago, stuck with webVR. Since then given about 10 workshops in Brussels, Belgium cf https://vrlab-brussels.info . For few months now started to work as freelancer on webVR commercial projects. Have been making dozen of proof of concepts using threejs and Aframe for about a year now cf https://vatelier.net/Demos/Demos and https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk9irgn6KnrjbHBhw4vlxLz6pGaMRTnTM . From using 4 Vive controllers to gathering 30 strangers with their phones on a shared virtual space, all in webVR. My main motivation for working on VR is to organize my thoughts through a VR interface of my PIM. For that I made several proof of concepts supporting collaboration, annotation, data visualization, etc cf https://fabien.benetou.fr/Wiki/VirtualRealityInterface . I'm also particularly interested in VR tools, in particular in VR tooling https://fabien.benetou.fr/Tools/VirtualReality#InVR .
Loc Dao Loc is the Chief Digital Officer for the NFB.

He is the co-founder (along with partner in crime Rob McLaughlin) of the groundbreaking NFB Digital and CBC Radio 3 studios and their industry shifting bodies of work.

The NFB's interactive work Cardboard Crash VR, A Way to Go webVR, Unknown Photographer VR, The Enemy Multi-user VR, Seven Digital Deadly Sins, Do Not Track, Circa 1948, The Last Hunt, Bear 71, Fort McMoney, Highrise(co-launched with Mozilla), Welcome to Pinepoint and Waterlife has been credited with inventing the new form of the interactive documentary.

Loc started his career in radio news and entertainment and also produced live concert and studio session recordings of artists such as Oasis, Radiohead, Frank Black, Iggy Pop, Modest Mouse, Bjork, The Cure and more for CBC Radio.

Loc has received over 100 awards most notably Digital Producer of the Year, nine Webby Awards, two New York Festivals Grand Prizes, three Online Journalism Awards, a Prix Italia, the FWA Site of the Year 2012 and a Cannes Cyber Lion.
Shahmeer Esmail I am an engineer at Intel working on various GPU software and cross platform products. Most recently, I have made contributions to Microsoft's open-source iOS->Windows bridge including: bug fixes and API development (Accelerate/vImage, CoreGraphics, OpenGL/GLKit). I am also working closely with Microsoft an a re-architecture of their vector graphics and compositing engines using Direct2D.

Prior to Intel, I worked for several years at Qualcomm and AMD where I developed GPU drivers and software for both mobile and desktop platforms.
James Baicoianu VR Monkey. Founder of AugmentedPerception.com VR search engine, and Principal Engineer at JanusVR. Creator of JanusWeb open source WebVR engine.

Michael Chen Fellow at Comcast
Currently actively working with VR
Paola Moretto Paola Moretto, CEO and Co-Founder, Nouvola, www.nouvola.com. @paolamoretto3
Paola Moretto is a proven technology executive, innovator and serial entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in leadership and executive roles in the high-tech industry. She most recently founded Nouvola, a startup offering performance testing solutions for web, mobile and VR applications. Prior to Nouvola, she’s run product organizations at Intel developing first generation mobile and cloud solutions, and startup teams in the mobile space. She co-founded Mobilian (acquired by Intel), a B2B WiFi and Bluetooth provider, and TCSI (acquired by Atmel), a B2B mobile technology company.
Paola holds a MS in Computer Science from Politecnico of Turin, and a MS in Physics from the University of Genoa, Italy.
Ravi Gidwani Fullstack Software developer for non profit organization. Interested in VR
Yon Chung AR/VR ecommerce interest. Using AR&VR to increase consumer engagement
David Chavez Working with Ken and Brandon @ Google Chrome to support zSpace desktop VR over web.
Kato Kenji I currently work at NASA Ames in the Human Factors group who started working with VR in the 80s'. The first VR system that I helped to develope in 1996 was for use in both scientific as well as military industry implementations for a old Silicon Valley 3D simulation company. Today I'm working with augmented control systems for interaction with both manned and unmanned systems.
Nikolai Leung I am Qualcomm's lead for 3GPP Multimedia standards and technologies. Qualcomm is very interested and active in VR, providing VR solutions for OEMs.

I also serve as the Vice Chair of 3GPP SA Working Group 4, and server as the Chair of the Multimedia Telephony Services over IMS Sub-working group which is developing a VR Study and Work Item.
Clifford Champion Hi, I'm Clifford. I'm product manager at zSpace for our web and platform software technology. zSpace has been selling Desktop VR/holographic HW/SW to K-12 schools for the past two years, now in 400 districts. We're actively collaborating with the WebGL team at Google for WebVR support with zSpace devices.

My background is mostly in software engineering, having recently moved into product management. Because of this, I can talk about technicals as well as market & ecosystem challenges and opportunities.

My LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cliffordchampion
alexandre jenny Former CEO of Kolor, leading expert in stitching softwares, I'm now in charge within GoPro of our VR solutions. From captation to diffusion, the full pipeline of the VR workflow is interesting to me.
http://www.kolor.com http://www.gopro.com/omni
Doug Twilleager I am the Chief Technology Officer of Software at zSpace. I have been building
graphics software for 24 years. I have been with zSpace since 2009. Before that, I was at Sun Microsystems where I worked on graphics hardware simulators, graphics microcode, OpenGL drivers, as well as higher level software. I was a co-inventor of Java 3D and created the rendering
and processing engine for Project Wonderland. I hold a number of graphics hardware and software patents. During my time at Sun, he also managed a game technologies group, an advanced graphics and imaging group, as well as a mobile applications group. My research interests include advanced real-time rendering techniques and programmable shading.

Recently, I have implemented the zSpace driver for WebVR inside the Chrome browser. Our implementation is unique in the VR space because the VR experience is embedded in the Canvas in the web page, and therefore provides and experience that is integrated into the browser.
Zeng Jiayu
Marko Kungla I'm agile and passionate developer, engineer .... I love what I do, so I have to love the technologies which keeps me busy as well. I'm more backend development, but Web VR became an a exception. I contribute as much I can into open source and https://aframe.io/ one of my favorite in connection to VR my github is https://github.com/mkungla.
Paola Rossaro Nouvola co-founder and CTO, with a PhD in distributed systems performance, and 20+ years experience in real time network performance, distributed systems, real time OS kernel, multi-processor systems and Fault Tolerance (patent pending). Before founding Nouvola, I worked at Wind River Systems for 12 years, and in two startups in the Bay Area. I was program manager at GainSpan, a HW/SW company providing WiFI based sensors to reduce energy usage. And I was Director of Operations at Teachscape, where I lead the team in charge of UI design, video and web development services.
Dana Dansereau I am an interactive producer at the National Film Board of Canada. We are actively working on storytelling in VR both 360 video and interactive VR. Of note, I have produced Circa 1948 the installation VR- a room scale immersive headset free environment. http://circa1948.nfb.ca

Twitter @danadansereau
Website: nfb.ca/interactive (to many other things I have produced)
Brandel Zachernuk I have worked in the advertising industry for many years on realtime 3D with novel input techniques at Resn in New Zealand and Apple here.
Twitter: @zachernuk
Codepen: codepen.io/zachernuk
website: www.zachernuk.com
Shannon Norrell I organize the Silicon Valley WebGL meetup (SVWebGL). We typically have over 100 people in attendance including folks from Google, Mozilla, Samsung and others. I think we have almost 500 members. I am also a "founding member" of Silicon Valley Virtual Reality (SVVR), arguably the largest group of VR enthusiasts in the world. I am also the VR Evangelist for HP.
Erica Layton I've been creating VR experiences with aframe.io js library and also with Unity 3D engine. Right now, I've got a contract with Mozilla, helping to write tutorials and build interesting demos for A-Frame VR.

My personal webVR work can be found at www.skyislandsvr.com
twitter: @EricaLayton
Charles Cross I am software engineer specializing in embedded systems, video streaming, and backend server development at OpenROV, a company that is developing a consumer underwater drone. I have a background in video game development (released the game series 9th Dawn on Android, iOS, and Steam) and have also made a VR cockpit for our drone that lets you pilot the vehicle in a virtual cockpit in real time with live video. I have worked for a few years now in the drone space, starting out at NASA Langley Research Center working on autonomous aerial vehicles. My github handle is spiderkeys and the website for our product is www.openrov.com.
Gilbert Montague I am currently a software developer with a focus in computer vision at OpenROV, a low-cost, underwater tele-robotic company based out of Berkeley. With the coming launch of our most recent product, Trident, we will have one of the largest ocean monitoring systems in the world. We currently support a very basic VR experience (more of a demo than a finished product), but we are looking to learn industry best practices for creating a fully fledged, effective VR experience. As a web application, we fully support mobile and desktop devices while constantly incorporating bleeding edge browser features and would like to expand our technical breath to VR. Seeing the ocean solely from your phone is exciting, but using the power of VR to put yourself into the cockpit of a submarine exploring the unknown is life changing. Here is a link to our product website: http://www.openrov.com/
Tom Flynn Manager and contributor to the Java-based Open Source VR scene graph for the GearVR (gearvrf.org).
Kieran Farr Both personally and professionally I have been a big fan and supporter of WebVR. I've worked on a number of WebVR projects on my own (github.com/kfarr/) and more recently I've been working with my employer Brightcove to create a WebVR compliant video player plugin for our media customers. Brightcove is a leading premium online video infrastructure company.
Giorgio Mazzucchelli Software architect with background in electrical engineering. Currently focused on exploring the possible interaction interaction between manufacturing and the 3D Web.
Stubbs Micah I'm a VR enthusiast, and experimenting with a few room-scale data visualization prototypes.
Damon Hernandez Outside of my day job, I have been working with interactive 3D and web3d since 2003 (VRML & X3D). I am also a standards advocate for the Web3D Consortium. I run the local SF WebGL meetup group, started the now global www.vrhackathon.com events, and other groups that promote VR and web standards.

2. Your goals

What are your goals in attending this workshop?


Responder Your goals
Megan Lindsay
Charles LaPierre Ensure accessibility is part of the design and not an afterthought as has been with so many emerging technologies. Identify key players and potential partners in the accessibility and the application of VR in the education space.
David Dorwin 1. To understand and contribute to the industry's current thinking on declarative and progressive enhancement for immersive web pages as well as 360 and 3D media for the web.
2. To meet people interested in working together to address these issues.
3. To hear from authors what browser capabilities are most important to enable them to (more easily) create great experiences for VR.
Smus Boris Ensure web platform supports needs of VR developers. Understand what will be provided by the platform, and what will need to be provided in JS.
Josh Carpenter Help advance WebVR by engaging with developers, platform vendors, and creatives to form consensus around what the web platform needs in order to be successful in immersive computing, and the path to building the necessary components.
Don Brutzman 1. Show how the X3D Graphics standard can adopt VR capabilities to provide a declarative XML-structured solution for the Open Web Platform.
2. Discuss and discern whether other work might influence the ISO-draft Mixed Augmented Reality (MAR) Reference Model.
3. Discuss how W3C Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Recommendation plus related assets can support compression of any content for Open Web Platform, compatibly with XML Encryption and XML Signature (Authentication).
4. Observe approaches to accessibility, annotation and metadata.
Warren McQuinn My primary goal is to connect with other excited developers and web evangelists to understand how VR and the Internet will interact. As developers, we need to work together to share our visions -- because our shared vision will become web reality.

By connecting with enthusiastic web natives, we will be focusing our energies on creating Web + Virtual Reality standards to improve the world as this technology is adopted. And it is being adopted faster than ever!

I really want to get more involved.
Paul Higgs Listen and collaborate with other industry professionals with a goal of determining where standardized interfaces and/or APIs can be created and implemented while preserving the existing content workflow systems (to as greater degree as possible)
Jeffrey Sonstein my primary goal: to help the community move towards, at a minimum, developing common/standard ways to distribute immersive VR content via the Web.

my aim is to help free hardware makers to compete on the strengths of their hardware rather than on the artists in their walled gardens & to enable the work of artists to have the widest possible audience.
Ningxin Hu I proposed two workshop topics. They are: 1) Handling of new and heterogeneous input methods for VR (gamepad, hand position, …); and 2) 3D video capture (3D camera) and processing (e.g. scene perception). I'd like to brainstorm about the two topics with other attendees. I also want to learn feedbacks from other attendees about the other topics like displaying stereoscopic content, JS API, 360 content and AR&VR etc.,
Diego Marcos Being able to make faster decisions in particular areas that have been discussed for while. The in person setup will allow us to move faster. I also want to meet people face to face that I only met via email.
Alban Denoyel - Connect with other people helping make VR a reality, with a focus on web distribution
- Get industry insights on the latest projects and developments
- Share what we have been up to at Sketchfab, and gather feedback
Timothy Duncan I am interested in the development of VR/AR technologies both as an audio specialist and for the purpose of successfully leading the VR/AR certification program.
Amber Roy
Hongchan Choi - Finding new opportunities in 3D audio on the web.
- Collecting developer opinions/requests toward 3D audio in Chrome.
- Learning about the codec for 3D audio streaming.
FENGZHI PAN Understanding the progress, ongoing and roadmap of the standards, implementations and applications of WebVR.
Ashish Agrawal Learn about the latest industry trends related to WebVR. Opportunistically recruit engineers
Neil Trevett To discuss and discover what Khronos can do to help VR on the Web move forward - especially drive cooperation between Khronos, W3C and other standards bodies
Simon Gunkel - Strengthening my network in VR community.
- Better insides into commercial and standardization interest in web based VR.
- Better understanding of technical limitations of web based VR.
- Setting new goals for interactive and shared VR experiences.
Rebecca Gregory-Clarke Having used Web VR for one project, I have seen how it might be a good alternative to app-based, propriety VR builds. It is interesting from a user perspective because there may be a lower barrier to entry if people can simply access the content through a browser, and it is interesting from a creation and delivery point of view as it potentially represents a one-build-fits-all approach.
On the other hand, I have also seen some of the limitations it has in terms of performance, and at present it seems to provide a much less stable outcome than some of the alternatives. I hope to be able to represent some of the challenges we have come across, and help identify areas where improvements could be made, with a view to doing more experiments in the future.
Nola Donato I would like to work on ways to make the web browsers more performant in VR situations, perhaps by providing higher level abstractions for 3D than WebGL. I am also interested in developing immersive experiences for the mobile VR on the web and ways to connect browser based applications with native mobile applications. And I want to grow my network in VR.
Weidner Klaus meet other WebVR platform developers and users, including learning about challenges and solutions for the range of platforms from mobile to desktop roomscale.
Olivier Thereaux With my BBC hat on, I mostly want the workshop to help me understand the gap between "native" and web for viable VR experiences, and know where we should focus our energy to make VR open to all, interoperable etc.

As AC rep, I hope the workshop helps direct future work on the web platform to address those gaps.
Brandon Jones Communicate with others that are interested in WebVR and help chart a direction for future iterations of the spec.
Tom Kim Want observe technical discussion and get insight of market trends.
Jensen Paul MovieLabs is a non-profit research and development joint venture started by the six major motion picture studios. For the past year I have been investigating VR issues pertinent to the Studios, especially workflow and standards gaps. This workshop is highly relevant to those activities. My goals are to share the knowledge I've gathered on VR with like-minded individuals, and to help form a consensus of the most practical steps in the short- and mid-term.
Rafael Cintron Understand what types of experiences others are building or want to build with web technologies.

Understand the challenges people encounter when building experiences with Web technologies and brainstorm ways to overcome them.

Network with my colleagues in the industry who work in my area.
Diogo Cortiz - I would like to get in touch with people working with VR around the world in order to strengthen the community in Brazil.
- I would like to share our experience developing some prototypes in Brazil.
- Discuss about the intersection of Web and Virtual Reality
David Price Increased cross industry collaboration for the creation of standards and guidelines for the use of VR for interactive cinematic content. In addition we hope to be a forum where views and positions can be exchanged and the industry can use as a reliable and broad source of information.
Mike Schmit Learn about and contribute to VR standards
Philipp Slusallek Explore how to bring the existing Web and interactive 3D graphics closer together. Discuss how embedding 3D scenes into HTML5 in a declarative way can help make VR (and AR!) more pervasive and easy to integrate with the rest of the Web. Explore how we can extend WebVR also to WebAR. Learn about novel use cases particularly in industry.
Brendan Long We want to learn about what technologies W3C is considering for this space, and find out if there are any activities we should be participating in (especially regarding transmission formats, VR content delivery, and real-time VR communication). We're also interested in ways to speed up HTML / JavaScript rendering and reduce lag, since VR will need very high frame rates to be comfortable (and we use HTML5 for user interfaces sometimes, so even without VR it would be nice..).
Nell Waliczek Connecting with people exploring VR on the Web to better understand how the platform will be used.
Mike Assenti Understand how VR technologies map to W3C standards
Laszlo Gombos Collaborate with other VR/AR vendors
Standardize some of the solutions available in VR Browser across other players
Architecture design, Travel, Productivity in VR
lulin chen
Michael Blix Primary focus of figuring out nearer-term WebVR 1.0 spec details, use cases for WebVR integrating with other web platform pieces i.e. progressive web apps. Discussion of next steps beyond WebVR 1.0
Nat Brown I'd like to hear more perspectives about how WebVR and the frameworks over it might mature or how they are creating compelling content already that I haven't yet seen. It is very easy coming at VR content from the high-end headset and from a game-engine perspective to believe that WebVR has an insurmountable amount of game-engine features (advanced rendering, shaders, physics simulation, etc) to implement to be able to create compelling content. I'm hoping to park that viewpoint so I can ingest more from the community and take it back to share inside Valve.
Xiaosong Zhou
Dean Jackson Understand the current state of WebVR, its use cases, future directions, etc.
Wendy Seltzer Better understand the ecosystem and help prepare the landscape of potential W3C standards incubation.
Brian Chirls - Share use cases I've encountered in my professional and experimental work in VR to make sure they're considered in the specification and implementations.

- Contribute some of my own design best practices and demos to inspire others and receive helpful criticism

- Meet a range of Web VR practitioners and stakeholders for opportunities to work together and to strengthen the WebVR ecosystem

- Ensure the community is addressing the needs of a diverse range of consumers and creators.

- Share feedback about VR that I've received from filmmakers, activists, journalists and corporate clients
Christopher Baron I am currently taking the first steps on a project involving a custom HTC vive paint application and discovered a-painter. I believe this could be a perfect foundation for this project. I wish to learn more about the a-painter application and its development process, as well as industry best practices and workflow.
Louay Bassbouss - enable high quality 360° video experience using web technologies. Our target devices are TVs, Desktop and mobile devices rather than head mounted displays.
Jaakko Manninen Participate in the workshops, help bring WebVR to the masses, and network with colleagues.
Matthew Szatmart Evaluate and discuss options for VR inline with what Twitch.tv users will wish to access
Jeff Koehler Start to become familiar with the technical and standardization challenges for VR.
Scott Singer To learn more about the current state and future vision of VR on the Web, and to contribute where useful, from my experiences delivering both high quality photorealistic and stylized creative visions at large scale.
Kevin Ngo I want to see what other people's perspectives and visions of WebVR and AR are. This may help inspire me on what to focus on in the upcoming year. This will help me understand how WebVR should best be presented to people.
Philip Rosedale Understand Virtual Reality Standards for clients and servers, networking, avatars, audio, and shared content
Dan Sun - Connect with the VR community; better understand the limitations and browser short - medium goals, with a focus on VR experience on web, especially mobile web;
- Learn the latest industry trends and the movement in VR/AR standard bodies;
- Share what we have been up to in Verizon VR platform (www.envrmnt.com) and the challenges facing
Roshan Vidyashankar - To understand what APIs and tools are available to me as a VR Developer
- Learn about support for input devices/new interaction mechanisms
- Meet people and better understand where I can contribute.
Adalberto Foresti I want to learn more about the current thinking re: VR on the web, and get to know in person the key contributors in this domain. I exchanged emails and phone calls with several of them over time, but I never got a chance to shake hands. This looks like a good opportunity to do so!
Stoyan Nikolov 1. To understand the current state of Web & VR
2. Contribute to the way VR integrates with the web
3. Gain insight on the gaming possibilities of the VR web
4. Meet fellow web & VR professionals
George Petrov Our company is working actively in the Web and VR/AR space and I want to meet relevant and like-minded people and get involved with the standards.
Sue-Ann Ma Learn about leading organizations and implementations using VR and possibly building connections to help determine how to make this technology to users of various needs.
Olli Etuaho Contribute to the discussions from a performance perspective - how should the APIs be defined so that they can best make use of hardware resources like the GPU? I also aim to establish contacts with the Web/VR community for continued NVIDIA involvement in this area.
Chris Hebert To understand how VR can be deployed via the web, what this means for connected devices displaying VR content.

I'm very keen to see specific use cases examined.
Jim Bricker Contribute to web VR standards, especially for eCommerce.
Mahesh Kulkarni networking
Zohaib Ahmed I've had the privilege of using WebVR at a very early stage of its life, and I saw the problems that it faces first hand. I would like to keep in touch with how VR progresses and how people in the industry plan to tackle all of the problems.
Amal Prabhu Understand more the roadmap of WebVR, how to productize some of the use cases and understand how we can get to some of the real world productivity use cases in VR.
pablo mendigochea To network with influencers on how to get Moverio recognized as a an HMD so its compatible with WebVR. To learn how to create content for WebVR that is optimized for low and high powered headsets
Lisa Wadors Verne Learn more about the technology and explore opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Lewis Weaver Attending will both grant an understanding of the wider communities viewpoints and contribute into the discussion of how decisions will potentially impact other AR/MR devices.
satender saroha would love to hear experience of other with respect to
- challenges in streaming truly immersive 4K in VR at 60 fps or more
- video stitching in live
- latest support in browsers across mobile and desktop for webvr spec
- latest in webgl wrt plans of incorporating some of the opengl extensions like multi-view rendering extension for efficient stereo rendering.
Casey Yee I want to hear everyones ideas and what we should make of the new VR web: What you want to make and the tools that you need to make that a reality.
Luc Courchesne Be in a position to take part in the rapid acceptance of webvr.
Thomas Balouet Last time I was in San Francisco I've been able to meet several people of the WebVR community during meetups mostly. I've really enjoyed discussing VR and its application to the web.
I've been following its development since I'm back in France and tried to help as much as I could, creating experiences, writing articles (https://medium.com/@tombalou) and showcasing WebVR.
I'd really like to be able to participate in further discussions on how we can help VR to be really present on the Web, and the different ways of implementing it.
I want to help building the standards of tomorrow, building the future of web in VR.
Scott Squires Keeping up with latest VR developments. Exploring new ideas related to VR, including web access.
Fabien Benetou Understand the view of others regarding webVR interconnectivity and if it differs share mine. Have a clear understanding of the evolution of specs.
Loc Dao We're developing several projects in webGL/webVR - Bear 71 webVR, Ocean Falls and more and have been working with Mozilla and Google so have a vested interested in certain functionality like 3D sound, effective performance and streaming on mobile and multi-user being part of the webVR spec. We're also exploring the possibilities around using webVR inside of our native code iOS and Android apps to blend the lines between 360 video playback and interactive VR projects. We're in discussions with the Guardian on this who is interested in our work in this area.

We're launching one or more projects with Chrome build 55 hopefully at Sundance Jan 2017 so having a sense of what the environment will be from other players will help.
Shahmeer Esmail Get a better sense of what the current state of web based VR technologies from experts in the area as well as what directions are being explored.
James Baicoianu To collaborate with browser vendors and discuss what needs to be done to bring WebVR to the masses, and to learn what techniques others are using to provide better WebVR experiences
Michael Chen Understand applicability of and plans for W3C technologies in VR (and AR/MR)
Paola Moretto Getting an understanding of the current status of technical issues related to VR.
Getting an understanding of the level of maturity of Web VR, Browser extensions.
Ravi Gidwani Learn more and get some hands on with VR
Yon Chung Learn a lot more about WebGL and WebVR
David Chavez Learn
Kato Kenji I'm interested to see what others are doing with VR and AR in this 3rd VR wave. I'm also looking to understand how others are using the current technology to possibly solve existing VR problems that have plagued the industry for years.
Nikolai Leung Collaborate with other VR companies/organizations in developing a vision for VR, and then looking at what technologies and standards need to be developed.
Clifford Champion My interest is in (1) realizing mainstream, web-based VR across many different device types, (2) zSpace as a unique device class and how the web will work for our device type, and (3) what does a seamless, mass consumption UX look like in a Web + VR world.
alexandre jenny WebVR is the key to get VR to masses. We are working hard with it since a while and would like to present some framework around it.
Doug Twilleager I would like to see what other developers and implementors are doing with the current WebVR API and what they would like to see in the future. I would also like to promote our style of VR experience and get the communities feedback on how they might use this style of WebVR integration.
Zeng Jiayu
Marko Kungla Since some people I already know from VR scene are attending and your workshop seems very interesting so I find it is worth it to fly there from Europe just for that. I'm really exited what enhancement Web VR can bring into web experience and hope that Web VR API will develop fast based collective agreed standards.
Paola Rossaro Learn more about VR and performance issues and solutions
Dana Dansereau Listen for and possible influence the narrative possibility of WebVR
Brandel Zachernuk I want to become familiar with the best practices in discussion now and to help direct attention on more serious applications.
Shannon Norrell Meet chicks. jk
Erica Layton My goal is to develop a better understanding of three.js and webGL in particular, as A-Frame is build on top of them. My background is originally in sculpture and 2D design, so I am a bit of a newcomer to coding my designs. My hope is to become better able to build interactivity into my roomscale webVR scenes, through better understanding of the code.
Charles Cross One of our main goals with our new vehicle, and software architecture in general, is to develop the first browser based web-app interface for telerobotics. One of the features that we are heavily pushing and working towards is a VR version of our cockpit that uses WebVR and allows the user to fly our new vehicle using any of the VR hardware platforms, with a specific focus on GearVR, cardboard, and other mobile based VR solutions. My goal in attending is to gain a solid grounding in the latest WebVR best practices, how to best work with multiple platforms and devices, and learn what work others might be doing in this space. I hope to walk away with a base skill set that allows me to prototype the first realtime WebVR based cockpit and move towards getting it ready in time for launch of our next product
Gilbert Montague To understand what industry experts are doing to push the frontier of VR in the browser and integrate those ideas into our existing software system. I also want to expose the VR community to a content medium that they may not be aware of and get everyone excited about ocean exploration.
Tom Flynn Learn more about the issues that are being worked on to make VR be a good experience via the Web.
Kieran Farr * Understand where the WebVR initiatives are heading, especially with regards to online video
* Actively participate in representing interest from major broadcasters, large enterprises and small businesses with regards to their use of 360º video for entertainment and operational use
Giorgio Mazzucchelli Having a broader and more grounded understanding of WebVR, its actual state of development and possible applications in a real-world scenario, with a particular focus on design and manufacturing.
Stubbs Micah to explore the webVR design space
Damon Hernandez 1)Connecting with others interested in WebVR for enterprise solutions. 2) represent those interested in WebVR for smart cities and advanced manufacturing

3. Workshop Goals

What goals or outcomes do you think the workshop should focus on to be productive?


Responder Workshop Goals
Megan Lindsay
Charles LaPierre Clear understanding of what WG/IG/CG are developing VR standards and any sub groups that exist which one may wish to join.
David Dorwin 1. Identify specific topics/areas for further investigation/discussion/development.
2. Identify people interested in contributing to that process in each area.
3. Identify the appropriate forum (e.g. Community Group) for each area.
4. If necessary, prioritize the topics/areas/needs.
Smus Boris
Josh Carpenter 1) Consensus reached on solutions to immediate high-priority platform needs. Eg: WebVR 1.0 API, input, site-to-site link traversal mechanisms, new developer hooks, etc. 2) Discussion of longer-term roadmap: where do we believe the platform should be going, big picture? 3) From both of those discussions, identification of future platform upgrades, features, etc.
Don Brutzman 1. Interoperability of VR content with Web standards.
2. Need to carefully define personal/public safety and health issues associated with VR usage, which are frequently overlooked or ignored by VR devices.
Warren McQuinn * Empowering developers to describe the web standards that would make their visions possible; more importantly, enabling developers to give feedback on proposed standards.
* Encouraging productive conversations about web standards, without being hung up on petty complaints.
* Ensuring that all attendees are on the same page by using web technologies to track presentations, materials, etc.
* Energizing the crowd, because everyone loves a fun conference :) while still maintaining a respectful, peaceful, and accessible environment.
Paul Higgs The workshop should hopefully identify what the current *desire* from the market is and what the state of the art is in attaining that. There are existing gaps in solution/service integrations and the measures to counter those are somewhat burdened by the lack of standards.
Jeffrey Sonstein 1) common standards for distribution of immersive VR over the Web in a hardware-agnostic way.
2) agreement on a common and cross-platform metaphor to replace WIMP for user navigation and experience control interface elements.
Ningxin Hu Making the consensus of the kay Web VR use cases. Scoping the area of CG. Plan the road map of CG to WG.
Diego Marcos Collect all the use cases across the industry in order to make better informed API decisions in the future.
Alban Denoyel Give every participant an opportunity to share their ideas and wish-list, and then come up with priorities in terms of roadmap.
Timothy Duncan The deployment of VR/AR on web platforms comes with very specific challenges and opportunities both.
Amber Roy
Hongchan Choi - Browser interoperability: browser vendors need to talk about why the playback of different codec is a hard problem for web developers.
- VR experience on mobile web: what's blocking us? what's the best practice?
- The seamless user experience across the platform: what do we need to have to offer the identical UX to the other native platforms (e.g. iOS, Android)?
FENGZHI PAN The progress, ongoing and roadmap of the standards, implementations and applications of WebVR.
Ashish Agrawal WebVR 101, Industry trends, systemic support in the form of compatible browsers, UX best practices
Neil Trevett Help move the AR and VR industry forward by ensuring we create the right standards at the right time. In particular, focus on next practical steps
Simon Gunkel - Steer interaction between participants
- Identify what the current status in terms of technical limitations and commercial interest
- Set specific goals for standardisation based on technical limitations and commercial interest
Rebecca Gregory-Clarke I would like the workshop to first identify and evaluate what VR support is currently being implemented on the web, and look at how this can be made more consistent (between browsers and devices/OS). I would also like to identify what would make the biggest difference in the short - medium term.
I would like to know what attendees feel is the long-term vision is for web and VR, but I would also like to identify a select number of things that will make the most practical difference in the short term.
Nola Donato Adapting web browsers to allow high performance 3D experiences with novel input devices.
Weidner Klaus enhancing communication and collaboration among stakeholders
Olivier Thereaux Main expected goals and outcomes for the workshop are, in no particular order:

* Address device / capability detection - web-based VR on e.g. smartphones suffers from lack of "VR mode" detection which for instance causes the device to go to sleep in the middle of the VR experience. Also related is a requirement for device capability detection around spatial audio (e.g. know when headphones are in use versus speakers etc). Understand relation with proposed output device API.

* Gather requirements for future work in the Audio WG - the group will be starting a scoping phase for v2 of the web audio specification, and web VR should be a major use case in prioritising features such as custom HRTF, better reverb etc.

* Understand where performance issues can be alleviated by new specs - web-based VR suffer from a number of performance issues at the moment, especially with things like mapping video to webGL, seeking etc.

* Understand the boundaries of potential work at the W3C - which of the concerns of the full 360/VR toolchain may belong on the web platform, and which is out of scope for now.
Brandon Jones Ways to thoughtfully evolve WebVR's capabilities to handle a wider range of abilities without becoming overly hardware specific.
Tom Kim How to build standard to support vr/AR content creation/distribution
Jensen Paul 1) come up with a couple of realistic end-to-end VR use cases (e.g. live 360° broadcast)

2) identify technology gaps that need to be filled to enable those use cases

Rafael Cintron
Diogo Cortiz I hope the primary goal of the workshop would make Open Web Platform a good environment for Virtual Reality experiences.
I also would like to identify opportunities and trends to strengthen the development of technology in Brazil
David Price As above
Mike Schmit Create draft standards for the workflows involved in real-time 360 video broadcast.
Create draft standards for the authoring and distribution of 360 video
Philipp Slusallek Define the role of WebVR/AR in the Web and graphics landscape
Identify key use-cases in different markets that we should focus on first
What is needed for better AR/VR support in the browsers
Discuss areas of standardization, how different SDOs relate, how to proceed
Do not limit this to VR but also explore AR as an extension
Brendan Long
Nell Waliczek
Mike Assenti Identifying the boundaries of W3C efforts vs 3rd party efforts
Laszlo Gombos Collaborate with other VR/AR vendors
Standardize some of the solutions available in VR Browser across other players
Architecture design, Travel, Productivity in VR
lulin chen
Michael Blix High priority needs of the web platform with consensus on immediate next steps.
Nat Brown It is early for VR, so I think the main goal should be to have lots of people meeting each other and having small conversations to get in sync and exchange contact information. I would find long presentations or allowing too many diatribes around abstract scenarios that are conceptually/academically interesting but haven't been tested with real prototypes and real people to be less productive.
Xiaosong Zhou
Dean Jackson I think the goal should be to start a WebVR Working Group at W3C, as soon as possible.
Wendy Seltzer
Brian Chirls There are a few topics that I don't think have been addressed sufficiently in the various online community venues:

- How to invite and support diversity among VR creators, audiences and contributors to specs and implementations.

- Design and technology strategies for accommodating a range of technology, physical abilities and socioeconomic factors, even as we incorporate the most advanced devices and software.

- Ways to publicize the benefits of the web as a VR platform to media outlets and funders who may only be familiar with proprietary game engines and spherical video

- How to promote discoverability of WebVR experiences and improve on-boarding.
Christopher Baron Unreal engine, unity or other? How to make the right decision from the beginning?

Practical business cases for vr applications.

Over coming the obstacles of streaming high bitrate content on limited network infrastructure.
Louay Bassbouss - Identify the different device classes and the different requirements for efficient 360° video streaming and playback in the Web. For example in case of head mounted displays, the 20ms motion-to-photon-latency needs to be considered but not necessary for TVs and Desktop when keyboard or TV remote control are used to change the viewport in 360° video.
- Which existing APIs can be used and if extensions to these APIs are needed. For example the Media Source Extension is a good candidate for pre-rendered 360° video content but there are some additional events needed for a smooth video playback.
Jaakko Manninen
Matthew Szatmart Discussion of 360 video standards, as well as web gl mirroring/ command streaming
Jeff Koehler Better understanding what Harmonic can contribute to the VR areas as it becomes more of a focus for the company.
Scott Singer Recognizing trends, understanding current cg industry workflows, trying defining a common glossary of terms, and working toward open standards that facilitate content creation, experience delivery, and user navigation.
Kevin Ngo Healthy exchange of ideas and open discourse on various WebVR-related topics (SSL, link traversal, long term goals).
Philip Rosedale What will be needed for VR to reach mainstream (1B+) internet usage?
Dan Sun Collect key VR use cases, challenges and requirements, scope the priority list for standardization and browser support.
Roshan Vidyashankar - How concepts of the web (eg, URLs) could map to the VR Web. What would it mean to “browse” in VR?
- Programming/developer tools for VR. Can we “view source” and edit scenes in VR?
- Discussions around good UX for VR.
Adalberto Foresti Attendees and presenters should not be afraid to think big in terms of what's possible in the medium/long term, but personally I am more curious about current challenges and actionable ideas that the market is (or soon will be) ready to respond to.
Stoyan Nikolov 1. Define the future roadmap of WebVR/AR
2. Show more real-world use cases of WebVR
3. Share between participants the industry trends and needs of the different parties involved
George Petrov Interoperability and openness of web standards for VR/AR. Inclusion of new models of interaction to existing standards.
Sue-Ann Ma Working groups to continue identifying applications of the technology and working on best practice methodologies for implementing these resources in an accessible manner.
Olli Etuaho Discuss how to design the APIs and the underlying SW architecture so that low latency and generally good performance can be achieved.

I believe the best productivity will be reached if the workshop concentrates on delivering VR on the web via low-level primitives on top of which a variety of complex solutions may be built (similar to design philosophy of WebGL), and leveraging existing working web APIs.
Chris Hebert Use cases

Data streaming/File formats.
Jim Bricker Brainstorm using IDEO approaches. Create an outline and process for a standard.
Mahesh Kulkarni
Zohaib Ahmed I think the workshop could consolidate discussion among people in various segments that surround VR development. Not only from the software side, but the challenges that are faced by content producers, hardware engineers, and designers.
Amal Prabhu Delivering high quality streaming video content, 3D formats, Obstacles to high framerate rendering of 3D in browsers and are there opportunities or efforts going on to improve better text rendering.
pablo mendigochea How to make hardware compatible or recognized by WebVR standards. How to optimize for WebVR content
Lisa Wadors Verne Implications for VR in the classroom and beyond.
Exploration for persons with disabilities
Lewis Weaver View on the short but also medium/long term goals
satender saroha - state of latest webvr spec, adoption by different browsers
- webgl extensions for client side rendering and optimizations
- make headway in areas of performance optimizations to reduce bandwidth like support for h.265/vp9 vs current h.264
Casey Yee The community has grown, and there are major players at the table. We want to work towards establishing a common ground that is agreeable to everyone, but also fits within the spirit of the web.
Luc Courchesne How to invite and support a new generation of artists in the bold exploration of the new territories for experience.
Thomas Balouet The workshop should first define, with all the participants, a roadmap of the needed features in order to deliver WebVR to the public in a good form as soon as possible.
We should also discuss of the possibilities of tomorrow, and take those possibilities into account in order to not only develop for tomorrow, but also the day after, and avoid possible loophole of future uses.
Finally, we should discuss on which features would be the most needed (link transversal, user inputs, security) and how we should develop them.
Scott Squires Getting most out of 360 video on the web.
Leveraging the web for VR experiences and interactions.
Fabien Benetou WebVR is now all about interconnectivity. Delivering VR content on the web already works, collaborating in VR on the web already works. Now the missing part and what will clearly give an edge to webVR is how to link content together and not just as a technical proof of concept but rather as a mechanism that can scale to the size of the biggest largest human construct : the Internet. If we don't have a clear roadmap for link traversal and keeping consistency through (e.g. via shared avatar or items) then the workshop will not be productive.
Loc Dao The workshop needs to map out the next year in webVR and make that roadmap public.
And come out with clear priorities around what will let this be accepted as a valid platform.
This can be aided by defining a story+tech strategy on how to bring in experience and content creators like us the NFB because our work using webVR technology will be the best ambassadors for this.
Shahmeer Esmail Discuss options, issues, success stories and failures associated with designing and implementing low level graphics/VR APIs that can reliably detect and correctly and efficiently utilize a wide variety of hardware with many different operating systems and browsers.
James Baicoianu If someone brought a Touch controller dev kit and looked the other way while Brandon Jones and someone from Mozilla implemented Touch support I would be so happy :D
Michael Chen Understand applicability of and plans for W3C technologies in VR (and AR/MR)

Best practices and implementation guidelines for W3C technologies in VR (and AR/MR)
Paola Moretto
Ravi Gidwani
Yon Chung Many Hands on activity allowing participants to actively engage
David Chavez
Kato Kenji Expose people to the deeper challenges to truly make VR and AR useable beyond its limited implementing bases. Also connect people working with the technology and people working with VR today.
Nikolai Leung Overall vision of VR experience (minimum requirements/performance) for low-, mid-, and high-end use cases & applications.
Clifford Champion How to ensure Web + VR is friendly for many types of VR and non-VR devices.

How to make sure Web + VR is not just about VR delivered through the web, but rather stays still inherently the Web (e.g. easy hyperlinking, easy user content creation, etc.), simply with the benefits of VR.
alexandre jenny
Doug Twilleager I would like to see the workshop help provide a roadmap for WebVR could go next. I'd also like to see the workshop outline a set of projects which would help developers and content providers more easily create, integrate, and deploy WebVR enabled content.
Zeng Jiayu
Marko Kungla Identify potential future standards and establish timelines to enable the Web to be a successful VR platform.
Paola Rossaro Identify current challenges and discuss plans for the solutions.
Dana Dansereau The general features, stability and user experience of WebVR. Improving AFrame, ThreeJS and JavaScript in particular multichannel audio and video support on mobile devices.
Brandel Zachernuk The balance of security and an adequately low-level support for interfacing with current and anticipated input techniques and display. (IMUs, electromyography, simultaneous multi-projection and lightfield rendering etc.)
Shannon Norrell I would like to steer towards a user-friendly WebVR API that abstracts out many of the nitty-gritty details of WebGL coding.
Erica Layton What the webVR stack looks like, and how all of the different pieces fit together. Also, discussion of common interaction design patterns in webVR, and some ways to implement them.
Charles Cross Conveying:
- Latest best practices for WebVR development
- Cross platform and cross hardware considerations
- Toolchains, workflows, profiling, and related topics
- Medium-depth dive on performance considerations
- Direction that WebVR is moving, where the standard currently is, how people can contribute, and how best to develop to predict future trends and standard goals
Gilbert Montague I believe that a discussion on how to integrate VR effectively and efficiently into existing software would be especially beneficial for myself. In general, I believe that focusing on how to make VR applications work well using HTML and in the browser would be useful to the widespread web development community.
Tom Flynn I'm most curious about how motion-to-photon latency can/will be resolved given the sandbox WebGL applications must live in.
Kieran Farr * Alignment on end-user goals and objectives - do we know what end-users want? Do our initiatives support that?
* Agreement on basic standards for streaming media. Finally there is a start to have metadata defined in mp4 container to indicate type of asset. However streaming of point clouds or other "VR" streaming formats appear to be a "wild west" and could benefit from a discussion of how to align these.
Giorgio Mazzucchelli Clearly showing the actual state of development, browsers, HW support, and the roadmap.
Showing any possible intersection of AR / VR in the Web.
Stubbs Micah documenting novel interaction patterns for webVR
Damon Hernandez Achievable action items for growing web & VR technology and adoption.

4. Your interests

What topics are you most interested in? Please rank the topics below for relevance and importance.


ChoiceAll responders
Don’t mindDon’t wantRanked 1Ranked 2Ranked 3Ranked 4Ranked 5Ranked 6Ranked 7Ranked 8Ranked 9Ranked 10Ranked 11Ranked 12Ranked 13Ranked 14Ranked 15
Displaying stereoscopic content in Web browsers 29 14 7 4 6 6 5 5 3 5 2 1 2 1 8
JavaScript APIs to detect & adapt to characteristics of VR headsets 30 14 6 6 2 7 5 4 3 5 6 2 1 1 3 3
Handling of new and heterogeneous input methods for VR (gamepad, hand position, …) 27 6 7 3 13 6 4 3 7 4 8 1 5 1 1 2
Accessible user interfaces and interoperability considerations across VR applications 30 6 5 3 4 7 4 4 2 4 7 5 5 2 3 7
Innovative VR applications that provide novel accessibility supports 35 2 4 4 2 5 5 3 5 4 10 4 3 6 2 4
3D audio 26 1 6 2 4 4 7 6 6 5 1 9 2 6 1 5 7
3D media synchronization 31 1 3 2 4 7 5 1 8 5 4 8 3 2 2 5 7
Declarative 3D scenes 35 1 3 6 4 8 4 5 2 4 6 3 5 3 3 6
Interoperable formats and codecs for 3D and 360 content 26 5 5 11 6 3 5 5 1 1 3 3 3 3 9 9
Displaying and interacting with 360 video and images from HTML 27 1 5 7 3 7 6 4 4 4 2 6 2 4 4 3 9
Bringing VR as progressive enhancement to classic Web browsing 26 10 5 8 5 10 3 5 5 2 5 1 2 2 4 5
3D video capture (3D camera) and processing (e.g. scene perception) 39 1 3 2 5 2 2 4 2 9 3 4 3 4 7 2 6
Streaming 3D/360 content, streaming real-time 3D content 20 10 8 6 3 6 5 6 3 5 4 4 2 5 3 8
Obstacles to high framerate rendering of 3D in browsers and better support for low-latency input, processing, and rendering in the Web context 27 17 7 6 3 2 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 2 6
intersection of needs for VR & AR in the Web Platform 28 13 4 6 2 6 5 3 2 5 4 1 6 1 2 10


Responder Displaying stereoscopic content in Web browsersJavaScript APIs to detect & adapt to characteristics of VR headsets Handling of new and heterogeneous input methods for VR (gamepad, hand position, …) Accessible user interfaces and interoperability considerations across VR applicationsInnovative VR applications that provide novel accessibility supports3D audio 3D media synchronization Declarative 3D scenesInteroperable formats and codecs for 3D and 360 content Displaying and interacting with 360 video and images from HTML Bringing VR as progressive enhancement to classic Web browsing3D video capture (3D camera) and processing (e.g. scene perception)Streaming 3D/360 content, streaming real-time 3D contentObstacles to high framerate rendering of 3D in browsers and better support for low-latency input, processing, and rendering in the Web contextintersection of needs for VR & AR in the Web Platform Comments
Megan Lindsay Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind
Charles LaPierre Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 4 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind
David Dorwin Ranked 8 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 6 Ranked 7 Ranked 4 Ranked 4 Ranked 2 Ranked 1 Ranked 15 Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Another topic: How headsets and headset-based browsing impact implementation of existing web standards.
Smus Boris Don’t mind Ranked 2 Ranked 1 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 4 Don’t mind Ranked 6 Don’t mind Ranked 5 Don’t mind Ranked 3
Josh Carpenter Ranked 10 Ranked 14 Ranked 12 Ranked 11 Ranked 10 Ranked 8 Ranked 4 Ranked 15 Ranked 14 Ranked 14 Ranked 15 Ranked 5 Ranked 7 Ranked 7 Ranked 6
Don Brutzman Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 5 Ranked 6 Ranked 8 Ranked 4 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Don’t mind Ranked 7 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Planning a position paper.
Warren McQuinn Ranked 15 Ranked 6 Ranked 7 Ranked 3 Ranked 8 Ranked 5 Ranked 4 Ranked 11 Ranked 12 Ranked 9 Ranked 1 Ranked 13 Ranked 14 Ranked 2 Ranked 10 Accessibility is very important -- VR needs to be a reality for everyone!
Paul Higgs Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Ranked 9 Ranked 7 Ranked 8 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Ranked 10 As a media solutions architect, I have an interest in all these areas, but also a focus on how subsystems integrate in a flexible manner.
Jeffrey Sonstein Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1
Ningxin Hu Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1
Diego Marcos Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 9 Ranked 6 Ranked 5 Ranked 10 Ranked 4 Ranked 11 Ranked 12 Ranked 13 Ranked 14 Ranked 15 Ranked 7 Ranked 8
Alban Denoyel Ranked 15 Ranked 14 Ranked 13 Ranked 10 Don’t mind Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 13 Ranked 13 Ranked 10 Ranked 12 Ranked 12
Timothy Duncan Ranked 4 Ranked 3 Ranked 5 Ranked 6 Ranked 8 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 15 Ranked 11 Ranked 13 Ranked 14 Ranked 12 Ranked 7 Ranked 9 Ranked 10 3D audio is a big topic and might be better served with 2-3 workshops that break out more specific topics
Amber Roy Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 5 Ranked 5 Ranked 7 Ranked 7 Ranked 10 Ranked 7 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 3 Ranked 5 Ranked 10 Ranked 5
Hongchan Choi Ranked 5 Don’t mind Ranked 4 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind
FENGZHI PAN Ranked 1 Ranked 13 Ranked 12 Ranked 11 Ranked 10 Ranked 14 Ranked 15 Ranked 9 Ranked 7 Ranked 5 Ranked 4 Ranked 8 Ranked 2 Ranked 3 Ranked 6
Ashish Agrawal Ranked 2 Ranked 1 Ranked 5 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 6 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 6 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 7 Ranked 5 Ranked 1 Ranked 4
Neil Trevett Ranked 7 Ranked 6 Ranked 8 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 5 Don’t mind Ranked 1 Don’t mind Ranked 4 Ranked 2 Ranked 3
Simon Gunkel Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 11 Ranked 12 Ranked 15 Don’t mind Ranked 14 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 13 Ranked 10 Don’t mind
Rebecca Gregory-Clarke Ranked 2 Ranked 1 Ranked 10 Ranked 11 Ranked 14 Ranked 3 Ranked 9 Ranked 12 Ranked 13 Ranked 4 Ranked 5 Ranked 8 Ranked 6 Ranked 7 Ranked 15 NB// I have ranked the above from 1-15 as instructed, however some I consider to be equally important.
Nola Donato Ranked 7 Ranked 6 Ranked 3 Ranked 8 Ranked 11 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 2 Ranked 15 Ranked 12 Ranked 4 Ranked 9 Ranked 13 Ranked 1 Ranked 5
Weidner Klaus Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Ranked 4 Ranked 10 Ranked 11 Ranked 5 Ranked 12 Ranked 14 Ranked 13 Ranked 7 Ranked 6 Ranked 8 Ranked 9 Ranked 1 Ranked 15
Olivier Thereaux Don’t mind Ranked 1 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 4 Don’t mind Ranked 3 Don’t mind
Brandon Jones Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Don’t mind Ranked 4 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 2
Tom Kim Ranked 3 Ranked 11 Ranked 5 Ranked 12 Ranked 6 Ranked 14 Ranked 9 Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 4 Ranked 7 Ranked 8 Ranked 2 Ranked 13 Ranked 1
Jensen Paul Ranked 4 Ranked 7 Ranked 4 Ranked 7 Don’t mind Ranked 4 Ranked 7 Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 7 Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Don’t mind allowed ties and put everything into 3 buckets plus "don't mind"
Rafael Cintron Ranked 2 Ranked 8 Ranked 7 Ranked 9 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 11 Ranked 4 Ranked 14 Ranked 3 Ranked 5 Ranked 12 Ranked 13 Ranked 1 Ranked 6
Diogo Cortiz Ranked 5 Ranked 7 Ranked 8 Ranked 9 Ranked 13 Ranked 14 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 11 Ranked 2 Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Ranked 4 Ranked 12 Ranked 6
David Price Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 6 Ranked 4 Ranked 5 Don’t mind Ranked 1 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind
Mike Schmit Don’t mind Ranked 8 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 6 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 4 Ranked 5 Ranked 2 Ranked 1 Ranked 7 Don’t mind
Philipp Slusallek Ranked 5 Ranked 9 Ranked 7 Ranked 6 Ranked 8 Ranked 9 Ranked 5 Ranked 2 Ranked 7 Ranked 6 Ranked 3 Ranked 8 Ranked 9 Ranked 4 Ranked 1
Brendan Long Don’t mind Ranked 4 Don’t mind Ranked 2 Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 6 Ranked 1 Don’t mind
Nell Waliczek Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind
Mike Assenti Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 7 Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 6 Ranked 4 Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Ranked 5
Laszlo Gombos Ranked 1 Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Ranked 4 Ranked 9 Ranked 1 Ranked 3 Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Ranked 1 Ranked 1
lulin chen Ranked 8 Don’t mind Ranked 8 Don’t mind Ranked 10 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 13 Ranked 10 Ranked 9 Don’t mind Ranked 13 Ranked 12 Ranked 9
Michael Blix Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 4 Ranked 14 Ranked 12 Ranked 6 Ranked 8 Ranked 5 Ranked 3 Ranked 4 Ranked 11 Ranked 13 Ranked 7 Ranked 2 Ranked 9
Nat Brown Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 10 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Ranked 5 Don’t want Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Don’t mind audio is certainly interesting, but super immature still so not yet super relevant.
Xiaosong Zhou Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind
Dean Jackson Ranked 2 Ranked 3 Ranked 4 Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 6 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1
Wendy Seltzer Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind
Brian Chirls Ranked 4 Ranked 5 Ranked 6 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 8 Ranked 11 Ranked 14 Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 3 Ranked 13 Ranked 12 Ranked 9 Ranked 7
Christopher Baron Ranked 4 Don’t mind Ranked 12 Ranked 11 Ranked 10 Ranked 3 Ranked 9 Don’t mind Ranked 8 Ranked 7 Ranked 5 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 6 Don’t mind
Louay Bassbouss Ranked 15 Don’t mind Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 12 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Don’t mind Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Don’t mind
Jaakko Manninen Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind
Matthew Szatmart Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 9 Ranked 10 Don’t mind Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Don’t mind Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 15 Don’t mind Don’t mind
Jeff Koehler Ranked 15 Don’t mind Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 9 Ranked 14 Ranked 15 Ranked 14 Ranked 12 Ranked 10 Ranked 5 Ranked 10
Scott Singer Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 4 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 5 Ranked 2 Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind
Kevin Ngo Don’t mind Ranked 5 Ranked 4 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t want Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Don’t mind Ranked 1
Philip Rosedale Ranked 12 Ranked 12 Ranked 12 Ranked 14 Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 13 Ranked 14 Ranked 11 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 13 Ranked 12 Ranked 9
Dan Sun Ranked 13 Ranked 2 Ranked 8 Ranked 9 Ranked 15 Ranked 6 Ranked 7 Ranked 10 Ranked 4 Ranked 11 Ranked 14 Ranked 5 Ranked 1 Ranked 3 Ranked 12
Roshan Vidyashankar Ranked 11 Ranked 5 Ranked 2 Ranked 10 Ranked 12 Ranked 7 Ranked 14 Ranked 4 Ranked 15 Ranked 6 Ranked 3 Ranked 13 Ranked 9 Ranked 8 Ranked 1
Adalberto Foresti Ranked 3 Ranked 7 Ranked 8 Ranked 10 Ranked 13 Ranked 12 Ranked 15 Ranked 4 Ranked 1 Ranked 14 Ranked 2 Ranked 11 Ranked 9 Ranked 6 Ranked 5 It's hard to pick a strict ranking between these topics. All are deserving in their own way. Near term, I'd say that the top 5 I indicated are the most interesting, and the others are more of a next-steps opportunity.
Stoyan Nikolov Ranked 6 Ranked 7 Ranked 4 Ranked 5 Ranked 9 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 11 Ranked 12 Ranked 13 Ranked 1 Ranked 14 Ranked 8 Ranked 2 Ranked 3
George Petrov Ranked 6 Ranked 9 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 7 Ranked 13 Ranked 3 Ranked 9 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 15 Don’t mind Ranked 7 Ranked 15 Ranked 15
Sue-Ann Ma Don’t mind Ranked 1 Don’t mind Ranked 2 Ranked 3 Ranked 5 Ranked 4 Ranked 6 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 7 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 8
Olli Etuaho Ranked 2 Ranked 4 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 6 Don’t mind Ranked 7 Ranked 5 Ranked 8 Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Don’t mind
Chris Hebert Ranked 15 Ranked 6 Ranked 14 Ranked 13 Ranked 8 Ranked 7 Ranked 14 Ranked 6 Ranked 15 Ranked 12 Ranked 12 Ranked 12 Ranked 12 Ranked 14 Ranked 15
Jim Bricker Ranked 6 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 4 Ranked 3 Ranked 4 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1
Mahesh Kulkarni Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind
Zohaib Ahmed Ranked 2 Ranked 1 Ranked 5 Ranked 3 Ranked 3 Ranked 7 Ranked 7 Ranked 3 Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Ranked 3 Ranked 7
Amal Prabhu Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 4 Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1 Don’t mind
pablo mendigochea Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 5 Ranked 12 Ranked 8 Ranked 2 Ranked 4 Ranked 5 Ranked 5 Ranked 6 Ranked 8 Ranked 10 Ranked 12 Would like to learn what new hardware like the BT-300 needs to do to support WebVR natively
Lisa Wadors Verne Ranked 6 Ranked 9 Ranked 12 Ranked 1 Ranked 11 Ranked 10 Ranked 4 Ranked 15 Ranked 14 Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Ranked 13 Ranked 7 Ranked 8 Ranked 5
Lewis Weaver Ranked 8 Ranked 1 Ranked 9 Ranked 14 Ranked 13 Ranked 12 Ranked 11 Ranked 7 Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 5 Ranked 6 Ranked 4
satender saroha Ranked 11 Ranked 5 Ranked 4 Ranked 10 Ranked 9 Ranked 6 Ranked 7 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 8 Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Don’t mind
Casey Yee Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind I think these are all important topics. There are certainly specific spec'd issued that we should discuss, but I think it's nice to leave it open to see where the crowd takes this.
Luc Courchesne Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Don’t mind Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Don’t mind Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 15 All these preferences are connected to making web3d design easier to assimilate and use. We want good artists, architects, designers to embrace the medium.
Thomas Balouet Ranked 10 Ranked 9 Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Don’t mind Ranked 15 Ranked 12 Ranked 8 Ranked 8 Ranked 15 Ranked 8 Ranked 5 As I'm working on a WebVR 360 platform, lots of this subject are directly related to my work and very interesting to me.
Scott Squires Ranked 7 Ranked 10 Ranked 6 Ranked 8 Ranked 6 Ranked 8 Ranked 14 Ranked 5 Ranked 14 Ranked 15 Ranked 4 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 6 Ranked 6
Fabien Benetou Ranked 10 Ranked 9 Ranked 8 Ranked 1 Ranked 7 Ranked 11 Ranked 5 Ranked 12 Ranked 2 Ranked 13 Ranked 3 Ranked 6 Ranked 15 Ranked 4 Ranked 14 I don't to think a lot of options (i.e. anything above 5 really) already reached a viable state thus have enough support not to be discussed any more.
Loc Dao Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 2 Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 3 Ranked 4 Ranked 3 Ranked 5 Ranked 10 Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Ranked 13 I've grouped my answers where 1 and 2 would be ideal asap.
3-5 in the next year.
6 and higher would be in the next 18-24 months.
But in order to launch our projects at Sundance Jan 2017 we need the #1s.
Shahmeer Esmail Ranked 7 Ranked 3 Ranked 4 Ranked 5 Ranked 13 Ranked 15 Ranked 14 Ranked 6 Ranked 2 Ranked 8 Ranked 10 Ranked 9 Ranked 11 Ranked 1 Ranked 12
James Baicoianu Ranked 1 Ranked 5 Ranked 2 Ranked 4 Ranked 10 Ranked 7 Ranked 14 Ranked 12 Ranked 6 Ranked 9 Ranked 3 Ranked 13 Ranked 6 Ranked 9 Ranked 15
Michael Chen Ranked 13 Ranked 11 Ranked 6 Ranked 7 Ranked 12 Ranked 5 Ranked 5 Ranked 4 Ranked 3 Ranked 6 Ranked 9 Ranked 8 Ranked 1 Ranked 10 Ranked 2
Paola Moretto Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 4 Ranked 1 Don’t mind Ranked 3 Don’t mind Ranked 2
Ravi Gidwani Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1 Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 1 Ranked 1
Yon Chung Ranked 1 Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 5 Ranked 4 Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 3 Ranked 1
David Chavez Ranked 1 Don’t mind Ranked 4 Ranked 6 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3
Kato Kenji Ranked 2 Ranked 5 Ranked 9 Ranked 6 Ranked 11 Ranked 7 Ranked 8 Ranked 13 Ranked 12 Ranked 10 Ranked 14 Ranked 4 Ranked 3 Ranked 1 Ranked 15
Nikolai Leung Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 4 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1 Don’t mind Don’t mind
Clifford Champion Ranked 1 Ranked 5 Don’t mind Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t want Don’t want Don’t want Ranked 4 Ranked 13 Ranked 1 Don’t mind Ranked 6 Ranked 15 Ranked 1
alexandre jenny Ranked 7 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 7 Ranked 14 Ranked 12 Ranked 8 Ranked 3 Ranked 14 Ranked 15 Ranked 12 Ranked 10 Ranked 11 Ranked 15 Ranked 12
Doug Twilleager Ranked 1 Ranked 3 Ranked 4 Ranked 11 Ranked 5 Ranked 12 Ranked 13 Ranked 6 Ranked 14 Ranked 15 Ranked 8 Ranked 7 Ranked 10 Ranked 2 Ranked 9
Zeng Jiayu Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind
Marko Kungla Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 12 Don’t mind Ranked 15 Ranked 9 Ranked 15 Ranked 6 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 11 Ranked 14 Ranked 13 Ranked 15
Paola Rossaro Don’t mind Ranked 6 Ranked 4 Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 7 Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Ranked 8 Ranked 1 Ranked 9
Dana Dansereau Ranked 10 Ranked 1 Ranked 5 Ranked 12 Ranked 13 Ranked 2 Ranked 3 Ranked 4 Ranked 6 Ranked 7 Ranked 8 Ranked 9 Ranked 11 Ranked 15 Ranked 14
Brandel Zachernuk Don’t mind Ranked 10 Ranked 3 Ranked 13 Ranked 4 Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 14 Don’t mind Ranked 6 Don’t mind Ranked 7 Ranked 8 Ranked 2
Shannon Norrell Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 5 Ranked 4 Ranked 8 Ranked 4 Ranked 13 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 8 Ranked 15 Ranked 13 Ranked 7
Erica Layton Ranked 14 Ranked 14 Ranked 11 Ranked 15 Ranked 9 Ranked 14 Ranked 7 Ranked 11 Ranked 5 Ranked 8 Ranked 8 Ranked 11 Ranked 14 Ranked 13 Ranked 12 I'm very curious about the UI considerations, since we're at a point where this stuff is still being defined experimentally.
Charles Cross Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 4 Ranked 3 Ranked 7 Ranked 10 Ranked 8 Ranked 7 Ranked 6 Ranked 5 Ranked 3 Ranked 15 Ranked 9 Ranked 3 Ranked 1
Gilbert Montague Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Ranked 6 Ranked 7 Ranked 15 Ranked 14 Ranked 13 Ranked 12 Ranked 9 Ranked 10 Ranked 5 Ranked 8 Ranked 11 Ranked 4 Ranked 3
Tom Flynn Ranked 6 Ranked 3 Ranked 2 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 1 Don’t mind
Kieran Farr Ranked 4 Ranked 8 Ranked 9 Ranked 12 Ranked 13 Ranked 12 Ranked 3 Ranked 5 Ranked 2 Ranked 1 Ranked 7 Ranked 10 Ranked 6 Ranked 14 Ranked 11
Giorgio Mazzucchelli Ranked 5 Ranked 10 Ranked 5 Ranked 15 Ranked 5 Ranked 10 Ranked 15 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 10 Ranked 5 Ranked 15 Ranked 10 Ranked 5 Ranked 15
Stubbs Micah Don’t mind Ranked 1 Ranked 2 Don’t mind Ranked 3 Ranked 5 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind Ranked 4 Don’t mind Ranked 6 Don’t mind Don’t mind Don’t mind
Damon Hernandez Ranked 4 Ranked 15 Ranked 8 Ranked 12 Ranked 8 Ranked 5 Ranked 10 Ranked 14 Ranked 15 Ranked 2 Ranked 15 Ranked 6 Ranked 4 Ranked 15 Ranked 15

5. Other Thoughts

Please let us know any other information or thoughts you have about Virtual Reality, the Web, or standardization opportunities. Feel free to include links to longer essays or other information you think should be considered at the workshop.


Responder Other Thoughts
Megan Lindsay
Charles LaPierre
David Dorwin
Smus Boris http://smus.com/responsive-vr/
Josh Carpenter
Don Brutzman Web3D Consortium is in planning stages to hold a VR Hackathon over the weekend to complement activities and importance of this workshop.
Warren McQuinn When I put on a VR headset, I know I'm entering the future. Sure, it's not a jetpack -- it's more like I'm picking up the best book I've ever read that never ends. Virtual Reality can provide limitless entertainment, and more importantly, unlimited information.

It's up to web developers to design for the future. We must ensure that knowledge is available to everyone who seeks it. Designing standards for VR will affect every single user, because of how intertwined technology and society are.

For example: I've been playing "Rec Room" on Steam with my HTC Vive. There are social standards that I didn't know about, but quickly picked up on: when you finish a virtual game, you are brought face-to-face with your opponent(s). You can high-five. You can fist-bump. And most importantly, you can immediately VoIP chat with them. These interactions will be commonplace across the web, but a dedicated group of developers will need to establish standards that improve the quality and civility of Virtual Reality interactions.

We can make the Virtual Reality world a better place.
Paul Higgs I would very much enjoy taking part and my company has a solid motivation in pursuing VR/360 systems.
Jeffrey Sonstein
Ningxin Hu
Diego Marcos
Alban Denoyel
Timothy Duncan
Amber Roy
Hongchan Choi
Ashish Agrawal
Neil Trevett Thank you for arranging this workshop - its very timely.
Simon Gunkel
Rebecca Gregory-Clarke
Nola Donato
Weidner Klaus
Olivier Thereaux
Brandon Jones
Tom Kim Web will be most preferred platform of content delivery in ar/vr like it does now.
Jensen Paul Someone wise once said "standards follow innovation"; it's probably too early for standards in many cases, but innovation can be focused on areas of greatest potential gain. Exceptions would be modifications to existing standards that are well understood (e.g. streaming).
Rafael Cintron
Diogo Cortiz
David Price
Mike Schmit
Philipp Slusallek
Brendan Long
Nell Waliczek
Mike Assenti
Laszlo Gombos
lulin chen
Michael Blix
Nat Brown
Xiaosong Zhou
Dean Jackson
Wendy Seltzer
Brian Chirls
Christopher Baron
Louay Bassbouss Fraunhofer FOKUS 360° Video Solution:
- https://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/go/360
- https://cdn3.scrvt.com/fokus/7f547e4bc8040157/397023fdde19/FAME_360-Grad_Video_04-2016_v03b.pdf
Jaakko Manninen http://vizor.io/
Matthew Szatmart
Jeff Koehler
Scott Singer https://scottsingercg.wordpress.com/2016/07/02/who-will-make-the-merchandise-display-cases-for-vr-shopping/
Kevin Ngo
Philip Rosedale High Fidelity (my company) is attempting to build an open-source, standards-based VR server and client. Beyond the standards that are out there already today, what else is needed? If millions of VR 'sites' are accessed by billions of end-users, what standards will be needed to best help that growth?
Dan Sun Web VR debugging tool, especially in HMD
Roshan Vidyashankar
Adalberto Foresti
Stoyan Nikolov
George Petrov
Sue-Ann Ma
Olli Etuaho
Chris Hebert
Jim Bricker I strongly feel the community should focus on 3 platforms for V1.
Mahesh Kulkarni
Zohaib Ahmed
Amal Prabhu
pablo mendigochea I encourage you to check out the Moverio BT-300. It is a very capable device for WebVR. There are a number of webinars on the Epson moverio youtube channel i have done.

Lisa Wadors Verne
Lewis Weaver
satender saroha VR development is in very early stages, lots of technical challenges and opportunities. Having a vibrant community and forums to collaborate across the pipeline from camera capture, stitching, to playing in webvr enabled browsers is super critical.
Casey Yee There are obvious steps that we need to take for WebVR standardization, and decisions around specific needs. I think we should talk about these issues, but given the broad group of people/companies being represented, It should be kept higher-level and more inclusive discussion. We could easily loose people in the weeds otherwise. And really, let's just have fun.
Luc Courchesne As curator of the IX symposium T SAT in June 2017, I will be in a position to invite WebVr on center stage.
Thomas Balouet One of the other thoughts I have, and which have been shared among other profiles too, is the need to find a global vocabulary for those new techniques we're using. From how to call what the user sees in his headset to the variables and methods in the code.
Scott Squires
Fabien Benetou I've chatted with most of the webVR crowd via Slack, github, Twitter, IRC, etc. It would be nice to finally meet face to face.
Loc Dao Our studio has developed interactive projects for 7 years and VR since 2014. We have used mainly Unity and Unreal except for a custom engine Kraken that Kearwood from Mozilla developed for one of our projects. And one project where we used webGL before webVR was very official. All this to say, our success has come from the web and our funding is public so we're very vested in supporting the open standards of the web.
Shahmeer Esmail
James Baicoianu
Michael Chen The big question IMO is whether standardized frameworks can be agreed for VR that still allow diversity in approach and implementation like Media Source Extensions have for media playback...
Paola Moretto Performance is crucial for the success of the VR experience. 10% degradation can make the difference from a happy experience to a terrible experience that includes physical discomfort. There should be a focus area / topic on performance.
Ravi Gidwani
Yon Chung
David Chavez
Kato Kenji Often today many people are focused on VR applications that target the consumer market. But many overlook harder applications such as scientific research, industrial applications, and use cases outside of the traditional gaming and touring uses. Give that many VR applications have existed for these areas only in labs and back rooms, the marage of new tech on the web offers new possibilities for brining these applications to a larger user bases.
Nikolai Leung
Clifford Champion
alexandre jenny
Doug Twilleager
Zeng Jiayu
Marko Kungla
Paola Rossaro
Dana Dansereau It is an exciting time. As WebVR becomes a viable platform -- one with many interconnected spaces -- the UX, the story design and storytelling conventions established by the W3C will need significant shepherding by storytellers. We can provide one of those voices.
Brandel Zachernuk
Shannon Norrell I also have interest in GLTF and seeing that become a standard
Erica Layton It would be great to discuss roomscale webVR!
Charles Cross
Gilbert Montague
Tom Flynn
Kieran Farr Seeing huge interest from consumer and prosumers for 360º video and photography. I think WebVR is essential to supporting these experiences without requiring proprietary applications.
Giorgio Mazzucchelli Possibility to attend the workshop remotely, in streaming, or as a webinar.
Stubbs Micah
Damon Hernandez None at this time

More details on responses

  • Megan Lindsay: last responded on 28, June 2016 at 23:16 (UTC)
  • Charles LaPierre: last responded on 5, July 2016 at 15:37 (UTC)
  • David Dorwin: last responded on 6, July 2016 at 18:57 (UTC)
  • Smus Boris: last responded on 7, July 2016 at 16:13 (UTC)
  • Josh Carpenter: last responded on 12, July 2016 at 10:55 (UTC)
  • Don Brutzman: last responded on 27, July 2016 at 22:12 (UTC)
  • Warren McQuinn: last responded on 27, July 2016 at 23:21 (UTC)
  • Paul Higgs: last responded on 30, August 2016 at 18:38 (UTC)
  • Jeffrey Sonstein: last responded on 31, August 2016 at 14:22 (UTC)
  • Ningxin Hu: last responded on 1, September 2016 at 01:14 (UTC)
  • Diego Marcos: last responded on 2, September 2016 at 15:24 (UTC)
  • Alban Denoyel: last responded on 6, September 2016 at 20:50 (UTC)
  • Timothy Duncan: last responded on 6, September 2016 at 21:58 (UTC)
  • Amber Roy: last responded on 7, September 2016 at 00:57 (UTC)
  • Hongchan Choi: last responded on 8, September 2016 at 17:50 (UTC)
  • FENGZHI PAN: last responded on 9, September 2016 at 08:46 (UTC)
  • Ashish Agrawal: last responded on 9, September 2016 at 16:53 (UTC)
  • Neil Trevett: last responded on 13, September 2016 at 15:31 (UTC)
  • Simon Gunkel: last responded on 14, September 2016 at 16:02 (UTC)
  • Rebecca Gregory-Clarke: last responded on 14, September 2016 at 17:40 (UTC)
  • Nola Donato: last responded on 14, September 2016 at 22:37 (UTC)
  • Weidner Klaus: last responded on 15, September 2016 at 00:09 (UTC)
  • Olivier Thereaux: last responded on 15, September 2016 at 09:23 (UTC)
  • Brandon Jones: last responded on 15, September 2016 at 15:37 (UTC)
  • Tom Kim: last responded on 16, September 2016 at 14:32 (UTC)
  • Jensen Paul: last responded on 16, September 2016 at 17:08 (UTC)
  • Rafael Cintron: last responded on 16, September 2016 at 18:27 (UTC)
  • Diogo Cortiz: last responded on 19, September 2016 at 15:46 (UTC)
  • David Price: last responded on 19, September 2016 at 17:31 (UTC)
  • Mike Schmit: last responded on 19, September 2016 at 17:48 (UTC)
  • Philipp Slusallek: last responded on 20, September 2016 at 04:44 (UTC)
  • Brendan Long: last responded on 20, September 2016 at 18:49 (UTC)
  • Nell Waliczek: last responded on 20, September 2016 at 23:00 (UTC)
  • Mike Assenti: last responded on 21, September 2016 at 09:12 (UTC)
  • Laszlo Gombos: last responded on 21, September 2016 at 17:10 (UTC)
  • lulin chen: last responded on 21, September 2016 at 18:12 (UTC)
  • Michael Blix: last responded on 21, September 2016 at 18:29 (UTC)
  • Nat Brown: last responded on 21, September 2016 at 19:02 (UTC)
  • Xiaosong Zhou: last responded on 21, September 2016 at 23:15 (UTC)
  • Dean Jackson: last responded on 22, September 2016 at 08:44 (UTC)
  • Wendy Seltzer: last responded on 22, September 2016 at 08:55 (UTC)
  • Brian Chirls: last responded on 22, September 2016 at 21:22 (UTC)
  • Christopher Baron: last responded on 23, September 2016 at 03:04 (UTC)
  • Louay Bassbouss: last responded on 23, September 2016 at 09:38 (UTC)
  • Jaakko Manninen: last responded on 23, September 2016 at 10:42 (UTC)
  • Matthew Szatmart: last responded on 23, September 2016 at 14:17 (UTC)
  • Jeff Koehler: last responded on 23, September 2016 at 17:48 (UTC)
  • Scott Singer: last responded on 23, September 2016 at 19:03 (UTC)
  • Kevin Ngo: last responded on 23, September 2016 at 21:05 (UTC)
  • Philip Rosedale: last responded on 24, September 2016 at 02:36 (UTC)
  • Dan Sun: last responded on 24, September 2016 at 03:12 (UTC)
  • Roshan Vidyashankar: last responded on 24, September 2016 at 03:51 (UTC)
  • Adalberto Foresti: last responded on 24, September 2016 at 04:44 (UTC)
  • Stoyan Nikolov: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 12:10 (UTC)
  • George Petrov: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 12:16 (UTC)
  • Sue-Ann Ma: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 16:54 (UTC)
  • Olli Etuaho: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 16:54 (UTC)
  • Chris Hebert: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 19:52 (UTC)
  • Jim Bricker: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 20:32 (UTC)
  • Mahesh Kulkarni: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 20:57 (UTC)
  • Zohaib Ahmed: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 21:56 (UTC)
  • Amal Prabhu: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 22:04 (UTC)
  • pablo mendigochea: last responded on 28, September 2016 at 22:15 (UTC)
  • Lisa Wadors Verne: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 00:20 (UTC)
  • Lewis Weaver: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 00:24 (UTC)
  • satender saroha: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 00:26 (UTC)
  • Casey Yee: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 02:59 (UTC)
  • Luc Courchesne: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 08:30 (UTC)
  • Thomas Balouet: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 12:44 (UTC)
  • Scott Squires: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 17:03 (UTC)
  • Fabien Benetou: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 20:28 (UTC)
  • Loc Dao: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 21:04 (UTC)
  • Shahmeer Esmail: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 22:34 (UTC)
  • James Baicoianu: last responded on 29, September 2016 at 23:14 (UTC)
  • Michael Chen: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 01:23 (UTC)
  • Paola Moretto: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 01:37 (UTC)
  • Ravi Gidwani: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 03:01 (UTC)
  • Yon Chung: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 03:12 (UTC)
  • David Chavez : last responded on 30, September 2016 at 03:13 (UTC)
  • Kato Kenji: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 03:41 (UTC)
  • Nikolai Leung: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 03:52 (UTC)
  • Clifford Champion: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 06:40 (UTC)
  • alexandre jenny: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 11:06 (UTC)
  • Doug Twilleager: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 13:57 (UTC)
  • Zeng Jiayu: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 16:31 (UTC)
  • Marko Kungla: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 17:52 (UTC)
  • Paola Rossaro: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 18:17 (UTC)
  • Dana Dansereau: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 18:27 (UTC)
  • Brandel Zachernuk: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 18:47 (UTC)
  • Shannon Norrell: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 23:19 (UTC)
  • Erica Layton: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 23:49 (UTC)
  • Charles Cross: last responded on 30, September 2016 at 23:52 (UTC)
  • Gilbert Montague: last responded on 1, October 2016 at 00:22 (UTC)
  • Tom Flynn: last responded on 1, October 2016 at 00:26 (UTC)
  • Kieran Farr: last responded on 1, October 2016 at 01:03 (UTC)
  • Giorgio Mazzucchelli: last responded on 1, October 2016 at 01:12 (UTC)
  • Stubbs Micah: last responded on 1, October 2016 at 01:19 (UTC)
  • Damon Hernandez: last responded on 1, October 2016 at 03:18 (UTC)

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