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18 November 2010 Next: 9 December 2010?
Agenda of 2 December 2010 TAG Teleconference
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- Convene
- Chair: Noah Scribe: Dan Appelquist (unconfirmed)
- Roll call -- Regrets: Henry
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Next Meeting: 9 December 2010? Chair: TBD
- Future scribes: Dan Appelquist - > Larry Masinter - > Ashok Malhotra
- Approve minutes of prior meeting(s)
- Administrative items
- Noah will be at privacy workshop next week on 9 Dec. Is anyone else available to chair?
- TAG members are urged to start reviewing in detail Ashok Malhotra's draft Repurposing the Hash Sign for the New Web; we'll review it during the next teleconference.
- ISSUE-25 (deepLinking-25): Legal issues relating to linking
- We will be joined during the first hour of the call by Thinh Nguyen, a lawyer who in the past worked with Creative Commons
- Goals:
- (From minutes of 18 November 2010) figure out what the TAG should say regarding policy around deep linking
- Decide whether to formally reopen TAG ISSUE-25 on deep linking. If yes, then with what goals, deliverables, etc.?
- Discussion with Thinh Nguyen
- ISSUE-40 (URIGoodPractice-40): Constructing RDF URIs from HTML microdata
- Goal:
- Background:
- In private communication, Tim Berners-Lee requested that we schedule some time for discussion of this
- ACTION-502 (URIGoodPractice-40): Constructing RDF URIs from HTML microdata
- Background:
- The concern is that the construction 'about="#xyz"' is common in RDFa, Web architecture says fragment resolution is defined by the media type specification, but the pertinent media type spec doesn't cover this one.
- ACTION-502: on - Jonathan Rees - Report back on discussions with Ben Adida regarding fragid semantics for RDFa - Due: 2010-11-29 - PENDING REVIEW
- Email from Jonathan Rees reporting on discussions with Ben Adida, who suggests no change needed.
- Goal:
- Decide whether the TAG is satisfied with the status quo, and if not, decide next steps.
- Product: Web Apps presentation to IETF: Product TAG Presentation on Web Applications (for March 2011 IETF meeting)
- Goal:
- Interim discussion of plans for IETF presentation by the TAG
- Background:
- ACTION-497: on - Larry Masinter - Prepare us for a teleconference with IETF-IAB on possible prague IETF presentation. - Due: 2010-11-11 - OPEN
- ACTION-499: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Prepare product description page for work on IETF presentation. - Due: 2010-11-23 - OPEN
- ACTION-500: on - Larry Masinter - Coordinate with Alexey about a possible presentation introducing IETF to TAG work on Web Apps & report to TAG - Due: 2010-11-30 - OPEN
- Overdue Action Items:
- Pending Review Items:
- Any other business
Noah Mendelsohn for TAG
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