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17th April 2008| Next:
8th May
Agenda of 1st May 2008 TAG teleconference
Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list and Issue
Tracker (handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive
- Convene
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: Noah
- Roll call -- Regrets:
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Propose approval of minutes from
17th April 2008
- Next Telcon: Propose 8th May 2008; Chair: Stuart; Scribe: Henry
- Future Regrets: 15th May: TimBL ; 12th June: TimBL
- Issue XMLVersioning-41
- Agenda item
from David - to consider revision of the finding before F2F.
- Related Action Items
- ACTION-107 on Dan Connolly to Review compatibility-strategies
section 3 (soon) and 5 for May/Bristol - due 2008-05-15, open
- ACTION-108 on Ashok Malhotra to Review
compatibility-strategies section 2, 4 a week after DO signals
review - due 2008-04-04, open
- ACTION-109 on T.V. Raman to Review compatibility-strategies
section 3, 4, 5 due 2008-04-10 - due 2008-04-04, open
- ACTION-110 on Norman Walsh to Review compatibility-strategies
section 3, 4, 5 - due 2008-04-04, pending review
- ACTION-112 on Noah Mendelsohn to Review compatibility
strategies section 2 due 2008-04-04 - due 2008-05-15, open
- ACTION-133 on David Orchard to Ask raman what he thinks
should be done wrt css versioning - due 2008-04-17, open
- Issue tagSoupIntegration-54
- Related Actions Items:
- ACTION-7 on Dan Connolly to Work with Olivier
and Tim to draft a position regarding extensibility of HTML and the role of the validator for consideration by the
- ACTION-132 on Tim Berners-Lee to Draft to a
stronger piece outlining when the ARIA approach would not be practical - [CONTINUE]
- ARIA host-language embedding
- Namespace Support in Browsers (IE-8) [scheduled discussion at Henry's request]
- Issue UrnsAndRegistries-50
- Issue passwordsinTheClear-52 (ISSUE-52)
- Related Action Items
- ACTION-134 on David Orchard to Ask security context about the exact
breakage of digest - due 2008-04-17, open
- ACTION-135
on David Orchard to Make the change to passwords MUST NOT be sent in the
clear - due 2008-04-17, [DONE]
Current draft finding.
- Need to request review from WSC-WG, others?
- Issue abbreviatedURI-56 (ISSUE-56)
- Bristol F2F Agenda
- Any other business
Stuart Williams for TAG
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