W3C | TAG | Previous: 31st January 2008. | Next: 14th February
Agenda of 7th February 2008 TAG teleconference
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- Convene
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: David (unconfirmed: standby order Henry, Dan, Noah, Jonathan, Ashok, Norm)
- Roll call -- Regrets: Ashok (probable)
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Approval of minutes from 31st Jan 2008
- Next Telcon: Propose 14th February 2008 (aagghh); Chair: Stuart; Scribe Henry
- Future Regrets: 21 Feb: TimBL
- Telcon Rescheduling
- Request to consider from Ashok and Raman
- Gathering data via WBS form please participate
- Issue UrnsAndRegistries-50
- Related Action Items
- ACTION-33 on Henry S. Thompson to revise URNsAndRegistries-50 finding in response to F2F
discussion - due 2008-01-31, open [CONTINUE]
- ACTION-98 on Noah Mendelsohn to Craft
comments and send them on our behalf. - due 2008-02-07, pending review [DONE] see email from Noah.
- Further review of XRI material eg.
- Issue passwordsInTheClear-52
- Related Action Items
- ACTION-89 on Dan Connolly to Note the old
submission about logout button under passwordsInTheClear - due 2008-01-17, pending review
- ACTION-97 on Norman Walsh to Create a diff
of passwordsInTheClear - due 2008-02-07, pending review [DONE] see email from Norm
- Comments on draft from Stuart
- Overdue Action Items:
- Vancouver F2F Agenda Request for Agenda Items
- Aims and Objectives for the meeting:
- The chair will be drafting F2F agenda in the next week
- Items suggested last-week:
- Other candidates on the chair's list::
- February F2F logistics page available
- Any other business
Stuart Williams for TAG
$Revision: 1.2 $ of $Date: 2008/02/06 14:59:44 $