Dave Orchard (dorchard@bea.com)
The Opus Hotel's boardroom is the meeting location. They have a block of 6 hotel rooms that helped lower costs for the boardroom.
322 Davie Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 5Z6
The Opus Hotel offers special rates if you mention "W3C Group" when reserving (note the superior room is $100 less than it was last meeting!):
These are subject to 10% PST and 6% GST, though the GST is tax refundable.
Direct: +1.604.694.2107
Fax: +1.604.642.6780
Toll Free Reservations: +1.866.642.6787
The boardroom rental is discounted if 6 rooms on Tuesday, 6 rooms on Wednesday and 4 rooms on Thursday are rented. To the extent that travel policies permit using such rooms, the host would appreciate members staying at the Opus.
There are many other hotels nearby.
The nearest airport is Vancouver International Airport (YVR). A taxi from the airport to the hotel is around $30-35 + tip, and there is plenty to do around the hotel, so renting a car isn't necessary.
Note that those traveling onwards from YVR to or through the USA will clear customs at the airport in Canada; please leave an appropriate amount of time to do so on your departing flight.
Coffee and tea will be provided for morning and afternoon breaks. We will step outside for lunch.
Vancouver has a wide variety of restaurants and cuisines. One set of reviews is at http://www.pacificspirit.com/Restaurants-Vancouver.html
We will go out for dinner on Tuesday night to a nearby restaurant called Conner Butler. The meal is $50/person. There will be a hosted dinner on Wednesday night at chez orchard/warner. Thursday night Deanna and I will be going to the first night of the vancouver wine festival.
There are many activities in Vancouver. A Visitor's Guide to Vancouver is available.
One of the activities that is available near vancouver is skiing/snowboarding. I would be glad to be a ski-hill guide for any days from saturday to monday before the meeting and friday to sunday after the meeting. Whistler/Blackcomb is an amazing ski-hill that is a 2 hour drive from vancouver so it's easily drivable and there are regular bus services. One possibility is day trip on monday or friday.
If you are a non-resident business traveller to Canada, you may be able to claim a refund of the 6% goods and services tax (GST) paid on short term accommodation and eligible goods. Information for refund on business travel and eligible goods is available on the Canadian Revenue Agency site. Forms are available online (business and visitor form -note: individuals should use the "visitor" forms) or at the Vancouver Airport. Note: please review the information on the CRA site thoroughly, there are different requirements for refunding business travel and eligible goods and some receipts may need to be stamped at the border.