W3C | TAG | latest teleconference: 22 February 2005
| next teleconference: * March 2005
DRAFT Agenda of 28 February 2005 TAG face-to-face meeting
Nearby: issues list
new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive
This face-to-face meeting is part of the W3C Technical Plenary and
WG Meeting Week.
by Thursday 17 February -- Check registration
and observers
- Venue:
Harborside Hotel (at Logan Int'l airport)
101 Harborside Drive
Boston, Massachusetts 02128 USA
Telephone: +1.617.568.1234
Fax: +1.617.567.8856
Meeting room: Boardroom (per allocation table)
1. Administrative (9:00 - 9:20)
- Scribe: ??
Regrets: none
Accept this agenda?
- Meeting records
Accept minutes of
22 February teleconference
- Date of next telcon: propose Tuesday 8 March 2005
Recruit scribe
Future regrets:
- Update on upcoming joint
meetings -- review agenda, check participation
- Next f2f meetings
Current status:
- 8-10 June 2005 South of France near Cannes, W3C/ERCIM
- 20-22 Sep 2005, Kansas City, DanC to host
- Issue List management
Adhoc meeting during the week?
- Quarterly reports
- Maintenance of WebArch Rec. -- email
from Chris
- Reallocate documents and issues owned by TAG members who are
2. Technical (9:20 - 11:00)
- New directions, main goals (40 min)
- WebArch vol 1 was published in Dec. Plans for vol 2 (20 min) -- Dan's
- Update on RDFinXHTML-35
(20 min)- Dan's
request with pointers
- New issues (20 min):
Relationship of URI schemes to protocols -- Noah's
namespaceState, accepted last week
nsuri document needs to be
revisited -- email
from TimBL
Joint meeting with WS-Addressing WG (11:15 - 12:30)
Vincent Quint for TAG
$Revision: 1.19 $ of $Date: 2005/02/28 14:02:45 $