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TP05 Group F2F Room Allocations

Please check the 28 February - 4 March 2005 W3C Technical Plenary home page for details on location, timing, etc.

On Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, all rooms will be available from 8am to 6pm, with registration open at 8am, coffee break available 10-11am and 3-4pm and the lunch break will be in two shifts from 12- 1pm andfrom 1-2pm.

Joint meeting requests;


Please link each F2F agenda (exact start time, end time, break time) at the Group names in the table below.

Sunday 27 February
WS Addressing WG meeting, Star conference room, Stata center
T&S F2F, G531, Stata Center

Room capacities/observers:
We have noted below the capacity of each room for a U-shaped table set up for group participants as well as the number of observer chairs that will fit in each room. Some groups have more observers registered for their meetings than there are chairs in the room. Based on past meetings, we estimate that half of registered observers would be in any room at one given time and the initial idea of allowing observers was that they would register for more than one meeting and move from room to room.

It will be up to Group Chairs to manage crowd control. It may not be an issue but Chairs should be mindful if people begin to queue outside meeting rooms as the hotel reserves the right to ensure that meeting rooms don't become overcrowded (in accordance w/ U.S. fire code laws) and may ask them to move to another room or visit the lounge.

Monday 28 February - Tuesday 1 March 2005





estimated |
other group(s) with whom they've requested to meet Observers/confidentiality
1 Aquitania A
(A& B together: 24 ppl. U-shaped table set up/20 observer chairs)
Compound Documents M/T 20 | 13/14 10/9 Yes, members only,
member confidential
2 Aquitania B
(B, alone, 16 ppl. U-shaped table set up/6 observer chairs)
Compound Documents (rooms Aquitania A&B joined on Monday)

* (see above)
20 | 17

* (see above)
* (see above)
Yes, w/ prior agreement,
3 Aquitania C
(16 ppl. U-shaped table set up/6 observer chairs)
(rooms Aquitania B&C joined on Tuesday)
15 | 12
* (see above)
* (see above)
CSS, Compound Docs

Yes, members only,
member confidential

* (see above)
4 Britannic A
(16 ppl. U-shaped table set up/6 observer chairs)
M/T 10 | 9/8 5/6 Compound Docs Yes, w/ prior agreement,
5 Britannic B
(16 ppl. U-shaped table set up/6 observers)

20 | 16
15 | 12
Yes,w/ prior agreement,
Yes, members only,member confidential
6 Queen Mary
(30 ppl.U-shaped table set up/15 observer chairs)
WS Addressing M/T 20-25 | 27/24 9/11 Yes, w/ prior agreement,
7 Raffaello
(24 ppl. U-shaped table set up /6 observer chairs)
EOWG M/T 12-15 | 14/15 7/4 E&R Tools, WCAG Yes, w/ prior agreement,
8 Michelangelo A
(A&B together: 42 ppl U-shaped set up/ 20 observer chairs)
(rooms Michelangelo A&B joined both days)
M/T 25-30 | 24/24 24/31 Yes, w/ prior agreement.,
9 Michelangelo B SWIG
M/T * (see above) * (see above) * (see above)
10 Olympia A &B
(246 ppl. U-shaped set up/10 observer chairs)
XML Query and XSL joint meeting
(rooms Olympia A& B joined both days)
M/T 20 | 16/16 2/1 I18N Yes, members only,
member confidential
11 Olympia B
XML Query and XSL joint meeting M/T 10-12 | 8 N/A XML Query No observers, member confidential
12 Olympia C
(16 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
DAWG M/T 20 | 8/8 10/7 Yes, w/ prior agreement,
13 Grand Ballroom C
(60 ppl. U-shaped set up/20 observer chairs)
MMI M/T 30 | 25/25 11/11 CSS Yes, members only,
members only
14 Chesapeake 305
(15 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
I18N Core M/T 5-10 | 4/4 1/2 Yes, w/ prior agreement,
15 Congress 313
(15 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
WS Choreography M/T 10 |6/8 /1 Yes, members only,
16 Constellation 316
(15 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
Systeam F2F M/T 10 | 10/10
N/A No observers,
member confidential
17 Constitution 321
(15 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
SYMM M/T 8 | 10/10 5/4 Compound Docs Yes, member only,
ember confidential
18 Boardroom
(14 ppl. U-shaped set up/10 observer chairs)
PF/UA joint meeting
8-10 | 9
18 | 12
Yes, w/ prior agreement,
Yes, w/ prior agreement,
19 Presidential Suite
(8 ppl. U-shaped set up)
Comm Team F2F T 8 | 7 N/A No observers,
member confidential

* Noted here if the groups with which they were requesting a meeting were on a compatible day. Noted here if the groups with which they were requesting a meeting were on a compatible day.

Joint meetings requested for Monday/Tuesday:*

- XML Query and XSL: agreed, both Monday and Tuesday, rooms can be joined, (times TBD)
- XML Query and I18N: still to be confirmed, could be in Olympia A if agreed, (day, time to TBD)
- CSS and XForms: agreed, rooms can be joined (Tuesday, 9:45-10am )
- CSS and MMI: agreed, could fit in Grand Ballroom C (Tuesday 11-11:45am)
- CSS and Compound Documents: in Aquitania A, (Monday, 2-2:45pm)
- Compound Documents and XForms: agreed, rooms can be joined (Monday, 4:30-5:30pm)
- Compound Documents and SYMM: agreed, in Aquitania A, (Monday, 5:30-6:30pm)
- PF/UA/WCAG/EOWG: agreed, in Aquitania A&B (Tuesday, 3-5pm)

*Please note: if you're having a joint meeting and would like to have it listed here or have corrections/updates for this information, please send mail to <tpregister@w3.org>.

The Timed Text WG meeting has been cancelled
TAG dinner, Monday 28 February, (likely Ida's restaurant, North End, 3 Mechanic Street)
Systeam dinner, Monday 28 February (likely Ida's restaurant, North End, 3 Mechanic Street)
Patents and Standards Interest Group dinner, Tuesday 1 March 2005.

Thursday 3 March - Friday 4 March 2005




estimated |

other group(s) with
whom they've requested
to meet*
1 Aquitania A 
(16 ppl. U-shaped table set up/6 observer chairs)
EOWG Th 12-15 | 13 5 E&R Tools, WCAG Yes, w/ prior agreement,
2 Aquitania B
(16 ppl. U-shaped table set up/6 observer chairs) 
UAWG Th/F 8 | 7/7 4/4 HTML Yes, w/ prior agreement,
3 Aquitania C 
(16 ppl. U-shaped table set up/6 observer chairs)
HTML Th/F 12 | 6/7 8/8 Yes, member only,
member confidential
4 Britannic A  
(16 ppl. U-shaped table set up/6 observer chairs)
DIWG Th/F 8 | 9/10 14/12 Yes, members only,
5 Britannic B
(16 ppl. U-shaped table set up/6 observer chairs)
8-10 | 7

UAWG, DIWG Yes, w/ prior agreement,
member confidential
Yes, w/ prior agreement,public
6 Queen Mary
(30 ppl.U-shaped table set up/15 observer chairs)
WS Description Th/F 20 | 23/25 4/3 Yes, w/ prior agreement,
7 Raffaello
(24 ppl. U-shaped table set up /6 observer chairs)
XML Binary Th/F 20 | 23/ 21 7/4 Yes, member only,
member confidential
8 Michelangelo A 
(A&B together: 42 ppl U-shaped set up/ 20 observer chairs)
Voice Browser
(rooms Michelangelo A&B joined on both days)
Th/F 25 | 30/29 6/6 WAI Yes, member only,
member confidential
9 Michelangelo B  Voice Browser Th/F * (see above) * (see above) * (see above)
10 Olympia A  
(16 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
Compound Documents Th 15 Yes, member only,
member confidential
11 Olympia B 
(16 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
XML Schema Th/F 10 | 11/10 SWBP Yes, members only,
member confidential
12 Olympia C  
(16 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
XPath/XML Query Full Text TF Th/F 10-12 |10/9 2/1 Yes, members only,
member confidential
13 Grand Ballroom C 
(60 ppl. U-shaped set up/20 observer chairs)
SWBP Th/F 35 | 25/26 21/20 Yes, w/ prior agreement,
14 Chesapeake 305
(15 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
I18N Geo Th/F 5-10 | 8/8 8/7 Yes, w/ prior agreement,
15 Congress 313
(15 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
XML Core Th/F 10 | 4/5 N/A No observers, public
16 Constellation 316
(15 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
QA Th/F 8-10 | 8/7 6/6 Yes, w/ prior agreement,
17 Constitution 321
(15 ppl. U-shaped set up/6 observer chairs)
E&R Tools Th/F 20 | 5/8 4/11 EOWG Yes, w/ prior agreement,
18 Boardroom
(14 ppl. U-shaped set up/10 observer chairs)
Advisory Board Th/F 10 | 12 no observers,
member confidential

* Noted here if the groups with which they were requesting a meeting were on a compatible day.

Joint meetings requested Thursday/Friday:*
- EOWG and E&R: agreed, in EOWG's space, Thursday, 3-5pm
- WS Description and XML Schema: still to be confirmed, could be in Grand Ballroom overflow space if agreed (day, time, TBD)
- XML Schema and SWBP: agreed, could be in SWBP space (Friday, 9-10am)
- WS Description and XML Schema: still to be confirmed, could be in Grand Ballroom overflow space if agreed (day, time, TBD)
- UAWG and HTML: agreed, rooms can be joined (Thursday, 3:00-4:30pm)
- DIWG and PFWG: agreed, rooms can be joined if agreed (Thursday, time, TBD)
- CSS and DIWG: agreed, rooms can be joined (Friday, 9:45-10:30am)
- TAG and VB: agreed, room to be determined (Thursday, lunchtime meeting)

*Please note: if you're having a joint meeting and would like to have it listed here or have corrections/updates for this information, please send mail to <tpregister@w3.org>.Grand Ballroom overflow space is only available from 8-11am and 3-5pm.

Advisory Board dinner, Thursday 3 March, Ida's restaurant, North End


Please send your comments or requests to w3t-tpregister@w3.org.

Last updated $Date: 2005/02/25 14:24:38 $ by $Author coralie$