SMIL 2.0 Testsuite

Transition Module

Wo Chang (,NIST/ITL
Thierry Michel (,W3C

Modules: [All] [Animation] [Content] [Layout] [Linking] [Media] [Metadata] [Structure] [Timing] [Transition] [Time Manipulation] [Profile]

SMIL Transition Module (report template)
Test # Feature Test (test file) Expected Behavior  
1 basic  
1.1 TR-fadeColor-dir-and-modifiers
(smil, source)
  1. Tests several transition options between two transitions.
  2. #1 fade image in from red over 2s, then display image for 2s more.
  3. #2 does a 2s left to right bar wipe.
  4. #3 does a 2s right to left bar wipe.
  5. #4 does a 3s 2x horizontal repeat iris wipe.
  6. #5 does a 3s 3x vertical repeat iris wipe.
  7. #6 does a 2s bar wipe with a 10px red border.
  8. #7 tests transition fallback, and should show a 2s snake wipe.
1.2 TR-in-all
(smil, source)
  1. Do all in-transitions between two images
1.3 TR-in-progress
(smil, source)
  1. Do bar wipe in-transitions between two images
  2. going from a startProgress of 0.0 to 0.50 by 0.10
  3. and an endProgress of 1.00 to 0.50 by 0.10
1.6 TR-nme-in-diagonalWipe.
(smil, source)
  1. Do a non-multielement diagonalWipe in-transition on three regions
1.7 TR-out-all
(smil, source)
  1. Do all out-transitions on an image
1.8 TR-out-progress
(smil, source)
  1. Do bar wipe out-transitions on an image going from a startProgress of 0.0 to 0.50 by 0.10 and an endProgress of 1.00 to 0.50 by 0.10
  2. There is a 1s pause between each transition
2 transitionFilter  
2.1 barWipe transitionFilter
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Video and transition begin at 2s,
  2. transition runs for dur of 6s and at 8s media is 10 visible.
  3. Video has duration of 20s.
2.2 irisWipe transitionFilter, calcMode="discrete", accumulate="sum", repeatDur
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed.
  2. At 3s the media jumps to 5 displayed.
  3. The transition repeats at 6s and accumulates,
  4. so that at 9s the media jumps to 10 visible.
  5. Video duration is 20s.
2.3 clockWipe, calcMode=discrete
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displaye.
  2. At 3s it jumps to the 2nd discrete value of 75% visible.
  3. At 6s the transition ends and the media becomes 10 visible.
  4. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
  5. Transition will be type="clockWipe" subtype="clockwiseTwelve"
2.4 type="snakeWipe" subtype="topLeftHorizontal"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, freeze at 12s with media 10 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
2.5 repeatCount, calcMode=linear, accumulate=sum
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, hold at 12s with media 66.6% visible.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="barWipe" subtype="leftToRight"
2.6 accumulate="sum", from=".66" to=".33", repeatDur="4"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 66% displayed,
  2. wipes to 33% visible over 2s. Transition repeats and accumulates so that
  3. video jumps to 10 visible at 2s and wipes to 66% visible at 4s.
  4. Duration of media is 8 seconds.
  5. Transition will be type="barWipe" subtype="leftToRight"
2.7 transfilter_mode-default_from_to_additive-replace_calcMode-linear
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, remove the effect at 6s with media 5 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="snakeWipe"
2.8 from="1" to="0"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. become less visible over dur, freeze at 6s with media visible.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="snakeWipe" subtype="topLeftHorizontal"
2.9 calcMode="discrete", from="0", to="1"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. At 3s the transition goes to the 2nd discrete state of 10 visible
  3. Transition ends at 6s with media 10 visible.
  4. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
2.10 type="irisWipe" subtype="rectangle"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, freeze at 6s with media 10 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
2.11 type="clockWipe", from="1", to="0"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. become less visible over dur, remove the effect at 6s with media visible.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
2.12 calcMode="linear", repeatCount="2"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. becomes 10 visible at 6s and repeats from to 10 ending at 12s.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="clockWipe" subtype="clockwiseTwelve"
2.13 calcMode="discrete", values list, repeatCount="2"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. goes through discrete values until it reaches 10 visible at 6s.
  3. repeatCount has no visible effect since accumulate="sum".
  4. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
  5. Transition will be type="clockWipe"
2.14 calcMode="discrete", accumulate="sum", repeatCount="2"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. goes to 2nd discrete value of 33% at 3s. Transition repeats at 6s,
  3. thus video is 66% visible at 9s. Transition effect is removed at 12s.
  4. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
  5. Transition will be type="clockWipe" subtype="clockwiseTwelve"
2.15 accumulate="sum", repeatDur
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. transition is paced to 5 over 6s. Transition repeats until 12s,
  3. and video is 10 visible at end of transition. Media dur is 20s.
  4. Transition will be type="barWipe"
2.16 from="0", by=".5"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, hold at 6s with media 5 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 10 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="snakeWipe" subtype="topLeftHorizontal"
2.17 type="barWipe"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, remove the effect at 6s with media 5 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
2.18 from="0", by=".5", calcMode="discrete"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, freeze at 6s with media 5 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 10 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="irisWipe" subtype="rectangle"
2.19 type="clockWipe", from="0", by=".5"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, remove the effect at 6s with media 5 visible.
2.20 type="clockWipe", subtype="clockwiseTwelve", by=".5", fill="hold"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, hold at 6s with media 5 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 10 seconds.
2.21 type="irisWipe", calcMode="linear", no "by" or "to" value
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. become more visible over dur, remove the effect at 6s with media 10 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 10 seconds.
2.22 type="irisWipe" subtype="rectangle", repeatDur="12"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition starts at 0s with displayed, lasts 6s
  2. and goes to 10 displayed. repeats at 6s. Freeze at 12s with media 10 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 15 seconds.
2.23 transfilter_mode-in_from_to_accumulate-none_calcMode-paced
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. ends at 6s with video 5 visible. Repeats once. Hold at 12s with
  3. media 5 visible. Duration of media is 15 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="snakeWipe"
2.24 type="snakeWipe", calcMode="discrete", from="0" to="1"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media displayed,
  2. jumps to 10 visible at 3s. Duration of media is 5 seconds.
  3. Media dur is shorter than transition dur.
2.25 type="barWipe" values="0.16; 0.333;"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 16% displayed,
  2. is paced to 33% over 2s. Transition repeats, jumping to 49% visible and
  3. accumulates until video is 66% visible at 4s.
2.26 mode="out", calcMode="discrete"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. becomes 5 visible (bottom half visible) at 3s and holds.
  3. Duration of media is 5 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="snakeWipe" subtype="topLeftHorizontal"
2.27 transfilter_mode-out_from_by_accumulate-none_calcMode-linear
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. wipes to 5 visible at 3s. Transition repeats at 3s.
  3. Transition ends at 6s and media becomes 10 visible.
  4. Duration of media is 10 seconds.
  5. Transition will be type="clockWipe"
2.28 mode="out", repeatCount="2", accumulate="sum"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition begins at 0s with media 10 displayed, progresses
  2. smoothly until video is visible at 6s. Repeats but with no visible effect
  3. since media is already visible and accumulate="sum".
  4. Video should never be visible after transition ends due to fill="freeze".
  5. Transition will be type="irisWipe" subtype="rectangle"
2.29 mode="out", repeatDur="6", type="snakeWipe"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. become less visible over 3s dur until video is 5 visible.
  3. Transition repeats at 3s, progressing smoothly until video is visible at 6s.
2.30 mode="out" calcMode="discrete" from="0" by="1"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. jumps to visible at 3s. Transition ends at 6s and media becomes 10 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 10 seconds.
2.31 mode="out", accumulate="sum", from=".66" to=".33", repeatDur="4"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition starts at 0s with media 33% displayed (on right),
  2. wipes to 66% visible over 2s. Transition repeats and accumulates --
  3. video jumps to visible at 2s and wipes to 33% visible at 4s.
  4. Duration of media is 8 seconds.
  5. Transition will be type="barWipe" subtype="leftToRight"
2.32 mode="out", from="0" to="1", calcMode="discrete"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. jumps to visible at 3s and holds.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
2.33 mode="out", calcMode="linear", values list
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. wipes to visible over 6s. Media becomes 10 visible at transition end.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="barWipe"
2.34 mode="out", fill="freeze", values list
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. wipes to visible over 6s. freeze at 6s with media visible.
  3. Transition will be type="barWipe" subtype="leftToRight"
2.35 mode="out", values list
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 2s with media 10 displayed,
  2. wipes to visible over 6s. At 8s transition ends and video is 10 visible.
  3. Duration of media is 20 seconds.
  4. Transition will be type="clockWipe" subtype="clockwiseTwelve"
2.36 type="snakeWipe", mode="out", values list, fill="hold"
( smil, source)
( RM smil, source)
( xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Transition will start at 0s with media 10 displayed,
  2. wipes to visible over 6s and holds.
3 trans INs and OUTs  
3.1 *** REMOVED ***
transIn with animation
(smil, source)
  1. nist.mpg begins playing at 0s.
  2. At 2s coffee.mpg transitions in for 5 seconds and the animateMotion is applied to it for 5s.
  3. At 7s coffee.mpg stops moving.
  4. At 10s coffee.mpg ends.
3.2 *** REMOVED ***
transOut with freeze and media natural duration
(smil, source)
  1. Both movies begin playing at 0s.
  2. At 3s nist.mpg ends and freezes on last frame.
  3. At 4s (1s before coffee.mpg ends), nist.mpg transitions out leftToRight for 1s, revealing the background as it transitions out.
  4. At 5s coffee.mpg ends and both videos disappear.
3.3 *** REMOVED ***
transOut with freeze and media natural duration
(smil, source)
  1. Both movies begin playing at 0s.
  2. At 5.6s nist.mpg ends and freezes on last frame.
  3. At 9s (1s before coffee.mpg ends), nist.mpg transitions out leftToRight for 1s, revealing the background as it transitions out.
  4. At 10s (end of its natural dur) coffee.mpg ends and both videos disappear.