SMIL 2.0 Testsuite

Metadata Module

Wo Chang (,NIST/ITL
Thierry Michel (,W3C

Modules: [All] [Animation] [Content] [Layout] [Linking] [Media] [Metadata] [Structure] [Timing] [Transition] [Time Manipulation] [Profile]

SMIL Metadata Module (report template)
Test # Feature Test (test file) Expected Behavior  
1 meta element  
1.1 PICS-Label property and content and id attributes
(smil, source)
  1. Provides metainformation such as PICS-Label
1.2 base property, and content and id attributes
(smil, source)
  1. Provides metainformation such as Base URL for the image using a relative URL. Resolved URL is
1.3 pics-label property and content and id attributes
(smil, source)
  1. Provides metainformation such as pics-label
1.4 Publisher, Date and Rights, content and id attributes
(smil, source)
  1. Provides metainformation such as Publisher, Date and Rights
1.5 title property, and content and id attributes
(smil, source)
  1. Provides metainformation such as a title
1.6 metadata element including RDF statement
(smil, source)
  1. Provides metainformation defined by Dublin Core schema such as Title, Description, Publisher, date Rights, Format, and Creator.