[Minutes] MLW-LT call 2013-05-22

Hi all,

today's call minutes are at
and below as text.




       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                                MLW-LT WG

22 May 2013



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2013/05/22-mlw-lt-irc


           fsasaki, renat, Yves, pedro, Jirka, phil, Des, Ankit,
           chriLi, mdelolmo, leroy, Milan, tadej, serge, dF

           dom, dave, jörg




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Infoshare - your place to give infos about what has
             happened last week
          2. [6]1) Dublin f2f and ITS 2 showcase
          3. [7]2) ITS Logo
          4. [8]Adobe to describe current state of implementation
          5. [9]4) Logrus to describe current state of
          6. [10]5) "Elements Within Text" defaults in HTML5
          7. [11]6) Section 1-2 - how to move forward
          8. [12]7) XLIFF mapping layout and prefix
      * [13]Summary of Action Items

Infoshare - your place to give infos about what has happened last

1) Dublin f2f and ITS 2 showcase



    felix: please confirm by Thursday 23 May eob europe "your" slot
    / participation
    ... we will make a public announcement on the w3c homepage,
    have a registration page

    des: list of external people?

    felix: we will distirbute the program via w3c page / cngl / ...
    ... idea is nto to get many people
    ... have a registration and see who will register
    ... probably will have more technical people
    ... pedro had sent a layout with "business slots"
    ... not sure if we would have the right people for that in

2) ITS Logo


      [15] http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/ITS2.0_Logo

    pedro: if everybody agrees with phil's proposal
    ... we should just send the draft to somebody who is a graphic
    professional and go ahead

    phil: jirka said that the "dublin core" tag line
    ... when you shrink the logo the line will get lost
    ... we could have several versions - one for larger , one for
    smaller scale
    ... jirka said that the 2.0 might not be needed when shrinking
    ... I thought the ITS2.0 gives a symetries also it fits well to
    the font

    pedro: agree
    ... if tomorrow there is a version 2.1, 2.x, the new updated
    logo can easily be updated with the new version
    ... indicating both the logo and the version is good
    ... if you search for ITS 2.0 you get more things reltaed to

    serge: colors on the top are a little bit dimmed
    ... one may ligthen them

    pedro: sure
    ... I created them by using teh MLW colors
    ... that wouldn't stop us from makign the brighter

    <Yves_> +1 for bright colors

    pedro: should use some money for the final art of the logo

    felix: everybody ok withteh logo and givng it to professional

    <scribe> ACTION: felix to find a designer to make the
    professional logo [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-531 - Find a designer to make the
    professional logo [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-05-29].

    des: tag line looks off balanced

Adobe to describe current state of implementation

    des: goal is to discuss state of implementation from Adobe
    ... will discuss implementation, current state, and the
    deliverables / coming months
    ... implementation prospoal based around adobe experience
    ... cq is CMS system, we proposed ITS2 into foundation layers
    that build up CQ

    des explainign the relation between adobe experience mamanger ,
    CRX and apache jackrabbit

    and how ITS2 fits into here

    des: development has started, work on two data categories:
    translate and loc note

    looking at project time line (current version) - sprint based
    development. 1st prototype in june, 2nd prototype in july, 3rd
    in august, release in september

    des: focus on HTML, global rules, no XML at this point
    ... will demo in the group 19 June

    felix will distribute the slides

4) Logrus to describe current state of implementation

    renat: preview tools needed for end users of ITS2
    ... so that they know what is inside XLIFF / HTML files, since
    you cannot see the metadata easily

    <dF> will join audio soon..

    renat: primary goal of project is visualizatino of metadata


    scribe: and to make metadata accessibility in translation tools
    ... also to make metadata avail. in browers, so that
    customization is easier
    ... project components: several visual designers to render
    metadata in browser
    ... javascript
    ... navigation of content in browser
    ... we will develop conversion algorithms: XML+ITS > HTML5+ITS
    ... HTML+ITS > HTML5+ITS
    ... development status of visual designs - example screen shots

    renat explaining the visual layouts

    renat: sample files will be completed by the end of may
    ... file conversion algorithm will be ready by the end of
    ... xml conversion should be ready by July + August
    ... visualization scripts should be completed by the end of
    ... issues to be addresses: "Tranlsation" of XPath expressions
    from source XML to target HTML files
    ... if ITS rules contains a "selector" attribute it refers to
    XML elements
    ... in HTML file the reference to names in XPath expressions
    needs to be replaced by e.g. "span"
    ... in XLIFF we need to use MRK instead of span
    ... selection between span and div in output html
    ... and merging of ITS rules into interal list of rules
    ... that is parsing of [recursive?] list of rules
    ... also issues related to visualization. Reneding of local +
    standoff markup, merging of rules, hyperlinks of embedded
    ... highlighting of active ITS items
    ... parsing nested ITS metadata
    ... differences in java script implementations between browsers
    ... navigation through content and ITS items
    ... fragmentation of content to avoid large pieces of text to
    be displayed

    renat demoing examples

    felix: can you make the visualization part available by the end
    of june?

    renat: yes

    iff-core-v2.0-csprd01.html#d0e8773 Visualization in XLIFF 2.0


    christian: XLIFF 2.0 draft is out for comments
    ... the above link is also related to visualization
    ... renat, may be worth reading for you

    <Yves_> One question: is the Logrus implementation for XLIFF
    1.2 or 2.0?

    renat: will implement 1.2 of XLIFF

    <Yves_> ok thanks Renate

    david: public review will be over by 29 May, please send
    comments asap
    ... there will be a second review, but we would like to have
    comments during the first period

5) "Elements Within Text" defaults in HTML5




      [19] http://www.w3.org/TR/html51/dom.html#phrasing-content-1

    felix: asking if people have comments on the 182 mail or agree
    with it?

    <Yves_> sure

    <scribe> ACTION: yves to make elements within text edits and
    create example file, reflecting
    lt/2013May/0182.html mail [recorded in


    <trackbot> Created ACTION-532 - Make elements within text edits
    and create example file, reflecting
    lt/2013May/0182.html mail [on Yves Savourel - due 2013-05-29].


6) Section 1-2 - how to move forward

    felix: propose to have editors calls about section 1-2 in the
    next three weeks

    david: agree

    christian: me too
    ... will put my edits into the ODD, that will generate the CVS

    <scribe> ACTION: felix to schedule editors calls [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-533 - Schedule editors calls [on
    Felix Sasaki - due 2013-05-29].

7) XLIFF mapping layout and prefix


      [24] http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/XLIFF_1.2_Mapping


      [25] http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/XLIFF_2.0_Mapping






Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: felix to find a designer to make the professional
    logo [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: felix to schedule editors calls [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: yves to make elements within text edits and
    create example file, reflecting
    lt/2013May/0182.html mail [recorded in


    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [32]scribe.perl version
     1.138 ([33]CVS log)
     $Date: 2013-05-22 13:24:23 $

      [32] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
      [33] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 13:25:40 UTC