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Community & Business Groups

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  • Special Wedding

    For the marriage ceremony, whether it be a civil or religious ceremony, some documents are required.
    Thanks to the introduction of self-certification, in Venice the bureaucracy has been reduced and all procedures are simplified and quick to execute.

    We advise you to plan an interview with the parish priest of Venice, in order to have clear all the actions to be done and not incur any unexpected surprises on traffic event ontology community group. If no additional documents are requested (as in the case of a previous divorce or marriage to be celebrated outside the municipality of residence), the files may be completed within a maximum of three months. If you live in a large city or different from that of your town of residence, complete the necessary paper as soon as possible.

    The documents for the wedding are valid for 6 months, whether they concern the church, which concern the municipality, so they must not be requested too early.