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Community & Business Groups

ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group

The mission of the Object Real-Time Communications Community Group, is to define Object-centric APIs (client-side at first) to enable Real-Time Communications in Web browsers, Mobile endpoints and Servers.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Drafts / licensing info

Date Name
Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC [2014/08/19]
Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC [2014/05/14]
Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC

ORTC – Call for implementations

On October 14 we had our 6th CG meeting, in that meeting we called for implementations. We would like to hear from those that intend to or already are implementing based on this spec :
One example, the ORTC Lib (maintained by Hookflash):
We are hoping to hear more from the community, including both Google and Microsoft about ongoing progress and plans regarding implementations.

ORTC CG Meeting #6

Updated: Date & Time:  Friday October 17, 8am (PDT)

UPDATED: Location: Virtual Jitsi Meeting

Jisti info: 


Final Agenda:

Review of spec changes

Outstanding 1.0 issues
– Stats
– IdP
– Synchronize with 1.0
– Datachannel ?

Rename IceListener to IceGatherer

Latching rules definition & added into spec
– Undefined RTP listening behavior – issue 48

Discuss SVC “automatic” configuration scenario vs manual configuration

Call for implementations.

Existing reference implementations:
– ORTC Library:
– Call for help, there is plenty to do, some examples:
– Browsers: JS Shim work
– Servers: Node.js work eg. SIP to ORTC Gateway

Google progress; Canary 39 Sender/Receiver – JS bindings? When will we see the rest of the ORTC API?

Microsoft progress; Progress of Modern API? Under Consideration to Under Development?

Discuss options to migrate this work into the W3C WebRTC WG

First Draft of Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC [2014/08/19] published by ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group

On 2014-08-19 the ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group published the first draft of the following specification:

Participants contribute material to this specification under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

If you have any questions, please contact the group on their public list: Learn more about the ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group.

Update: W3C ORTC CG Meeting #5

Thanks everyone, great meeting, here is the YouTube link for the video..

When: Sunday July 20, 10am

Where: Google Hangouts on Air (Participatory Hangouts link to follow day of meeting) Please contact Bernard Aboba if you wish to co-locate in a physical room at IETF 90 in Toronto.


– Review Spec (latest can be found here:, top right side)

– Review Issues (

– Public Draft discussion

If you feel we missed something please let us know.

ORTC CG Meeting 5 – IETF 90 Toronto, July 20 11am

Since there is quite a bit of overlap between members in the IETF RTCWEB WG and the ORTC CG we thought it would serve us well if we had the next CG meeting on the Sunday July 20, prior to the IETF 90 meeting in Toronto.

Looking at the IETF agenda ( Sunday mid-morning looks to be relatively open. With that in mind I would like to propose we have the next CG meeting on Sunday July 20 at 11:00 am.

We would need some help with room sponsorship at the hotel for the CG meeting room. We will also provide remote attendance as well for those who are not able to make it in person.

I would like to get this nailed down this week so we can announce the meeting as far in advance as possible. If you plan on coming or If you are interested in helping with room sponsorship please let me know via email directly asap:

Draft Community Group Report 15 June 2014 + last call

Cross-posted from public-ortc mail list…
We are nearing completion of the ORTC specification for our initial ORTC community group draft. We are asking for last call feedback at this time. Some comments to explain some of the changes are still pending but all issues are tracked here and on github. If you would like to make comment, please have a read through and make comment either on this list or as part of our next CG meeting coming up.
There are a few outstanding areas which are “pending” synchronization with WebRTC, e.g. stats, data channel, and IdP. As these have dependencies on WebRTC 1.0, we will attempt to complete the our specification as best we can but those areas will be subject to synchronization should updates come out of the WebRTC community group.
Now is the time to have a read through for final review as the next stage will be to build implementations for implementation feedback.

Next CG Meeting – June 24

Update: Due to a potential conflict with Google I/O we are moving the meeting from June 26 to to June 24, same time.
In keeping with our meeting per month mantra we are holding the next ORTC CG meeting in June. Here are some initial details.

When: June 24, 2014 @ 10am Pacific
Slides: Can be found Here
Where: Hangouts on Air (

Draft Agenda:
– Review last Editor’s Draft

– Review bug list

– RtpCapabilities 

– API Last Call (barring any show stoppers – this will be last call for the API prior to an initial Public Draft)

If you feel we have missed something please let us know.

First Draft of Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC [2014/05/14] published by ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group

On 2014-05-14 the ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group published the first draft of the following specification:

Participants contribute material to this specification under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

If you have any questions, please contact the group on their public list: Learn more about the ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group.

3rd ORTC CG Meeting – May 15

Slides |  IRC Chat Transcript | Video

Agenda: (updated)

– Discussion of changes in the new Editor’s draft
– Summary of open issues (and triage of 1.1/1.2).
– Action items from last time

– IPv6 (api or impl) and metering
– RTCP mux and freezing discussion (IceTransports have an optional Session parameter)

Big topics
– Use cases: agree on 3 main use cases beyond base set
Lossy network/SVC/FEC
Multipoint conference/simulcast/layered
Security cameras – non call scenario(s)

– Difficulties in exchanging params
Filter params
JSL vs new APIs

– What is the endgame for this work?

Action items

Current Editor’s Draft: (Latest drafts are on the right side)
Open Issues:

First Draft of Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC published by ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group

On 2014-04-29 the ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group published the first draft of the following specification:

Participants contribute material to this specification under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

If you have any questions, please contact the group on their public list: Learn more about the ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group.