CSS WG Blog CSS Snapshot 2007 and CSS Namespaces

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CSS Snapshot 2007 and CSS Namespaces

By fantasai May 23, 2008 (Permalink)
Categories: publications

The W3C published a Last Call Working Draft of the CSS Snapshot 2007. If you are following the development of CSS and you haven’t read it yet, I recommend doing so. Its goal is to put the various specs in context and create a coherent picture of the current state of CSS. The deadline for comments is June 9th.

The W3C has also published a Candidate Recommendation of the CSS Namespaces module. This module has been implemented for years based on a 1999 draft spec, so the module is just starting to catch up with the times. The two major changes that implementors should be aware of are: prefixes are explicitly case-sensitive, in line with our resolution of CSS2.1’s case-sensitivity issue; and handling of empty-string namespaces has been clarified.

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Last updated 2008-05-23 21:44:31