Re: issue pfps-17,18,19,20,21 namespace v vocabulary

Brian McBride wrote:

> Regarding issues:
> /2001/sw/RDFCore/20030123-issues/#pfps-21
> PROPOSE, as suggested by Patrick
> That the term 'namespace' be used when referring specifically to an XML 
> namespace, and that the term 'vocabulary' be used when referring to the 
> set of URIREF's defined by RDF and RDFS.

This principle is fine with me, but I suggest an amendment that says we 
use the term "vocabulary" when we're referring to sets of URIrefs 
defined by anybody for use in RDF triples, e.g. I'd talk about 
"'s vocabulary" in the Primer (and in RDF/XML we use the XML 
namespace mechanism to construct those URIrefs).


Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-875

Received on Thursday, 27 February 2003 17:49:11 UTC