Re: RDF Containers and OWL Lite

At 11:08 27/02/2003 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

>Agenda request for tomorrows telecon.

>[My attempts to have this discussed in WebOnt have failed].

Is see the webont chairs haven't decided yet:

I have asked via the cg if they would like our input.  I'm inclined to 
postpone a little bit till we hear from them.


>The current AS&S WD of WebOnt
>permits the following in OWL Lite:
><owl:Class rdf:about="&eg;Bag"/>
><owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&eg:_1"/>
><owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&eg:_2"/>
>   <eg:1>
>     <owl:Thing/>
>   </eg:1>
>but prohibits from OWL Lite:
><owl:Class rdf:about="&rdf;Bag"/>
><owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&rdf:_1"/>
><owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&rdf:_2"/>
>   <rdf:1>
>     <owl:Thing/>
>   </rdf:1>
>(Both examples may include rdfs:comments indicating that the informal
>semantics intended is that of an rdf:Bag - an informal semantics that is not
>formally supported either in OWL Lite or RDF).
>Both examples are in OWL Full and have identical semantics in OWL Full
>(except that the URIs of the classes and properties differ).
>This appears to be an unmotivated failure of interoperability between OWL
>Lite and RDF.
>I suggest that this WG may like to either:
>- make a comment asking for a rationale on public-webont-comments
>- ask Brian to raise this at the coordination group.
>[My attempts to have this discussed in WebOnt have failed].

Received on Thursday, 27 February 2003 18:50:20 UTC