01 December 2022


Adam_Page, bgaraventa, chlane, CurtBellew, daniel-montalvo, jamesn, MichaelC, scotto, spectranaut, StefanS, Wilco

Meeting minutes

scribe; chlane

New Issue Triage

dpubaam 16

jamesn: sounds like a PR is the easiest way

jamesn: who is the editor

martt garrish

assigning to matt

aria act rules review

go over later

#176 accname

would not pick up aria description from there

adding editorial note

milestoning next year

adam page will rewrite

New PR Triage

html aam pr #446

popover related attributes

jamesn: no reviewers needed but can volunteer if involved

scotto: not complete yet

Deep Dive planning

next week we have


jamesn: no more slots for this year

jamesn: propose no more this year

jamesn: resolved



act is a project in the a11y guidelines working group

8 years working to get orgs to test wcag consistently

tools focus

manual testing methodologies

developed ACT rules format as a w3c recommedation

for how to write rules


effectively and few requirements

used in tools to verify

have a lot of wcag rules and some ARIA rules

wcag/aria overlap

is where my ask for this groups come in

WCAG/ARIA has overlap

ACT is a task force, need a Working group to say yay or nay

to "how we think aria should be tested"

jamesn: take us through one of these rules

jamesn: glossary forms a significant part of the length of the rule

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/6a7281/proposed/

know how these are constucted to prevent duplication

"aria state or property has valid value"

Descriptions, Applicability, Expectation, Assumptions

applicability looks for non empty values on svg or html elements

any element with aria attributes

expectation, a valid value

value types are defined

ID reference rules are in question

need ARIA WG opinion

jamesn: see contradiction

Wilco: generic URI syntax

does ARIA require this?

do we have value types in URI?

we do

Wilco: assumptions, related to wcag

theoretical false positive opportunity

interpretation questions

background provides more details


accessibility requirements mapping, habe no or unknown mapping

input aspects, the info necessary to run test, access to DOM, CSS

test cases

pass fail and inapplicable

Glossary, has definitions

'namespaced element', 'outcome'

links to specs

implementations, list of tools and testing methodologies that have know consistency with the rule

Wilco: questions?

StefanS: are axe and AMP related?

Wilco: not a question for ACT task force

Wilco: this list comes for orgs that publish test results

orgs who want to can run there test methods and tools against this

list of orgs and tools that have done that work

jamesn: I think we look through all pass fail examples

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to say I think URI may have been proposed for aria`describedat`but I don't see any current URI types https://w3c.github.io/aria/#propcharacteristic_value and to ask why the list version locks it to 1.2

jamesn: why put in passing failing examples

jcraig: URI had been proposed with describedat

the applicability and expectations sections list aria 1.2

wondering why

Wilco: not sure how else to do it

Wilco: what do we do with aria 1.3?

jcraig: just link to top level of ARIA?

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to react to jcraig

Wilco: have to worry about versions

jamesn: 1.1 rules not valid in 1.2

jamesn: version specifics are a good idea

Wilco: we review rules once a year

living documents not parked

Wilco: inconsistencies happen as these things evolve

cyn: aria conformance test suite source for additional rules?

Wilco: it might be interesting to explore

scotto: 2 things, specific versioning it would be great if can not do it in case we go to living standard model

no such thing as version numbers

expecially in this space

rules may not help people anymore

second thing,

StefanS: these rules are defined and correctly spelled, allowed/not allowed overrides

override checks?

Wilco: a separate rule

StefanS: super helpful with discussions with developers

these cases are detected late

jamesn: not pure ARIA html/aam rule

aria in html

jamesn: how to review

Wilco: not a tight timeline

Wilco: years to go

piecemeal approach is good

start with one

Wilco: announcing a formal list of implementations

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/implementations/

jamesn: any rules that those things are checking that you are asking us to review

Wilco: the proposed rules

need our agreement

Wilco: no rush, start with 1 or 2, what is the preferred way for this group to survey things?

jamesn: concerned with rules already approved that the group won't agree with?

jamesn: anything with ARIA should go through this group

Wilco: no ARIA specific rules

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/

jamesn: proposed rules for wcag look aria specific

rules beyond wcag include ARIA rules

there is overlap

jamesn: I'd like to set timelines

when are you looking for feedback

Wilco: no timeline

in an ongoing process to get a very lengthy list approved

working in batches with WCAG

we would do that every few months

jamesn: filing an issue will be good

jamesn: this is important for content creation

jamesn: encourage a careful eye

Wilco: would love more rules to write

jamesn: go through spec and look for authors MUST

cyns see core aam as well

svg and css should be looked at too

jamesn: we used to avoid authors 'must'

we didn't have tests

cyns, aria authors must in 1.3

cyns looking for things that will become author must in 1.2

jamesn: we created test cases, not as detailed with multiple pass/fails

Wilco: we think there are places that there should be authr must and should

jamesn: show of hands for interested

<Adam_Page> I’m interested

I'm interested as well

<spectranaut> I'm interested

<CurtBellew> I'm interested.

<scotto> happy to review as well

<melsumner> I've already been reviewing them :) Excited about this project, and ember-template-lint has some good a11y rules too.

jamesn: if you are creating frameworks you should review this

spectranaut: talk about how to split up work

spectranaut: in the issue, you can list the one's you have reviewed

comment that you looked at the whole thing

scotto: good place to move to discussions

jamesn: using discussions and threads for each rule

and glossary definition

jamesn: only downside

they don't query the same way

we have to remember to look at them

1.3 blocking issues agendabot]


jamesn: no movement

great to get some movement, some will go away with Sarah's descendant issue

jamesn: has that one had any progress?

jcraig: suggested another name

child, descendant parent has baggage from DOM

jamesn: 1454

jamesn: were close

scotto: prefer ancestor roles

in html aam been working on

the concept of scoped elements in html

and how roles are related based on that

that is where my terminology is going

jamesn: if you can all agree that is great

jamesn: last thing other than tests to merge

jamesn: coming to concencus just worried about naming

jamesn: if we are going to use a word that has another meaning in the DOM

we need to clarify

jcraig: fwiw, drop context role


Adam_Page: working on pr related to ownership


can be another candidate for naming

jcraig: inclusivity, like master slave

jamesn: allowed elements rather than owns

cyns aria owns does not change a11y tree

jcraig: complicated but will get it done

cyns is heirarchy a11y tree?

jcraig: yes

cyns add a11y tree things to glossary

more clarification would be good


same as original problem

direct ancestor and descendant

jamesn: objected to DOM meanings

need to be unambiguous

melsumner: not talking about dom anymore?

cyns like proposal

cyns talk about both in same paragraph

siri: aria-owns

issues comboboxes

when I raised issues and point to 1.2

developers cant implement

when will it be ready?

jamesn: soon 1.2 will go to pr

jamesn: core-aam is in CR

jamesn: have passing test

cyns; once in pr, how long?

jamesn: 30 days?

MichaelC: 30 day for CR review by advisory committee

MichaelC: no objections can go to req

jamesn: many people a PR is good

jamesn: anyone doing a 1.1 combobox is making more work

cyns this happens in big companies

cyns, timeline?

jamesn: working on it, before xkmas

end of january


cyns will say q1

jamesn: how to get 1.3 draft out

<jcraig> DPUB-AAM issue: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1643

<jcraig> PR: https://github.com/w3c/dpub-aam/pull/15

<jcraig> The PR is Apple API specific, but IMO, other APIs may want to do something similar to not overload their AT users with verbose minutia.

<jcraig> Reviewers requested. Thanks.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


Maybe present: cyn, jcraig, melsumner, siri

All speakers: Adam_Page, cyn, jamesn, jcraig, melsumner, MichaelC, scotto, siri, spectranaut, StefanS, Wilco

Active on IRC: Adam_Page, BGaraventa, chlane, CurtBellew, daniel-montalvo, jamesn, jcraig, melsumner, MichaelC, scotto, spectranaut, StefanS, Wilco