Details on Product best practices

Open, Raised and Pending Review Issues

New issues for this product are notified to public-sdw-wg (change it).

There are 18 open and raised issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-2 (edit) OPEN The linkabilty of geospatial information published on the web should be improved 2015-04-20 best practices 0
ISSUE-4 (edit) OPEN Best practices have to be visible 2015-04-20 best practices 0
ISSUE-5 (edit) OPEN Something related to keeping the practices up to date 2015-04-20 best practices 0
ISSUE-35 (edit) OPEN Use of http uris or just globally unique identifiers 2015-12-02 best practices 0
ISSUE-36 (edit)
BP evidence
OPEN What constitutes appropriate evidence for a BP 2016-01-12 best practices 0
ISSUE-39 (edit) OPEN Need a bp on handling large spatial objects, i.e. with lots of detailed geometry. (bp doc) 2016-02-10 best practices 0
ISSUE-41 (edit) OPEN Don't rely on the word 'publish' - it's about storting data on the web (bp doc) 2016-02-10 best practices 0
ISSUE-179 (edit) OPEN Develop the list of vocabs and short descriptions of each as representative examples 2017-04-12 best practices 0
ISSUE-188 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW Glossary Issue: CRS and Datum 2017-05-04 best practices 0
ISSUE-189 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW SDW BP Glossary Issue: Dimension 2017-05-04 best practices 0
ISSUE-190 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW SDW BP Glossary Issue: Features 2017-05-04 best practices 0
ISSUE-191 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW SDW BP Glossary Issue: Geohash 2017-05-04 best practices 0
ISSUE-192 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW SDW BP Glossary Issue: Geographic Information and GIS 2017-05-04 best practices 0
ISSUE-193 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW SDW BP Glossary Issue: Hypermedia 2017-05-04 best practices 0
ISSUE-194 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW SDW BP Glossary: OWA 2017-05-04 best practices 0
ISSUE-195 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW SDW BP Glossary: Spatial Thing 2017-05-04 best practices 0
ISSUE-196 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW SDW BP Glossary: Universe of Discourse 2017-05-04 best practices 0
ISSUE-197 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW SDW BP Glossary Issue: WKT and Axis Order 2017-05-04 best practices 0

Open Actions

There are 4 open and pending review actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-126 (edit) pending review Comment on table content and format around action-98 Andrea Perego 2015-12-16 best practices
ACTION-165 (edit) pending review Add a section about publishing metadata to item nr 4 Andrea Perego 2016-05-10 best practices
ACTION-247 (edit) open Rewrite of section 7 Coordinate Reference Systems Ed Parsons 2017-01-06 best practices
ACTION-249 (edit) pending review Further work on BP8 (geometry) Andrea Perego 2017-01-06 best practices

Add a new action item.

See all issues and actions for this product.

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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