HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
07 Oct 2010


See also: IRC log


Everett_Zufelt, Gregory_Rosmaita, Janina, Janina_Sajka, John_Foliot, Michael_Cooper, Mike, Rich, kliehm, Cynthia_Shelly
Laura_Carlson, Denis_Boudreau, Kenny_Johar, Joshue_O'Connor


<trackbot> Date: 07 October 2010

<janina> OK, I'll dial in

<MikeSmith> congrats to Drupal project

<oedipus> EZ: drupal 7 finally has a beta release -- a lot of work went into making D7 more accessible

<oedipus> EZ: will be an upgrade patch for D7 beta1 from D6

<oedipus> Actions Review http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/open

<richardschwerdtfe> scribe: Rich

<oedipus> action-59?

<trackbot> ACTION-59 -- Michael(tm) Smith to check into making it possible for any HTML WG member to post to the a11y TF list -- due 2010-09-16 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/59

Action 59

<MikeSmith> have not done that yet

<inserted> scribenick: richardschwerdtfe

Mike: the only way to do this is to manually add the address of everybody from the HTML working group to the accept list of the accessibility task force mailing list
... this means that anyone from the HTML working group wants to be able to post

MikeC: We should add people on request only

Mike: We can add case by case

<oedipus> it came up in several bug comments - charter currently says use public-pfwg-comments which is for PF deliverables

janina: We would not like to clutter up the PF comments list with discussion

MikeC: we could make this a world writable list

oedipus: there were people commenting on people with disabilities and their needs
... Paul Cotton made a comment on behalf of the chairs that they would like a public list

John: the real problem as Gregory states is that we are getting this traffic on bugzilla

<MikeSmith> did we rule out the public-html-comments list already?

Rich: agrees it is out of hand

do we want bugzilla output go to the list?


<MichaelC> close action-59

<trackbot> ACTION-59 Check into making it possible for any HTML WG member to post to the a11y TF list closed

Action 60

<oedipus> action-60?

<trackbot> ACTION-60 -- Sean Hayes to map WACG A, AA, and AAA against our checklist -- due 2010-09-22 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/60

<MichaelC> close action-60

<trackbot> ACTION-60 Map WACG A, AA, and AAA against our checklist closed

<oedipus> action-62?

<trackbot> ACTION-62 -- Gregory Rosmaita to - prepare detailed bugs against accesskey in HTML5, bugs seeking restoration of elements of accesskey from HTML4 that work and are deployed; will identify clearly whether bug refers to HTML4 or HTML5; in preparation for preparing spec ready text for accesskey; will tease out the issues pertaining to @tabindex and COMMAND element -- due 2010-09-23 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/62

RESOLUTION: Action 60 closed

Action 62

<MichaelC> close action-62

<trackbot> ACTION-62 - prepare detailed bugs against accesskey in HTML5, bugs seeking restoration of elements of accesskey from HTML4 that work and are deployed; will identify clearly whether bug refers to HTML4 or HTML5; in preparation for preparing spec ready text for accesskey; will tease out the issues pertaining to @tabindex and COMMAND element closed

RESOLUTION: Action 62 closed

Action 63 on Silvia

<MichaelC> close action-63

<trackbot> ACTION-63 Create a bug on Content navigation by content structure closed

<MichaelC> close action-64

<trackbot> ACTION-64 File a bug on HTML 5 for Content Navigation by Content Structure due 20101001 closed

RESOLUTION: Action 63 closed

<oedipus> action-65

Action 65

<oedipus> action-65?

<trackbot> ACTION-65 -- Judy Brewer to will review threads on getting spec text in -- due 2010-10-06 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/65

Mike: I will tag those all as media

How to handle mail?

Janina: Do we want bugzilla to continue to go to the html task force mailing list

oedipus: I think it is a good thing

Janina: should we post bugzilla reports to a different list other than the task force

<oedipus> agree with JF -- there are too many HTML5-oriented lists already

jfoliot: too many lists

RESOLUTION: No We do not want to take bugzilla output off the html accessibility task force list

What to do with public comments that we can engage in discussions?

janina: what to do to prevent from being burried?

Rich: how about a phone call instead of thousandes of one and two sentence posts?

<JF> +1 to MichaelC's idea

michaelC: we can tie the back end database to the HTML working group but we would lose our walled garden

JF: who do we want to open this to?

cynthia: We do not want to open it up to the world

michaelC: If we take the approach I suggested we open it up our walled garden to the entire HTML working group list

oedipus: I think the most vocal people have been added

cynthia: They can just ask to be added

JF: Benjamin Hawkes Louis and Shelly Powers are interested. BHL has been added
... Either you are member of the working group or you are not

RRSAgent: make log member

RRSAgent make log world

janina: we want to say why we want a separate list. It is not to exclude people but to simply manage the traffic

<MikeSmith> good by me

<oedipus> plus 1

janina: without a better suggesion we will just be repeating ourselves

TPAC 2010

<kliehm> I'll be at TPAC

janina: a fair amount of interest about doing something about our issues such as Thurs and Friday when they talk about media issues

<kliehm> Alas only November 3-5.

janina: of the group here who will be at TPAC?

<JF> <crickets>

janina: Michael, Martin, Cynthia, Janina

kliehm: I would like to have a talk on canvas 3D accessibility in a lightning talk

michaelc: are you referring to the plenary day?

kliehm: who would like to be in the lightning talk?

michaelc: lightning talks are like 2-3 minutes
... it is a great opportunity if you can compress it into this time

janina: we could wet the interest in the plenary and discuss Thursday and Friday

cynthia: should be able to get over passport issues

janina: anyone else?

oedipus: I will attend virtually
... I have Mike Smith's skype address


janina: I would like this to be short
... we want to ask for a reconsideration or a protest
... the sentiment is that this is not a done deal.
... there are some proposals on the table in terms of HTML 5
... I am aware that in PF and the Birmingham Face to Face is that we could do an aria based describedby pointing to the URI
... We are looking at a 2.0 or taking a short list of issues for ARIA 1.1.

<oedipus> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Verbose_desc_reqs http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Talk:Verbose_desc_reqs HTML WG Bug 10853: HTML5 lacks a verbose description mechanism: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10853

<oedipus> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Verbose_desc_reqs

janina: we have two issues we could do in ARIA 1.1

<oedipus> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Talk:Verbose_desc_reqs

<oedipus> HTML WG Bug 10853: HTML5 lacks a verbose description mechanism: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10853

janina: this is host language agnostic
... let's throw out some ideas
... let's bring longdesc back now that we have meat our October 31 deadline

oedipus: I have opened bug 10853 on the generic concept of a verbose descriptor

<JF> +q

oedipus: we could put in a native describedby

<oedipus> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Verbose_desc_reqs

<oedipus> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Verbose_desc_reqs#Satisfying_These_Requirements_for_HTML5

cynthia: do we want a mechanism like this to be around?

<oedipus> GJR says we addressed this over a year and a half ago - it is the HTML WG's failure to accomodate our requests/requirements

janina: there seems to be a lot of interest around to keep it

cynthia: I don't know there is a consensus to escalate a bug

JF: I don't think is the most important thing we need to do

<JF> http://www.d.umn.edu/~lcarlson/research/ld.html

JF: Laura Carlson has been continuing to post the research but did get frustrated
... we all know the list
... we believe that we have to address backward compatibility

<Zakim> oedipus, you wanted to say that politically, we can't allow chairs to simply remove something previously added for a11y without them proposing an alternate mechanism

cynthia: I want to make sure we have concensus going forward

<JF> +1 to GJR

oedipus: this is a bigger issue than just one element

<MikeSmith> janina, note richardschwerdtfe on the queue

<oedipus> RS: this is a general strategy discussion -- concerned about wasting cycles adding elements into HTML where ARIA already suffices; we can address this issue -- describedby can be discussed out-of-context -- so many other things to work on -- wouldn't open new bugs for things supported by ARIA -- if can get 1.0 out the door, doing ARIA 1.1 would be place for changes/development

<JF> will ARIA 1.1 be ready by the time HTML5 reaches CR?

Follow-Up on CANVAS


<inserted> scribenick: oedipus

JS: HTML chairs have taken up our resolution and chaals' --
... how to rephrase or drop or synthesize
... adom is history - so no queries on adom

CS: adom is in the spec
... adom in spec and in major UA

RS: when have DOM have to have 1-to-1 mapping to user interface
... second option: @nonav -- if only way subtree is used, then we are done

CS: @nonav is nice to have but not a priority

RS: think we got what we want
... third issue: what to do with chaals' proposal - whoever drives this, has to be prepared to be in month-long (at least) fight with editor on getting IMAP in CANVAS - gives shortcuts for automatic drawing, but question worth effort - does anyone want to take on the battle?

CS: anyone talked to chaals?

RS: asked him to drive through
... would leave to JS and MS to assign

JS: appropriate for him to drive his canvas proposal
... concern is more precise: the chairs drafted set of 5 questions with which to run a survey - got sense they are not the right 5 questions
... mechanism will be a series of questions -- need to ensure the right questions are asked -- will start from survey

CS: questions are fine - number 4 is counter-proposal to number 1
... 1 question is "get rid of adom?" -- we should give a resounding NO

RS: no problem with @nonav being dropped; hixie's suggestions do nothing to address issue; is a counter-proposal
... concern: frankO and i work on caret and select tracking - doesn't need to be put to vote yet -- need to work out RTE issues
... dave singer agreed -- putting up for vote bad idea

CS: too early to vote on 1
... ton of work to be done -- if say too early, chairs will say too late -- how to convince -- what is timeline?

RS: have that issue, but hixie asked us to create 2 more things that obfuscate issue -- want magnification support, waiting on james graham to respond
... hixie has muddied the waters

CS: chairs trying to clear air, rather than water
... too early to vote on magnification, when can we?

RS: can't push a canvas RTE in a week

CS: when can it be turned out?

RS: before the end of the year

CS: sounds like answer is december 2010

RS: problem: more than RTE we need to look at -- have to support RTE and magnification
... solves problem of not having adom and nonav discussion

CS: tactically, vote on adom nonav, imap but not number 4 (hixie's suggestion)

JS: thanks for clarity CS

CS: rich, work on magnification and caret issues -- if chaals wants to push his issue that's up to him

RS: hixie's suggestion has nothing to do with magnification - what is it a counterproposal for?

CS: deals with sub-issue in number 1 about cursor tracking -- bad counter proposal, but not separate issue

RS: go for it

GJR: wonders about the form of the WBS survey - lately been negative feedback only

<JF> +q

MS: don't agree with GJR - if all one is doing is supporting doesn't carry weight - surveys not intended to be vote collections - supposed to contain set of compelling arguements and objections to any given proposal
... not intended to quash legitimate response - intended to try and get people to consider issues as thoughtfully as possible

JF: how did chairs decide on this?

MS: if you have something to add, can say "proposal is good" and add comments -- chairs use this for decisions

JF: if 2 proposals how presented to chairs?
... no measure of consensus in HTML WG --

MS: don't accept that characterization by any means
... chairs not evaluating popularity but strenghth of argument
... what they are doing is subjective, but they have been put into position to adjudicate decisions for group - only way HTML WG has found for consensus-building
... limitations to survey, agreed, but not only means chairs are using -- if read decisions, then you will see that

JF: rather see call for consensus
... a lot of polls that want negative feedback

JS: happy to communicate concern about survey decision policy working for best result of a11y in HTML5
... want all to know that we have regular communications with HTML chairs -- facillitators and domain leads meet regularly - topic on current agenda is possible enhancements to decision making

GJR: my concern is why didn't the chairs consider the formal advice given by PFWG on longdesc in their decision?


Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/10/07 16:20:36 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/from D7/for D7/
Succeeded: s/GJR: my concern is why didn't the chairs consider the formal advice given by PFWG?/GJR: my concern is why didn't the chairs consider the formal advice given by PFWG on longdesc in their decision?/
Succeeded: i/Mike: the only way to do this is to manually/scribenick: richardschwerdtfe
Succeeded: i/JS: HTML chairs have taken up our resolution and chaals' --/scribenick: oedipus
Succeeded: s/I have opened bug 10853/I have opened bug 10853 on the generic concept of a verbose descriptor/
Found Scribe: Rich
WARNING: No scribe lines found matching ScribeNick pattern: <Rich> ...
Found ScribeNick: richardschwerdtfe
Found ScribeNick: oedipus
ScribeNicks: richardschwerdtfe, oedipus
Default Present: John_Foliot, Janina, Gregory_Rosmaita, Janina.a, Michael_Cooper, +49.699.435.aaaa, Janina_Sajka, kliehm, Everett_Zufelt, Mike, Rich
Present: Everett_Zufelt Gregory_Rosmaita Janina Janina_Sajka John_Foliot Michael_Cooper Mike Rich kliehm Cynthia_Shelly
Regrets: Laura_Carlson Denis_Boudreau Kenny_Johar Joshue_O'Connor
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2010Oct/0297.html
Found Date: 07 Oct 2010
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2010/10/07-html-a11y-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

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