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Agenda of 15 December 2003 TAG teleconference

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1. Administrative (15min)

  1. Roll call
  2. Proposed to accept the minutes of the 1 Dec teleconf.
  3. Proposed to accept the minutes of the 4 Dec teleconf.
  4. Proposed to accept the TAG monthly summary with addition of text on XML 2003.
  5. Accept this agenda?
  6. Next meeting?

1.1 Feedback from XML 2003 Town Hall?

1.2 Last Call Update

Negotiations with WGs for last call:

  1. SW/I18N: SW sent. Reply pending from I18N.
  2. Schema/PC: PC sent. MSM has confirmed for Schema WG.
  3. SVG/CL: CL sent. CL has confirmed for SVG WG.
  4. HTML/IJ: IJ sent. SP has confirmed for HTML WG.
  5. XML Core/NW: NW has confirmed.
  6. Todo: Voice/SW, WSDL/DO

IJ expects to take a short break from Arch Doc; will propose revised Editor's Draft and list of issues to consider for late Dec or early Jan.

1.3 Patent Policy

Charter needs revision; suggest sending for AC review once policy operational.

1.4 Video meeting in Feb 2003

  1. Action SW/PC 2003/11/10: Explore possibility of TAG videolink TAG distributed meeting in February.

1.5 Technical Plenary

  1. TP F2F Observers Yes/No, with/without prior agreement, Public/Member only?
  2. Continued action SW 2003/11/15: Take to tech plenary committee the TAG's proposal.

2. Technical (75min)

2.1 How close are we to accepting these findings?

See also TAG findings.

2.2 Status report on these findings

2.3 Issues

Issues list

Issues that are open and that we expect to close by the end of last call:

2.4 Other action items

Ian Jacobs for Stuart Williams and TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2003/12/15 22:57:34 $