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Agenda for 2 June 2003 TAG teleconference

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Note: The Chair does not expect the agenda to change after close of business (Boston time) Thursday of this week.

1. Administrative (30min)

  1. Confirm Chair (SW), Scribe (IJ, at least for some of the meeting). Regrets: PC. Possible regrets: DO
  2. Accept 12 May teleconference minutes?
  3. Accept this agenda?
  4. Next meeting: 9 June? [No meeting 16 June since meeting 19 June]
  5. 19 June: Regrets DC and RF. Confirm or reschedule meeting
  6. Feedback from Budapest? In particular, AC responses to questions from the TAG?

2. Technical (3.5 hours)

We plan for breaks!

2.1 Architecture document (1.5 hours)

Norm Walsh will walk the TAG through the Arch Doc. Norm may send further detail about the structure of this session.

See also: findings.

  1. 26 Mar 2003 Working Draft of Arch Doc:
    1. Action DC 2003/01/27: write two pages on correct and incorrect application of REST to an actual web page design. DC requests to withdraw this one.
    2. Action DO 2003/01/27: Please send writings regarding Web services to tag@w3.org. DO grants DC license to cut and paste and put into DC writing.
    3. Action DC 2003/03/17: : Write some text for interactions chapter of arch doc related to message passing, a dual of shared state. DC refers us to Conversations and State

2.2 Findings status (30 mins)

Next steps for draft findings:

2.3 Issues the TAG intends to discuss (1 hour)

The TAG expects to do a walk-through of the open and pending issues in order to determine:

Then, we expect to work on issues we think we are near closing.

2.4 New issues?

2.5 Issues that have associated action items

3. Other actions

Ian Jacobs for Stuart Williams and TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2003/06/02 14:17:28 $