The Browser Testing and Tools Working Group will meet at November 9–10 at TPAC in Burlingame, CA.
Observers are welcome to attend our group meeting. If any observers are interested in participating in the work on the test suite or joining the group, we will happily assist with this.
The meeting will be minuted to the #webdriver IRC channel. All participants and observers are encouraged to join this channel in advance.
Harbour A, Lobby Level, in the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport.
The agenda will align with the overall TPAC agenda for group meetings:
We are meeting Thursday and Friday from 09:00.
The formal bits of the agenda will be split between technical discussions and concrete work on the specification and the conformance test suite.
- 09:00: Introductions
- 09:15: State of the union (Simon/David)
- 09:45: Implementation update from vendors
- Rechartering and proposed debug protocol standardisation
- Hooks into WebDriver from other specs
- PLH and process...
- Agenda review – what else should we discuss?
- Copy/paste and text node selection
- New tab command
- Delete history command
- File upload API (not based on send keys)
- Good News everybody! We can move to PR...
- What changes do we need to...
- Permissions
- Proposal in https://github.com/w3c/permissions/issues/153
- Permission dialogues (aka doorhangers)
- Username/password dialogues (Basic and Digest authentication, Windows Hello, FaceId)
- Logging APIs
- Pipelining and/or duplex protocol extension needed?
- Notifications
- Handling “doorhanger notifications”
- getUserMedia() prompts (Media Stream, WebRTC)
- Geolocation, notifications, bluetooth, other privileged APIs?
- Presentation API
- Creation of fake screen(s)
- Interact with screen selection dialog
- Initiation of presentation from browser UI
- Proposal in https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/440
- Switching contexts (eg. to browser chrome)
Topic bank
As we finish the technical discussions, we move on to work on the spec and the test suite.