How can I view my RDF document as a diagram?
- try Circles and arrows diagrams using stylesheet rules
- the RDF validation service can make very simple diagrams
- IsaViz uses GraphStyleSheets
- DAML object viewer, Jeremy Lerner and company
- Morla creates customizable diagrams.
How can I display RDF documents?
- use XSLT (LinkMe: rec54 schema)
- As Pepper points out in Ten Theses on Topic Maps and RDF, in general, RDF semantics are too general-purpose/low-level to support browsing. Perhaps we should embed TopicMaps in the SemanticWeb so that we can at least browse the part of RDF that's in that subspace.
- try SemWalker
more FaqIdeas
mSpace Classical Music Browser
Welkin -- graph-based RDF visualizer (SIMILE-project)