TimedText/IMSC1 2 Implementation Report

From W3C Wiki


The following is the implementation report for the IMSC 1.2 specification. This implementation report demonstrates that the CR exit criteria for transition to Proposed Recommendation have been met, copied here for convenience:

For this specification to exit the CR stage, at least 2 independent implementations of every feature defined in this specification but not already present in either ttml2 or ttml-imsc1.1 need to be documented in the implementation report. The Working Group does not require that implementations are publicly available but encourages them to be so.

Every feature of IMSC1.2 is implemented and documented either as part of the IMSC 1.1 implementation report or as part of the TTML2 implementation report.

Do not hesitate to direct questions and/or results to the TTWG mailing list [1] and/or the IMSC1.1 Editor (Pierre-Anthony Lemieux <pal@sandflow.com>) with [imsc] at the start of your email's subject.


All features of IMSC 1.2 not already included in IMSC 1.1 are tested as part of the TTML 2 implementation report. These features are listed here.

Since the set of "every feature defined in this specification but not already present in either ttml2 or ttml-imsc1.1" is empty, this implementation report lists no tests or implementations.