To help schedule ad-hoc meetings at TPAC2016, and to let people know they are taking place, we invite groups to use this space. Ad-hoc time can be used or not used by working groups in their allocated meeting space.
We encourage using the following multiple channels to let others know about ad-hoc meetings:
- Twitter: #tpacadhoc
- IRC channel: #tpacadhoc
Note: Looking for Wednesday's Technical Plenary Day breakouts? Use other wiki to propose breakouts.
Please put meetings in chronological order. Also, for readability, please feel free to use some other format (for example a table per day, sorted in time order).
Monday Sept 19 - 15:00-18:00
Example ad-hoc meeting
- Summary: @@@@
- Leader(s): @@Group(s)/people@@
- Participants: @@@@
- Time: @@@@-@@@@
- Location: @@room@@
- IRC channel: #@@@@
- agenda: @@link@@
- background: @@info@@
- resources: @@links@@
- minutes: @@link@@
Tuesday Sept 20 - 15:00-18:00
Note: the Advisory Committee meeting will also be taking place at this time.
Example ad-hoc meeting
- Summary: @@@@
- Leader(s): @@Group(s)/people@@
- Participants: @@@@
- Time: @@@@-@@@@
- Location: @@room@@
- IRC channel: #@@@@
- agenda: @@link@@
- background: @@info@@
- resources: @@links@@
- minutes: @@link@@
Thursday Sept 21 - 15:00-18:00
Note: the Advisory Committee meeting will also be taking place at this time.
Example ad-hoc meeting
- Summary: @@@@
- Leader(s): @@Group(s)/people@@
- Participants: @@@@
- Time: @@@@-@@@@
- Location: @@room@@
- IRC channel: #@@@@
- agenda: @@link@@
- background: @@info@@
- resources: @@links@@
- minutes: @@link@@
Friday Sept 22 - 15:00-18:00
Example ad-hoc meeting
- Summary: @@@@
- Leader(s): @@Group(s)/people@@
- Participants: @@@@
- Time: @@@@-@@@@
- Location: @@room@@
- IRC channel: #@@@@
- agenda: @@link@@
- background: @@info@@
- resources: @@links@@
- minutes: @@link@@
Ideas for the Processes to Manage the Ad-Hoc meetings
Tell Other Groups if you are planning to use Ad-Hoc time
- Each group will make a decision how they wish to use ad-hoc time.
- Chairs should let other groups know if they plan to make use of ad-hoc time (both in this wiki and on the chairs list).
Time management
- A group may choose to use the entire three hours (15:00-18:00) for ad-hoc meeting time, none of it, or in-between. Just let people know your plans.
Space management
- There are a a variety of spots at the venue for very small ad-hoc meetings.
- However, for larger ad-hoc meetings, and in general to accommodate a record number of TPAC participants, we ask that groups that take advantage of ad-hoc time to welcome ad-hoc meetings of various sizes within their rooms.
- To help people stay within meeting room capacity, we plan to post that information in various places (e.g., on the Web, on the printed detailed schedule, and on signage outside of meeting rooms).
- In general, ad-hoc meetings should be considered open to observers.
- People who wish to organize private ad-hoc meetings may do so, but we assume these will be small and not take place in shared meeting space (that is, group meeting rooms).
About Ad-Hoc Meetings at TPAC
Some groups have requested guidance on when to allocate Unstructured time to break into parallel informal discussions within their groups, for more cross-group conversation, or for more hallway conversation. Encouraging all groups to schedule their unstructured time at the same time creates more opportunities for interaction.
We encourage groups to have these informal discussions overlap the AC meeting to minimize hard conflicts for AC reps, and we encourage all groups to schedule their unstructured time at the same time, thus creating more opportunities for interaction.
This year we have scheduled the AC Meeting towards the end of the day from 15:00 to 18:00 on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. We hope this will minimize the likelihood of conflicts with group meetings.
AC Representatives who would also like unstructured time within their Groups have the opportunity to use Monday and Friday and thus avoid conflict with the AC meeting.
The Working/Interest Group schedule for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday will thus be:
- 08:30-18:00: Traditional Group face-to-face meetings
- 12:00-14:00: Lunch (each group will determine their lunch time)
- 15:00-18:00: Unstructured time (for those groups that so choose)