Date, Time
27th October 2008, meeting at the Novotel Hotel lobby at 7pm. (NB: this is the same day as the tutorial on How to Publish Linked Data on the Web)
Lightning Talks
- ChrisBizer on upcoming stuff:
- TomHeath on interaction with web of data (heads-up: VISSW 2009 workshop) and the VoCamp concept.
- Orri Erling and Ivan Mikhailov an OpenLink technology update
- Sergio Fernández on Vapour tool
- JuanSequeda on 'where are all the killer apps, there should be outreach for LOD all over the world, involve HCI in research of how to visualize LOD'
- MarkoGrobelnik on NLP and news stuff
- YvesRaimond and SimonCross on BBC stuff
- OlafHartig invited people interested in discussing the topic of provenance of Web data to gather during the conference
- AlexandrePassant on LODr
- MikeUschold on using linked data
- XXX on semantics of owl:sameAs
- MichaelHausenblas on trust: how to decide which statements to trust? how to select trustworthy datasets? reliability?
See Also
Please put links to pictures, videos, any further slides etc. here.
- TomHeath
- MichaelHausenblas. I'll be around at ISWC, arriving on 25 Oct May (Saturday) and likely leaving on 31 Oct (Friday), staying at the Hotel am Markt (skype: mhausenblas or on IRC/#swig channel)
- ChrisBizer
- Yrjana Rankka
- Orri Erling
- Ivan Mikailov
- CathyDolbear
- SergioFernandez
- JuanSequeda
- RaphaelTroncy
- MartinHepp
- HughGlaser
- YvesRaimond
- AlexandrePassant
- OlafHartig
- RichardCyganiak (took photos, will put them online later)
- Gerard de Melo