Please note, this page is no longer in use, see the new SKOS wiki. The contents of this page should be used for historical reference only.
Links to SKOS Data ...
This is a community page for links to SKOS-RDF data.
Please feel free to edit this page and add links to your data.
2009 SWD SKOS Implementation Report
The SWD working group has edited a SKOS Implementation report which gathers vocabulary submissions by the SKOS community in response to the W3C's Call for implementations
Blogger's Topics
GEMET General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus
GEMET RDF Service hosted by European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET).
RDF Description of the GEMET by Al Miles, conforming to latest SKOS standards. (2004-11-13)
UKAT UK Archival Thesaurus
RDF description of the UKAT published by the UKAT project.
RDF description of the UKAT by Al Miles, including new SKOS Core features and RDF description of UKAT fields of knowledge (top level concepts) which were not previously included. (2004-11-12)
GCL UK Government Category List
RDF description of the GCL by Al Miles. (2004-11-12)
W3C Glossaries
APAIS (Australian Public Affairs Information Service) Thesaurus
RDF Description of the APAIS thesaurus by Al Miles. (2004-11-13)
AGROVOC FAO Agricultural Thesaurus
AGROVOC RDF files in SKOS standard. (2004-11) hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
A new release of AGROVOC in SKOS format has been create on March 2006. See the ftp area.
Alexandria Digital Library Feature Type Thesaurus
RDF description of the FTT (2002-07-03 release) by Ceri Binding, University of Glamorgan. (2004-12-13). See also the metadata page for the Feature Type Thesaurus
SKOS Version of WordNet 2.0
Partial (minimal, actually) conversion of WordNet 2.0 to SKOS by John M. Linebarger of Sandia National Laboratories, using RDF sources corrected by Mark van Assem. The focus is on synonyms and definitions. Please feel free to use the included XSLT stylesheets to improve and contribute updated versions back to the community. Two versions of the SKOS conversion (with associated XSLT stylesheets) in one ZIP file. The first contains only WordNet nouns that have synonyms. The second contains all words. ZIP file containing only the second of the two SKOS conversions described above.
Language codes
IANA Language Subtag Registry in SKOS
Machine Learning Terminology using SKOS
A small Knowledge Base related to Machine Learning developed for the IRIS semantic search system. See also:IRIS Ontologies.
UMBEL Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer
UMBEL is a lightweight structure for relating Web content and data to a standard set of 20,000 subject concepts, based principally on SKOS and derived from OpenCyc. These concepts have defined relationships between them, and can act as fixed reference points for mapping global information on the Web.
See also: UMBEL documentation for ontology downloads in various formats and technical reports.
STW Thesaurus for Economics
STW Thesaurus for Economics Thesaurus for economics and business economics in English and German, including a classification of subject categories. Maintained by the German National Library of Economics (ZBW). Published as RDFa pages and RDF/XML dataset, licensed under Creative Commons (by-nc-sa) (version 8.06 published 2010-04-22)