
From W3C Wiki

A proxy topic is one that is basically the same content as an existing, signed web page.

Is this an PPR:AntiPattern?

Is this different from having two pages about the same thing?

Maybe it is like having a comments sheet attached to something? Except we don't (ahem) always remember to point from the web page to the relevant Wiki entry, which breaks that metaphor...

LionKimbro: If the content is almost exactly identical to another web page, and the ability for a local community to modify or annotate a page is not an issue, then yes- indeed- the redundancy is a problem. CW:ConsolidateInformation.

However, it usually happens that the information is not exactly the same.

On wiki, it is frequently the case that a subject is talked about from the particular view of the MeatBall:WikiCommunity. This is called CW:ProductiveWikiOverlap.

Consider the page XML. There are plenty of excellent descriptions of XML on the Internet.

However, on this wiki, it is likely that the page on XML is about XML from the perspective of the SemanticWeb and RDF.